Monday, June 24, 2019

Unidentified - Episodes Three and Four

I haven’t said much about the last two episodes of Unidentified because they seem to have crammed fifteen minutes of new programming into sixty minutes. Sure, there are 16 or 17 minutes of commercials and of course, those introductions and closing credits eat of up more time, so that when all is said and done there might be a forty-minute window for programming. Unidentified isn’t the only show with this problem, and some of those on the cable seem to be more commercials than
actual program but that only means that they have less time to fill with relevant content. Not to mention that the constant repeating of the information is unnecessary, distracting and often boring.

That doesn’t mean that those 15 minutes aren’t important in understanding what the Navy pilots, radar operators, and others saw and reported. Sorting through all the nonsense, repetition, and unimportant footage of car trips and motel rooms, there are some valuable revelations in both episodes.

I’m going to ignore most of episode three because, frankly, I don’t believe it advances their case all that much. They provided information that suggested the UFOs from the USS Nimitz sightings had headed south to a rocky island off Mexico. This is a restricted area, but local fisherman and a few others suggested they have seen strange things around the island. This, I find, completely unimpressive. Without some sort of additional evidence, this seems to be more of a red herring than something that advances our knowledge about the Navy sightings.

Episode four is better. Although it suffers from the same tactics of filler, meaning that they drag out the hour with repetition, this time we do get some important information. We learn about the other two short videos that we’ve seen dozens of times. Now we find that they were made by jet fighters from a carrier group in the Atlantic. I normally would say that this is just more video without much else, but one of the pilots involved is there to describe the sighting from his point of view. He recognizes one of the voices on the video as well. We now have the video and one eye witness, with the possibility of another. This becomes valuable information.

What was somewhat disturbing, was the interviews with others who served in that carrier group and provided some additional testimony, eventually they decided not to say much else. They feared for their careers. They were afraid of repercussions. You have to wonder if they just were reacting to the normal fear of ridicule associated with UFO sightings or if some pressure has been brought to bear. The point is, they backed out of the interviews and this is a relevant fact.

The real point here is that some formerly high-powered people are treating this investigation seriously. This isn’t a Blue Book investigation with the men going through the motions to a predetermined mundane conclusion. Here we have the video, we have the eye witness testimony, and we have the provenance. And the presentation has been sufficient to induce some United States senators to request more information. This resulted in a classified briefing given to them just this last week.

The topic is being treated more seriously than it has been in the past. There aren’t the news anchors reading the stories with their tongues stuck in their cheeks, but now with a tone suggesting that something is going on. Unidentified is one of the reasons for this. If that helps us learn what is happening, then the series is a worthwhile effort… as long as we look at the evidence and don’t get caught up in the politics of the UFO field.


  1. Thank you Kevin,

    You have it exactly right, as usual.


  2. The tic-tac and spinning top videos leave a lot to be desired. Not something you would hold up as proof, at least not for me.

    Apparently some of these reports are still classified. I wish someone on this show would ask if other videos show greater detail, say from a hundred feet or so away. One apparently passed between two F18s.

  3. Good afternoon everyone.

    As far as I am concerned disclosure, as folks like to call it, was originally slated for 1967, but then dropped. In the so-called Blue Book files there are letters that address the issue of some of the objects being extra terrestrial.

    Colonel Sleeper, Commander TDEW-UFO, at Wright Patterson, wrote to General Garland, who headed up AF Information. The letter mentioned the fact that more people than ever believe the UFOs are real. Colonel Sleeper said he believed it was time to educate the public on extraterrestrial matters. General Garland agreed, but said that it could not be done by anyone connected to the UFO program. It would have to be done by someone not connected in any way.

    The Condon report changed everything.

    My point is that according to these 1967 letters, these two AF individuals, at least, viewed some of the craft as being of extraterrestrial origin.

    Here we are in 2019 and it is still a question.

