Monday, February 10, 2014

Philip Corso One Last Time

I am often surprised at the support that some alleged UFO witnesses manage gain in the face of their repeated deceptions. Admitted hoaxes are still reported as true with the added claim that the CIA forced the change as a way of explaining that new infomation. Failure to supply any documentation or evidence for their claims is ignored. And even with that, there are those who continue to support the most outrageous of claims. Even the ridiculous words of those witnesses don’t seem to change opinions as the situations develop.

For those who seem to believe that there is something important in what Philip Corso said, I say, read the document published by Open Minds. It took me several attempts to download this book written by Corso without the filters offered by Bill Birnes, and it is certainly a revelation. It provides insight into Corso’s personality and suggests reasons for the stories he told. That publication can be found here:

What I found particularly funny was that Corso seemed to explain how anthropomorphic dummies used in high altitude parachuting experiments could fall in 1957 and be part of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947(which is not to say that he mentioned this specifically, only that his tale would explain it). These aliens, you see, are traveling through time, which explains how they manage the vast distances between stars in our section of the galaxy. As they were entering our time stream in 1947, these two craft collided with one falling in 1947 but the other not coming down until 1957. So, there was a collision, at least according to Corso, but the two craft didn’t fall in the same location or at the same time.

The first fell where Mack Brazel found it and the second fell some ten years later and in the vicinity of the White Sands Missile Range… at least that seems to be what Corso was suggesting. I’m not sure how he linked the two events, but that is what he said.

And the one that cracked me up was Corso’s claim that the Soviets and Joseph Stalin were interested in the Roswell crash. It seems, though the writing is sometimes confusing, that in 1947, Stalin created a review board of highly trained and respected scientists to investigate this UFO crash. Assigned to the board was Yuri Gagarin… who, if Corso had bothered to check, he would have learned was just 13 in 1947.

The point here is that we don’t know what else has he invented. Those who support Corso would be better served by offering evidence of his claims rather than attacking those of us who ask the tough questions about all that he has said.

At any rate, it will be interesting to see the spin for this unfiltered manuscript provided by Corso. It is a quite revealing document. It moves even farther into the world of Fantasy Land. It gives us an insight that we didn’t have and gives us even less reason to believe Corso’s wild tales. 


  1. Cognitive dissonance and emotional investment might be strong candidates for the route causes of the sort of behaviour you describe.

    These effects cut both ways and we are all prone to them, but, as with any aspect of human functioning, to highly varying degrees between individuals and within individuals over different issues.

    In non-mainstream subjects the problem is compounded by the 'free for all' nature of the subject with many people without sufficient training or methodological rigour giving their opinions or passing themselves off as 'researchers'. Some people jump to conclusions the data does not support but are then emotionally invested in the issue.

    Unfortunately we all have to wade through the morass of nonsense or, more typically, honest reports that are either misidentifications or lack sufficient data to get at the core of the problem - the small percentage of cases with enough data of sufficient quality to allow various hypotheses to be actually tested.

  2. I too just read through Corso's typed-up notes (AKA "Dawn of a New Age"). I didn't see any difference in tone between the notes and the Bill Birne massaged "Day After Roswell" manuscript.

    I was bothered by the lack of consistency in his stories. In one, he says he's been asked if he's ever seen a UFO, and he says no, and he doesn't care. He was only interested in what was on the inside, how they worked, and how they could be exploited. OK.

    But then he tells the story of encountering a UFO on the ground, which he thinks was a time-skipping Roswell craft from 10 years before. First he says they saw it on radar, then went to search in a small plane and he and a subordinate saw it on the ground.

    At first he says they conjectured it was from White Sands, so they reported it there. OK. (Which starts another of Corso's irrelevant and macho anecdotes about two goons from WS being sent to threaten him to be silent, he threatens them back with a gun and arrests them, etc.)

    Then he goes out alone in a jeep to the spot, where he sees the UFO cyclically phasing in and out of existence, even touches it!

    So Phil, did you see a UFO or didn't you? Something phasing in and out of existence doesn't seem likely to be from White Sands.

    There are also two versions of encountering an alien in a cave whom he psychically communicates with. In one version, he meets the alien "in the flesh", even has an artist version of it from when he says he told his grand-kids the story and described it. (The alien wants him to order their high-power tracking radar turned off because it is interfering with their navigation, which alone begs questions. Then there is mental communication where Corso supposedly asks if the alien is friend or foe, the alien says "neither", etc.)

    But in another version, he never physically encounters the alien, instead saying he kept having these thoughts pop into his head while in the cave, which may have been psychic communications from an alien, or maybe, he says, it was all his imagination.

    So which was it? This made me think (since these seemed to be drafts of notes typed up) that he was practicing different versions of the story to see which one seemed better. (Or was it confusion from old age setting in? The notes, however, were written very coherently.)

    We can't blame Bill Birnes for Corso not being able to get his own stories straight in his own personal notes untouched by Birnes.

  3. Wow like to talk much guys blah blah bull pudding ,, he made it up get over it sci fiction anybody -- haaa fun though ,,
