Thursday, April 18, 2019

X-Zone Broadcast Network - Terry Lovelace

I spoke with Terry Lovelace about his abduction experiences. As many of you know, I’m not a fan of the tales of abduction, but Lovelace is a man with impressive credentials. He is a retired attorney who practiced civil litigation and criminal defense. More impressive is that he retired as an Assistant Attorney General for Vermont. Here is a guy who doesn’t need to create a tale of abduction to gain any sort of recognition. There is simply no motivation to come forward with something like this. You can listen to the interview here:

He talked about his first UFO sighting when he was only eight. He then had a series of encounters with what he called monkeys that were not real monkeys.
Terry Lovelace
These might have been some sort of a result of the UFO sighting, or they might be unrelated. These might have been nightmares or might have been real. The point is that I asked if he was familiar with Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic hallucination. These hallucinations are associated with sleep paralysis, and there is usually a manifestation of some sort of entity during these brief periods of paralysis. Lovelace said he was familiar with the terms, and that the monkeys disappeared when the hall light came on, breaking the spell. I thought this was interesting and suggestive of sleep paralysis.

We then talked about his abduction experience when he had been in the Air Force. I had wanted to get a little deeper into that, but the time ran out on us. He also mentioned that he had been chemically interrogated by members of the Air Force OSI. We touched on that, but again, time interfered with the discussion.

There were a number of aspects that I hope to follow up on in the future. For those who wish to learn more about Lovelace’s experiences, you can read his book, Incident at Devil’s Den or check out his website at:

Next week, I’ll be talking with John Greenewald of The Black Vault fame. He has just published a book about his experiences with FOIA and what he has learned from the thousands of government documents that he has reviewed. His book is Inside the Black Vault.

If you have a question that you would like that I ask Greenewald, put it into the comment section… These are moderated so that the question will not appear. I’ll make a note of it and try to fit it into the discussion. Thought I would try something new.


  1. By happy coincidence, the day you post this podcast, M J Banias posted a short webcast concerning Experiencers!

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  3. I have no issue with the possibility that if extraterrestrials were visiting earth they might “abduct” a person or two in order to study them up close.

    However a great deal of research has gone into this premise and most of it has determined that very sane people are experiencing something that has similar traits when compared to each other, but can’t be proven to be an actual physical experience despite many abductees claiming “implants” which always turn out to be something else completely.

    Furthermore psychologists state that abductees have mental profiles typical of most people, with the exception of a proclivity for imagination (best described as being creative minded people — artists, engineers, architects, writers, etc.)

    Furthermore, the fact that abductees commonly report bizarre medical procedures designed to cause pain, emotional or physical, through the use of archaic extraterrestrial medical procedures indicates something else is going on here. An advanced extraterrestrial race would not use archaic medical procedures and ancient outdated surgical equipment unless they purposely intended to cause pain.

    Hidden in the depths of all of these abduction reports is the fact that researchers have purposely hidden the spiritual and religious connotations of these abductions relative to faith traditions that believe in “evil spirits” who steal away people and torture them for pure pleasure. Because these psychiatrists are atheists themselves, they have always rejected any comparison to historical religious reports and descriptions of similar or identical experiences.

    Just about every Ufologist and follower of UFO’s is an atheist, or at very least agnostic, hence they apply the same skepticism to religion that they claim skeptics apply to Ufology. Ironic isn’t it?

    But because legitimate science has studied abduction reports we know that sleep disorders most people have can and are often influenced by real medical conditions as well as subconscious memories of all sorts of things both real and imagined.

    Most of us, including myself, who have an interest in this subject have had dreams involving “aliens”, but that doesn’t mean we have been physically abducted.

    In fact, one study (see below) actually suggests that mixed into sleep disorders, subconscious fears and imagination is the real possibility the mind is recalling its first impression of the human face. In other words abductees’ minds are confusing the first impression of their mother’s face with the modern cultural image of an alien grey.

    See link:

  4. The book I mentioned previously shows that aliens have good reasons to show witnesses and abductees archaic things. A variety of such things have been reported. Many are not medical and cause no pain. Outdated stuff does not disprove ET is the cause of abduction reports and others.

  5. Speaking as a retired lawyer (and a former Assistant Attorney General in one of my incarnations), bear in mind that "Assistant Attorney General" is the lowest species in an AG's office. Every new hire is, voila, an Assistant Attorney General. I found it kind of comical myself that some people thought I must be very important because my business card said Assistant Attorney General.

    Speaking again as a retired lawyer, I have found lawyers to be no less prone to delusional thinking and self-serving fabrication than Walmart clerks - indeed, FAR more so. Some of my principal antagonists in the JFK assassination conspiracy community are retired or practicing lawyers who live in some alternate reality when it comes to the assassination. Interestingly, within this sub-community of lawyers, there is a strong overlap between belief in the most wildly ludicrous conspiracy theories and belief in the blatherings of the lunatic fringe of ufology - John Lear, Bill Cooper, et al.

  6. Attorneys have a great imagination when you read some of the court decisions.

  7. Don't mean to grave dig, but it seems I only catch up on this site a couple of times a year. When Brian says

    "In fact, one study (see below)...

    See link:"

    it sets my teeth on edge. The article in question is published in a non-peer-reviewed journal. It sites the authors work and a few others, none of which seem to be based on actual research and the author, from looking at multiple articles, has a clear bias. No legitimate journal would publish this type of opinion piece. Not trying to take a poke at Brian, but this is like calling Stan Friedman (RIP) a researcher. Probably a nice guy, but not a researcher, not by a long shot.

  8. Is Terry Lovelace really Dr. Richard Elliot Friedman or do these two just sound very similar?

  9. Please disregard my last comment - the similarity was only in an older podcast I listened to on the Spreaker app.

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