  4. Dear Kevin and all

    Perhaps I missed it, but shouldn’t the Nimitz and Roosevelt encounters be put in context with operation mainbrace? Unless the latter is totally bogus, wouldn’t it mean that similar ufo and uso events happened with a massive naval exercise 50 years ago? Well before one would presume superior tech from the airforce being deployed to an unwitting navy? I mention that since rigoway and the black vault have floated this as one explanation. If mainbrace is to be believed, then tests like this do not seem likely from China, Russia, ussr, etc. but tests of the most devastating mobile military force on earth, from someone, yeah that would make sense

  5. If Elizondo was head of AATIP why is he so surprised by every 'revelation?' Why does he don a backpack when leaving his vehicle to ring someone's doorbell? Why can the average person make 4K video with their cell phone and these defense jet videos show almost nothing?
    A more serious question is: we know the planet is ringed by highly classified satellite networks and why do we have no idea what they are seeing?


  6. I noticed that one of the better, more professionally produced documentaries on YouTube highlighted the fact that witnesses aboard both the Nimitz and the Princeton observed unidentified men leaving each ship by helicopter immediately after the event having obtained the IR and radar data and taking it with them. The documentary stated the men were from the USAF.

    In the television show this was mentioned, but they didn’t identify the men as USAF and they didn’t give it as much attention as I think they should have.

    One hunch is that these objects are advanced UAVs that possibly use the antigravity tech I’ve said we’ve had for decades now, or at a bare minimum advanced hypersonic propulsion with gravity assist (mass reduction) technology applied.

    What they saw in the water could have been a stealth submarine launching multiple drones as a defense readiness test, conducted in part by the USN and the USAF. After all they fully knew the Hornets would be flying without active ordnance.

    This tech could easily be used against a foreign adversary as means to confuse their pilots and radar operators and cause panic during an attack.

    Such defensive weapons would hamper any nation’s ability to adequately react to the real threat. I can see such weapons being used in various scenarios in the South China Sea in defense of Taiwan, or an offensive exercise against North Korea.

    If it’s operational, a solid way of evaluating our own pilots response would be to do so over our own airspace, especially over water, and then assess the data obtained from the exercise.

  7. Kevin,

    What I find disturbing is that the "expert" analysis of the "go fast" video in that episode is so wrong. Using the numbers on screen and basic trigonometry you can determine that the object was not close to the water - in fact, it's at a height of about 13,000 feet. And if you record those numbers that appear on screen over time, you can estimate the speed of the object - turns out it's moving at about the same speed as the wind at that height.

  8. andycher and all,

    What you might not be considering is that Elizondo work on AATIP involves a lot of classified information. I think he knew that the two video records of IR tracks were form the Theodore Roosevelt events in 2015-2016 but by letting the pilot identify them that let's him off the hook as not being the person how revealed that. I think a lot of what TTSA is doing is recreating in the civilian world what the government already has without releasing official information. In doing this Elizondo is walking a narrow line.

  9. My impression of Episode 4 is similar to everyone else’s.

    I want to point out how much effort Elizondo (and team ) put into labeling these objects “threats” including possible “threats from a hostile nation”. The Oceana NAS pilot said the same thing several times during his interview.

    To me, this episode repeatedly emphasized that these objects were considered “enemy drones” or “red threats”— not “extraterrestrials”.

    Chris Mellon went as far as saying they shouldn’t label these objects “UFOs.” Likewise, neither he nor Elizondo suggested calling them “UAPs” instead.

    Barely a hint was made that these objects might be extraterrestrial. I find that interesting.

    Interesting not because we presume these men are just being careful to avoid the stigma that UFOs present — a stigma anchored in the premise that these objects and all others are alien spaceships, but rather because the entire investigative focus, including the desire of the pilot witnesses, seems to be about making the Pentagon aware that unknown aircraft are penetrating our airspace.

    Based on the testimony so far, all of this started a little more than a decade ago during the Nimitz incident (2002).

    Elizondo was also careful to avoid labeling the objects “Russian or Chinese”, but he really didn’t have to. The entire show avoided the ETH and instead focused on the “threat” these objects present to our nation’s defenses.

    Some lingering questions remain based on this episode:

    1. Elizondo said he knew more about these objects than he could divulge. So why is he asking questions about things he already knows?

