Monday, October 05, 2015

The Next Not Roswell Slides Chapter

One of the reasons that the posts here appear on an irregular basis is that I wait for some sort of inspiration to hit. I had put up the post on the size of the debris field with the idea to do the same with descriptions of the debris, or which officers said what about the crash and the like. Rich Reynolds also chastised me for not answering his question about UFO movies and I wanted to do something with the Hangar One nonsense about the Kingman UFO crash which I figured would alienate most of MUFON and the entire population of Kingman. Today, however, a question that I had no answer for appears to have an answer.

I had wondered why Tom Carey had so tenaciously held onto the idea that the image in the Not Roswell Slides was an alien creature. I wondered why Don Schmitt seemed to vacillate between understanding the image was an unfortunate child and it was actually something alien. Given the evidence and documentation, it seemed that the image’s identity was obvious to anyone who looked at it dispassionately, at the other photographs available of that mummy and at the documentation that surrounded its discovery, recovery and display in museums in Colorado and Arizona.

Today, I have the answer in the form of a new book by them, and Jaime Maussan, as part of the BeWitness project or whatever they called it. I’m not going to publish the link because this is not a book that should be in any serious library besides it is currently only available in Spanish. It reminds me of the continuing series of books and programs on the Bermuda Triangle after Lawrence Kusche wrote The Bermuda Triangle Mystery – Solved. It did, in its pages, produce an intelligent and viable solution to the questions asked about the Triangle and seems to be ignored in most documentaries about that nonsense.

We are in the same place with the Not Roswell Slides. The identity of the image has been well established yet we are subjected to another “analysis” of that image based only on what is shown in the pictures and not on an examination of the remains. I suspect they will reject the research done by others that is in conflict with what they say, will trot out the same experts to endorse their original opinions, and continue to promote this as some sort of evidence of alien visitation.

Yes, I am making this prediction on nothing more than the fact the book is available as an ebook (in Spanish for nearly 20 bucks) and one that I have no intention of buying… and yes again, it is difficult to “review” a book without actually reading it, but then I do know the story of how all this came about and what the evidence supporting their conclusions are. Unless this is an expose on how they were duped into supporting the idea that the image was of an alien creature this new ebook will not reflect any sort of reality. If it is just an outgrowth of the fiasco in Mexico City, this marks the further decline in what we now laughingly call Ufology. I thought we had hit bottom in the hours after Mexico City but I see that I was wrong.


  1. Sadly i can come to no other conclusion that what was done was done for the money. I don't know much about Carey and co but if you took roswell away from them, what would they have left?

    Roswell has no new leads and nothing more can be written about it. It seemed to me like Carey and Schmitt needed something new to hold on to to help keep the story going for an income.

    If this wasn't the case then they have been shown to be of dubious judgement.

  2. @Kevin,

    Let's hope the Golden Teat stops producing milk soon, or somebody's gonna get kicked by the cow.

    It's curious that there's no English release....Is Maussan 'playing to his base'?

    Perhaps someone fluent in Spanish can give us a little review, or a big one. After all, reviews are 'fair use'.

    . .. . .. _ _ _

  3. My hunch would be that since Maussan held it in Mexico City there was some prearranged agreement to have a book of sorts to also go along with the event. In which case, since it's in Spanish, it would seem Maussan is behind the wheel on this one. The others just passengers seeing how far it will carry them.

  4. Good GOD they released another book??? No s--- its for the money, any decent sort of human being would firstly declare they were wrong, then offer an apology and return all monies made from BeWitness, and then never ever decide to "pick up pen" again.

    Just as Kevin said, just when you thought things couldn't get any lower in "ufology"..

  5. Actually, the only way to discourage this type of behavior is to ignore it. Don't buy the book, don't mention the book, etc. It seems that there is no behavior low enough to discourage people from buying these books. I expect that soon, the two defenders will chime in here. Look how many people tuned in for Cinco de Mayo Revealo, when it was evident that there was no steak and not much sizzle. It is a commentary not just on the "researchers", but on the audience as well.

  6. Maussan strongly defended the (Not) Roswell Slides at his presentation at the MUFON Symposium a week ago. He insisted it was not a mummy, it's still a mystery!

  7. @Robert, first it is pretty telling that he was invited in the first place. It is not like the whole NRS fiasco is out of character. What was the audience response to his message?

  8. Kevin:

    Allow me a bit of frivolity.

    You say that "this is not a book that should be in any serious library". I have never heard of a 'non-serious' library. Have you?

    Whichever kind of library it gets into, should it be in the fiction or the non-fiction section?

  9. Rusty, there was no negative response that I noticed from the audience for Maussan's talk. He showed a six-minute video that he had produced to try to show 'it's not a mummy.' Although he agreed that the placard had been correctly de-blurred to read "MUMMIFIED BODY OF TWO YEAR OLD BOY." Why the body of a space alien would be placed in a glass display case in a museum with a placard saying it's a mummy, Maussan did not explain.

