Thursday, October 31, 2019

X-Zone Broadcast Network - John Greenewald

John Greenewald was my guest this week. I had planned on discussing the controversy around Luis Elizondo and his involvement in the ATTIP program, but there was so much other information about UFOs circulating that we didn’t get to that until later. Instead we first examined the 750K contract between the Army and
John Greenewald
the To the Stars Academy. This involved the metamaterials that have been announced by them and the research done on them. I was less than impressed with the information. You can listen to the interview here:

The article following this post is a long look at some of the history of these claims of alien technology and alien metamaterials. At this point, no one has come up with anything that is outside the ability of terrestrial technology at the time it was discovered. As I mention there, some of it is rare, some unusual, but nothing outside the capability of various terrestrial groups and organizations.

We did talk about the trouble with FOIA in the world today, meaning that it has become a little more difficult given all the circumstances. John related his search for information about Elizondo and some of the red flags flying about this whole thing. John also mentioned that the three videos of Navy aircraft and UAPs released were not supposed to end up in the public area.

I also noticed that in this discussion, there was some trouble with Elizondo’s background, or rather in what had not been said. John did, through his ongoing FOIA requests, learn that Elizondo did have a GS-16 rating, that is a government service grade, which suggests a middle management job and that he was on the distribution lists for some of the ATTIP program. But there is a problem between what Elizondo claimed and what the Pentagon released.

Next week, I’m going to dive into lost civilizations and the suppressed technologies of the “Ancients” with Jim Willis. If you have questions, ask them through the comments section here. I’ll get them asked on the program.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Why Kevin, did you delete my request, is the truth too much for you!?:)......

  3. Because I always delete the questions for a guest sent through the comments section. I have your question attached to the notes I use during the program and will ask it at that time. If you wish the question to be posted here, send it again, and I'll post it.

  4. No that's fine Kevin, I just didn't understand the reason for deleting the comment.
    So now we can look forward to your radio interview with "Jim Willis" have been lisening to your radio shows just lately, & find it interesting, and thank you. I'm curious as to how "Jim Willis" will respond to your question. I don't know your thoughts on this, but am looking forward to your interview with Jim, & thanks Kevin...
