Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Don Ecker, David Rudiak, Threats of a Lawsuit and an Anomalous Video


In the last couple of weeks, I have interviewed Don Ecker and David Rudiak. Both have been around the UFO field for a long time. Ecker was, at one time, the Director of Research for UFO. Rudiak has spent years studying the Ramey Memo which could be the smoking gun for the Roswell case. You can watch the Ecker interview here:

Or, if you don’t want to watch the two of chat about the field and the new threats of lawsuits, you can listen to it here:

It is near the end of the program that we mention the current crop of lawsuits launched by one man who has tried this before. Nothing ever came from those earlier lawsuits and nothing will come from these latest threats. Clearly the  man has no concept of the “Clean Hands Doctrine.”

However, most of the program is taken up by a discussion of the current state of UFO research, and where it might be going. Ecker has a great deal of knowledge that makes a compelling case for his points of view.

For those interested in the latest about the Ramey Memo and what David Rudiak has learned by applying AI to his investigation, you can watch that here:

Or, you can listen to it here:

The program deals with the document held by Brigadier General Roger Ramey as he crouches near the debris allegedly retrieve on the Roswell UFO crash site. We know when the picture was taken, by whom and what the newspaper articles said about it.

Lastly, there is a video that was taken near my house that shows some sort of an anomalous light.  You can watch the video here:

There are security cameras around my house that are tripped by motion. Last week, at 12:24 a.m., a deer crossing the driveway tripped one of the cameras. Behind the deer was a blob of light floating above the vacant lot across the street. The light seems to be behind the deer and the light can be seen reflecting on a portion of the driveway. As the deer walks out of the camera range, the light drifts up and out of frame.

I don’t know what the light is. There is no light source in that area and I have never seen anything like it. The other lights, on the houses and the streetlight to the right side of the video, all remain stationary. Given the distances to the trees in front of which the light floats, the light isn’t more than 18 to 24 inches in diameter. The distance from the camera is about 60 or 70 feet.

I’m posting a photograph taken in the daylight to show the area when the light hovered. There is no source for the light there. I have checked that area several times, on several days and several nights, including at the time the light appeared. There is no repeat of the light.

The area where the light drifted. There is no source of light there.

While this is not any sort of alien craft, it is something anomalous. I have no idea what it is. Nothing appeared on any of the other cameras and I have no other footage of the light. If anyone has a clue about the light, let me know.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Moon Dust Documents Online

 Back in 1969, the Condon Committee declared that there was nothing of scientific value that could be learned by further study of flying saucers. The Air Force closed Project Blue Book and the implication was that the government was no longer investigating UFOs.

Dr. Edward Condon, who had the conclusions of the
investigation before it had even started.

Although unknown in 1969, the real point of the Condon Committee study was to remove public interest in flying saucers and allow the Air Force to close its unclassified investigation. This is a somewhat simplistic way of looking at the situation, but it was a direct outcome of the conclusions drawn by the committee. You can read more about this in my book, cleverly entitled, Project Moon Dust which was rewritten and revised in 2022. I have also addressed Moon Dust on this blog several times and you can read some of that here:

Anyway, the conclusions drawn by Condon were not true and we learned in 1984 that there was something called Moon Dust that had a UFO component. The best information I have is that Moon Dust began in October 1957 after the Soviet launch of Sputnik. The purpose was to recover returning space debris of foreign manufacture and unknown origin. That unknown origin was off-world craft. How do I know… I found Moon Dust reports in the Blue Book files and there have been several Moon Dust responses launched to investigate UFO sightings that involved some sort of debris recovery.

Oh, I should note that Moon Dust continued until the mid-1980s when the name was compromised inadvertently by the State Department. At that point the name was changed and FOIA requests were met with the statement that the new name was properly classified, which made learning more about Moon Dust nearly impossible.

This brief background is to note that many Moon Dust documents are now available on line. I have published some in various books, as has other researchers. I updated my book on Moon Dust, which provides a more comprehensive look at the material. You can now review many of these original Moon Dust documents here:

Before we leave this discussion, I should point out that the first link above suggests there was no Project Moon Dust but that Moon Dust was the code name for attempts to recover returning space debris. In other words, when there was some sort of UFO incident, and investigation would be conducted, an officer at the nearest base would be assigned as the project officer and reports would be written using the code word Moon Dust. However, there was no on-going project. It was activated as needed. When the code words Moon Dust were compromised, they were changed to something else. I believe all this becomes clear in the links provided above.

One further note. Type Moon Dust into the search engine on this blog and you’ll find additional articles that show the evolution of research into Moon Dust. I suppose, at some point, I should consolidate all that information into a single, cohesive article, which I might do at some point. Just not right now.

And one other point. There is a document that I found in the Blue Book files that provided a date for the beginning of Moon Dust. I wasn’t able to make a copy of it, given the microfilm reader I was using at the time, but I wrote down the specifics. Our research would benefit from finding that document again. To assist in the search, you can read about that here:

The final point here is that research never seems to end and there are many rabbit holes for us to go down. Anyway, one of the best contributions to our understanding of Moon Dust might by finding that document again. The best clue I have is that I was doing research in the November 1957 UFO sightings, and was looking through the administrative documents from that period. That specific message might be in one of the case files from Blue Book, or in the administrative documents that file boxes and boxes