    He also talked about Orbs, bleeding statues, apocalypse sounds, and UFOs flying in and out of the volcano Popocatapetl (a very popular theme in Mexican UFO folklore). Even without the (Not) Roswell Slides, any organization that wanted to be taken seriously should steer clear of Maussan.

  10. @Rusty,
    "...there was no steak and not much sizzle...", but lots of beans!

    " is pretty telling that he was invited in the first place..."

    I present, as evidence, Hanger 1.

    I rest my case.

    Seriously, I would like to hear an explanation....

    . .. . .. _ _ _

  11. At the very least, these guys are saving US taxpayers some money, since the military/intelligence group responsible for maintaining the cover-up doesn't have to bother running disinformation ops to discourage belief in the Roswell ETH; it would seem the likes of Schmitt and Carey are perfectly capable of discrediting their own work, all by themselves (in this instance, with the help of Maussan).

    It really makes me question their critical thinking.

    WHY does Maussan et al. continue to beat a dead horse... when it has been conclusively proven that it's NOT even a horse?

    It truly boggles the mind.

  12. goldfive..."WHY does Maussan et al. continue to beat a dead horse... when it has been conclusively proven that it's NOT even a horse?"

    I can only imagine that Maussan, Schmitt and Carey are only too aware that their credibility is destroyed and this is their last hurrah. Maussan in particular seems determined to squeeze the last penny out of it before sinking into oblivion (one can only hope.)
    I think Rusty Linginfelter nails it when he suggests the sooner the public stop handing over their hard earnt cash to these people, the better.

  13. Paul:

    This off topic, but please do not use that vastly overworked phrase "hard earned cash". I know it is rife in the UK, and maybe the US as well, but it is far better to simply call it "cash". Neither you nor I have any idea if it was hard earned, easily earned, or even 'earned' at all.

  14. Paul, no way is Maussan going to sink into oblivion. He still has dozens and dozens of other blurry and fake UFO photos and videos to promote. And don't forget the Orbs and the Bleeding Statues. He will just soldier on as if nothing had happened, for as long as MUFON and the other conferences keep inviting him. And even if the didn't, he still has a huge UFO and paranormal business in Mexico City.

  15. A panel devoted on "Making UFOlogy Respectable" with J. Maussan as part of the panel. Or a sort of oxymoron...

    Well, that's ufology, after all.


  16. That cash, no matter how earned, might be better spent on a reputable charity. I don't mind wasting electrons on this stuff, but money, no way.
    Hucksters tend to end up in paranormal/religious fields, probably because the pickin's are easier. Sean David Morton made that move a while back. I don't think Maussan will abandon UFOs yet. He has a fan base in Mexico, and UFOs are popular down there. Looks like there's more milk in that Golden Teat after all.
    Do you have the Faith, Brothers and Sisters? I do. I've got my beer and popcorn ready the next Big Event....
    . .. . .. _ _ _

  17. Oh, Maussau aint going nowhere! so to speak. This is his bread and butter - he has absolutely no shame, and never has. But it seems Carey and Schmitt have now figured ah what the hell, we might as well play his game and milk it, we've done enough work as it is, time to create a nice little nest egg. After all, we've taken things this far and no point backtracking, there's no further we can go with the Roswell case, and we've been in the trenches so long, we might as well go down with the sinking ship. With our pockets full.

  18. "Stephen Jackson said...

    I don't know much about Carey and co but if you took roswell away from them, what would they have left?"

    Families? Friends? Good food? A love of travel? Y'all love to IMAGINE these individuals as being so ONE-DIMENSIONAL.

    "Brian Bell said...

    My hunch would be that... it would seem Maussan is behind the wheel on this one. The others just passengers seeing how far it will carry them."

    Your HUNCH, Brian. What use are these hunches? There are too many suppositions in Roswell discussion. We need facts, and science. Keep this in mind, always, please!

  19. "TheDimov said...

    Just as Kevin said, just when you thought things couldn't get any lower in "ufology".."

    I'm sure similar comments were made back in the 1980s. People like to complain about others, rather than focussing on getting worthwhile things done, themselves.

    "Rusty Lingenfelter said...

    Actually, the only way to discourage this type of behavior is to ignore it..."

    You're not ignoring it, are you?

  20. I don't expect Carey or Schmitt to thrown in the towel anytime soon. They're used to people challenging them. Nothing unusual about that.

    Besides both have indicated in interviews and videos they will work Roswell indefinitely. They have a following and their pride, no reason to admit fault now.

  21. goldfive said...

    "WHY does Maussan et al. continue to beat a dead horse... when it has been conclusively proven that it's NOT even a horse?

    It truly boggles the mind."

    Follow the $$. Simple as that.

  22. @Dimov, Daniel,

    Rusty was referring to things like buying books and attending events when he said 'ignore it'. Surely, hucksters must be criticized publicly, and prosecuted if necessary. We don't deal with bad behavior by ignoring it. We ignore trolls, but chastise hucksters.

    We can't eliminate hucksterism, but we can reduce their income.
    . .. . .. _ _ _