    2. Elizondo and the Skunk Works engineer agreed that the objects must be hostile in nature if observing “work out” operations conducted by the USN. Why are they concluding this?

    3. The pilot witness briefed Senate members in a closed meeting. Did it really take a cable TV show to make this happen?

    4. Elizondo said the pilot witness was accompanied by “other members of the Pentagon” in the Senate briefing. Who are they and why isn’t Elizondo pursuing them as well?

    5. There are other distinguished experts on the TTSA team. Why has Elizondo not engaged the other members, and why is the entire focus on Elizondo’s quest for an answer?

    It seems to me that Elizondo is trying his best to become a “star” among ufologists. The show is all about him. The script is written around him. Not to mention he’s already on the UFO conference speaking circuit and has appeared recently at the AlienCon event in L.A., which is totally funded by “Ancient Aliens” and the History channel.

  10. Brian B:

    You write, "It seems to me that Elizondo is trying his best to become a “star” among ufologists."

    So what?

    Is that a crime? Or an indication of moral or ethical lassitude?


  11. The thing about AATIP and Elizondo that should be understood is that it was a disguised UFO program for the outset. Consider if you were looking at a list of DoD budget items and came across Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Would you think UFO or ET? Or, would think it was a threat working group program instigating the next generation of potential enemy aerospace threats, etc.? Think almost everyone was thinking the latter until they found out. So it was central to AATIP to leave in the foreground that UFOs could be some earthbound adversary advanced aircraft. Elizondo and TTSA have maintained that stance. Reading between the lines you can tell they think these are extraterrestrial craft.

    The agnostic stance of TTSA is a powerful weapon in their campaign to get public recognition of the UFO phenomena. They brand it UAP and don’t claim ET but instead present objective evidence of the existence of objects, visual by expert pilots, IRST, and radar. Then TTSA argues that they are messing with our military forces and pose potential threat that should be addressed. Why is everyone responsible ignoring this? Now they are briefing members of Congress and DoD officials who were out of the UFO loop. If you start with ET you just get branded a nut by people unfamiliar with the evidence. But, the more people look at the facts the more the ET explanation become reasonable. That is the TTSA strategy as I see it.

  12. While the debate about alien or not is important, as are the questions about Elizondo, it seems the more serious issue involves the technology displayed by the objects observed. I find it curious that only in the last 20 years, with the advancement of computers, nanotechnology, 2d latices like graphene, detection of gravitational waves and confirmation of thousands of extra solar planets, and the development of metamaterials (largely forgotten since it's discovery in 1967 until the late 1990's) would we, as a species, have actually been able to study and possibly understand this phenomena. It's incredible to think this whole thing might actually be orchestrated, but consider the rapidity with which these advances have occurred, all seemingly related to this technology. What does it mean for the future and what kind of jockying is going on behind the scenes at the Pentagon and the Defense Department with 3 changes in leadership (Gen Mattis, P. Shannahan, M. Esper) in 6 months? Are these events related? Just too many unanswered questions.

  13. I like some of the inconsistencies within the episodes. For example, the narrator says (regarding a certain document) that it was classified TOP SECRET. Yet the picture they put on the screen just shows the SECRET stamp. So which one is the error? Did the narrator misspeak or did they show the wrong photo?

    Then some of it is just nonsense - like when they are driving to Mr. Days house & Lou says (I'm paraphrasing) "Now it's easy to see that this person did not want to be found easily & purposely moved out to the middle of nowhere."

    Also, I don't believe for a minute when the one enlisted guy on the surface ship said that he personally spoke to the ST's (Sonar Tech's) on the submarine that was in their group & they confirmed that when the object went from the sky - to below water - that it was cruising at 70 knots underwater. First off, the guy on the surface ship doesn't even know half of his crew on HIS ship - let alone specific people on the submarine that's nearby - nor would he be in communications with them nor know how to communicate with them - nor know their names. I flew for 5 years in the U.S. Navy as a Naval Aircrewman hunting Soviet submarines so I have some background knowledge regarding how the Navy works.
