Monday, March 22, 2021

Where is Calvin Parker?


For those who have been following the ongoing saga of the Pascagoula UFO abduction and specifically the revelations made by Calvin Parker, there is some sad news. Calvin has dropped out of the limelight in the recent weeks and Philip Mantle, publisher of Calvin’s book on the abduction, has told us that Calvin has been diagnosed with cancer. He is recovering from recent surgery.

Calvin, along with Charles Hickson, reported, in October, 1973, that they had been taken on board a UFO and subjected to a somewhat invasive physical examination. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, then the founder of the Center for UFO Studies and Dr. James Harder, APRO’s Director of Research, flew to Mississippi to investigate. Both scientists were impressed by the story and believed the men to be telling the truth.

Calvin Parker
Quite naturally, the case was wrapped in controversy because of the claim of alien abduction. There were elements of the report that were not easily explained or dismissed. Recently, as Calvin traveled the world telling of the abduction experience, other witnesses have been found. It adds a dimension of believability to the case.

I have interviewed Calvin twice on the radio version of A Different Perspective. You can use the audio file on the embedded audio player at the left here and scroll down to find and listen to those interviews.

I will confess that I don’t know what to make of this case. On the one hand it seems to be a stretch to accept the idea that alien beings are abducting humans for any sort of research. On the other, the facts as have been reported seem to support that very idea. I have said for a long time that I’m more inclined to accept these accounts of targets of opportunity than I am the tales of long-term longitudinal survey. I tend to believe Calvin’s account which doesn’t mean that there isn’t a terrestrial explanation, only that I don’t believe that he is engaged in a hoax.

Give a listen to those interviews and let me know your reactions in the comments section. As I say, I tend to believe that he’s telling the truth and I know of no real terrestrial explanation to cover the facts other than hoax. The case rests on the testimony of the two men and now on some of those who witnessed strange things that night.


  1. Kevin, these two men were abducted as claimed. There is no doubt about it. My best wishes go out to Calvin and his family.

  2. Best wishes to Calvin and his family. I have read the book he wrote and I believe that whatever may have actually happened, his abduction account is real in his mind. His book also mentions a nearby abandoned factory not far from where the incident occurred. Seems to me that would be an ideal place for staging if someone wanted to create an illusion of an interior of a space craft.

  3. I agree with Louis Nicholson.

    Adam S. -- Have you heard any of the tape recording made of Hickson and Parker in the police station? And after hearing this, you maintain this recording supports a staging of the event?

    1. Yes, I have and I believe they were telling the truth in that is how they perceived the event. They clearly had a traumatic experience with, well, something or someone. But, does that mean it's really aliens, or did someone put out some fantastic theatrics to make them think it's aliens? Just a thought.

    2. You gotta be kidding me right? Theatrics...for what? That's more rediculous than aliens.

  4. Adam S: Who staged the event and why? What's your evidence for that assertion? I'm not saying I'm 100% convinced it was a real abduction, but your alternative scenario also requires evidence/proof.....

    1. I will be the first to admit, it's largely circumstantial. But, I would counter, where's the evidence and proof that actual ETs were involved? There is no question the two men had a traumatic experience and they are telling the truth as to how they perceived the event. But from there things get, for lack of a better term, murky. I would opine that a good starting point might be to study the environmental conditions of that area around the Pascagoula River along with the industries that were there at that time...

  5. Adam S: Thanks for those well-reasoned responses. I might be wrong, but it seems the evidence for alien abductions is no better or no worse than any other type of UFO experience; basically if you accept one there is no good reason to reject the latter. Obviously, a lot of folks have no issue with aliens visiting the planet to just look around, because, after all, what's the big deal with a few interstellar visitors when they don't seem to hurt anyone? But when those same visitors start abducting people, we start to, as a species, become disturbed (me included), and for obvious reasons. Some well known skeptics, when pressed, become almost giddy when discussing extraterrestrial life, as long as that life is "out there", but their whole demeanor changes when confronted with aliens who might be here, and, perhaps, up to no good.
