Wednesday, February 06, 2019

X-Zone Broadcast Network - Keith Plaskett (Treasure Quest - Snake Island)

For this Special Edition of A Different Perspective, I spoke with Captain Keith Plaskett of Treasure Quest – Snake Island fame. You can listen to the interview here:

One of the important aspects of this was that I have had a chance to review both his DD 214, which confirms his military service and a number of his Master’s Certificates which allow him to captain various sizes of vessels in various oceans
Captain Keith Plaskett
around the world. I have seen nothing that would suggest that he has misrepresented anything I saw in his published biographies or that he said about himself on the Treasure Quest program.

For those of you who are interested in the program and how it was put together, I think you’ll find some interesting answers if you listen carefully. He did suggest there might have been more of a scripted nature to the show than was seen on television. And, I had wondered just how much time they had spent in the jungle trekking to the old mission, Reduccion de Neustra Senora de Santa Ana (and sorry to my Latin friends for the horrible pronunciation of the mission’s name) in Argentina that we saw with a paved highway near it and a town large enough to have a Sheridan Luxury Resort in it. He made it clear that they hadn’t stayed at the Sheridan, but it wasn’t as if they were living in the jungle either.

I was also interested in learning why, if they had found an Inca icon that could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in their last episode of Season 2, they never returned to that area. Although the narrator told us of the value, apparently those who had found it didn’t see it as being that valuable.

There are some real nuggets about Treasure Quest – Snake Island in the conversation, but you need to pay attention… and yes, I used the term nuggets on purpose. This was quite revealing.

Next up, if things work out, I’ll be talking with David O’Leary, creator of Project Blue Book and one of the executive producers of the show. I think those who list will be surprised by O’Leary.

1 comment:

  1. Good show as always Kevin.

    On an unrelated note, is it true that the land containing the Roswell crash site has just been sold to a cattle farming company? Does this mean we won’t be getting any more dumb TV producers going out to the site and planting- I mean- finding shiny buttons from Air Force uniforms anymore?
