Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Project Camelot and My Life on Mars

The other day I did Rob McConnell’s X-Zone radio show. As usual, we had a lot of fun and he mentioned to me that Kerry Cassidy had been on his show a few days earlier. It was her premise that “Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we’re having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wiped so many times they become unbalanced as a result. When they return, they don’t know where they’ve been. They think they’ve been to the Middle East, but they’ve actually been elsewhere.”
In front of a statue in Babylon... or at least I think that was where
this was taken. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle.

Without fear of having my comments taken out of context (well, not a whole lot of concern), I said, “It was all true.” I didn’t mention that we had to be careful of exposure to the sun. Even though Mars doesn’t receive as much sunlight as Earth, the problem is no Ozone layer to protect us from those dangerous UV rays. The literally thousands of photographs that I took in Iraq were actually created to make it look as if I had been in Iraq when I had actually been on Mars. The souvenirs I brought home, samples of Iraqi currency, the things I bought in Babylon, the captured Iraqi Army uniforms and so much more were picked up in a huge shop we were required to go through as part of the redeployment home. In there we picked up those things so that we would have something to show for our tours in Iraq.
Standing on the Martian desert. It has been color
corrected to look like an Earth-based scene. Photo
copyright by Kevin Randle.

Using a communication system that violated the laws of physics, we were able to make telephone calls home without the long delay for the signal to travel the millions of miles between Mars and Earth.

Strange Martian creature moving across a color corrected Martian desert. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle.
When we would request something from home, or order things on line, they arrived in a matter of days, showing a complete disregard for the logistics of getting the material from Earth to Mars. Walmart, among others waved the shipping fees for us… which must have been a huge financial loss… unless, of course, they had a warehouse on Mars and you have to wonder how they keep that a secret.

Seriously, I don’t know how someone could believe any of this was true. There are some two or three million of us who served in those theaters and there would have to be so much support that it would be impossible to hide. Like my fellow soldiers, I used the Internet to order stuff that was delivered, sometimes in a matter of days. The best thing was when one of the sergeants ordered pizza making equipment and supplies that arrived quickly. Some of the best pizza ever made.

Of course, since I must have gone through that “mind wipe” thing, I would have no memory of being on Mars, which is a real shame. I’ll have to ask Arnold Schwarzenegger about that since he might be the source material for these claims. I could go on, but I think I’ll just stop. If some of you wonder why so many reject the idea of alien visitation, this is a very good reason.


  1. Not ALL deployed military go to Mars. You went to the Middle East, but many others go off-planet.


    (Please firmly apply tongue in cheek)


  2. Not ALL deployed military go to Mars. You went to the Middle East, but many others go off-planet.


    (Please firmly apply tongue in cheek)


  3. Hmmmmmmm. Having you mind wiped could also explain why the land I came back to after Vietnam seemed so different. Like the sudden lack of ugly women.Though after a few years they did start to reappear.

  4. Classic. Thanks for sharing.

    The conspiracy minded person is going to conjecture and believe just about anything despite a ton of obvious evidence contradicting their claims.

    The "Mars stuff" is just so much rubbish it's almost intolerable. Not to mention there's no such thing as having your brain (memories) "mind wiped".....

    I really think these people make this junk up just to get some attention.

  5. I didn't get to listen to your appearance on the XZone but I did just listen to your past interview on C2C AM with George Knapp on your book Reflections of a UFO Investigator. I have to agree with some of your critics you made mention of in that interview: you didn't go to Mars, you're just a CIA disinfo agent. Fess up Kevin! Time to confess! :)

  6. I just want to know if you saw Mr. Basiago and Obama on Mars. Of course the White Hpuse has denied that President Obma went to Mars, but that probably confirms that it happened - as I am sure your service there indicates.

  7. You and Chaps were looking marvelous and I ain't Lion.

  8. Rusty -

    I'm afraid that most everyone will not see the humor in your statement because they don't know the back story...

  9. That first picture is Kevin and our most excellent chaplain Jay Padgett. Jay was (and has been again) a true volunteer who made sure our soldiers had support in some challenging times. He spent a great deal of time in harms way caring for soldiers and the Iraqi people (and Martians).

  10. @Kevin,
    There's a rash of other Mystery Triangles: the Alaska Triangle, the Bennington Triangle, the Bridgewater Triangle, the Rhubarb Triangle, the Lake Michigan Triangle, the Nevada Triangle....

    One myth spawns a dozen.

    And why do they have to be triangles? The Bermuda Trapezoid would be more accurate, and sounds a lot cooler.

    . .. . .. --- ....

  11. No R&R om Mars duty. I interviewed her and Bill a while back . She embraces the lunatic fringe new age rubbish.

  12. albert said...

    There's a rash of other Mystery Triangles: the Alaska Triangle, the Bennington Triangle, the Bridgewater Triangle, the Rhubarb Triangle, the Lake Michigan Triangle, the Nevada Triangle....

    One myth spawns a dozen...'

    You've listed half a dozen (if all genuinely previously proposed by someone). There's also the Great Lakes Triangle (same as Lake Michigan Triangle?); Devil's Triangle (same as Bermuda Triangle?), and the Welsh Triangle.

    '..And why do they have to be triangles? The Bermuda Trapezoid would be more accurate, and sounds a lot cooler...'

    A lot of people, including myself have video recorded unexplained lights in the sky forming and/or holding to the pattern of a triangular formation. The triangular formation (or tri-formation, as I call it) seems to be an alien communication sign. Robert Spencer Carr commented on this likelihood back in the 1970s. We now have a lot of video evidence to potentially support this theory.

  13. All -

    The discussion on triangle should be on the next posting about the Bermuda Triangle but not here.
