Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Project Horse Fly - The Documents

My posting about General Exon and the project known as “Horse Fly” inspired one of those who visit here to file a FOIA request. Here is what he wrote:

Bombastic Bill has left a new comment on your post "Arthur Exon and the Investigative Teams":
So I recently filed a FOIA for Horse Fly for Wright Pat in the years listed above and I have received a reply from the Air Force: "A thorough search for these records by Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) has not produced any responsive records relating to your request" So I don't know if Horse Fly is a bogus name or there was something I missed in filing the FOIA but as for the 1st time filling out a FOIA it was just nice to get a response! 
The question, I suppose, is how far back do their records go and do they retain any files that were part of Project Blue Book. We know, based on what Carmon Marano told us, that while the “official” files were sent to the Air Force Archives and later onto the National Archives, the “unofficial” files were going to be destroyed. He saved them and eventually they ended up in the hands of Rob Mercer.


But it was in the Project Blue Book files that I found the reference to Horse Fly and the creation of teams to investigate UFO sightings. The documents were part of the administration files that were included with the Blue Book material. I found them on my microfilm and using my IPad, took several photographs off the microfilm reader. Not the best way to do it, but the way I could preserve the information for easy reference. More importantly, that provides the documentation seen here. These are the photographs.

They prove, only that the documentation exists, that FTD was involved and that there was a suggestion of creating the teams. When I get the chance, I’ll try to put up more of these documents.


  1. Nickname only. Obviously this horse never flew!

  2. Actually, other documents, including a list of those who were members of these teams, suggest that the horse did fly...

  3. Off topic, but your TV appearance today was very interesting.

  4. I wonder if Horse Fly is a reference to Socrates? i.e Plato.

  5. Thank you so much Kevin for making this a blog post, I really thin this issue should be followed up on and since you are the only person who takes things to their logical conclusion (I am thinking of your regular "Chasing Footnotes" posts) I take it as a high honor that you looked into this. Keep up the good fight!
    PS: Although I am happy to see you write another UFO book I was a little disappointed it wasn't on Levelland, any plans to write one in the future?
