Thursday, July 15, 2021

Coast to Coast - EM Effects and UAPs


As those of you who visit here know, I am not a fan of the latest UAP report, which I think of as little more than a poor high school report. It tells us nothing, really, other than there have been incidents, most of which are unexplained. We don’t really know much about them.

However, I am a fan of tales of Electromagnetic Effects such as those encountered in Levelland, Texas, in 1957. I have been working on a book about that and made a of couple interesting discoveries. First, it seems to me that these cases, in which the UFO interacted with the environment provide something more than just a witness statement about the passing of the UFO. It caused engines to stall, lights to dim, and other assorted effects which is an important side effect.

I will note here that there was a wave of these types of sightings in 1954 in Europe, notably France and in South America. In many of these cases, the witness not only had a vehicle stopped by the approach of the UFO, they also reported that they felt a tingling and sometimes paralysis.

There were also reports of alien creatures associated with many of the sightings. For example, near Sassier, France, Henri Gallois and Louis Vigneron, were driving to a fair when they felt electric shocks, the engine died and the headlights failed. They were paralyzed and some fifty yards away saw t round object sitting on the ground. Three small figures disappeared into the UFO, which took off. At that point the headlights came on, the paralysis ended and they could start the engine. A resident living nearby also reported the UFO.

James Stokes
Then came to wave of 1957 which began with the series of sightings in Levelland. Rather than some of the witnesses being paralyzed, they reported a light, sunburn like redness to the skin. James Stokes whose car was stalled near Orogrande, New Mexico, was one of those. The Air Force worked overtime to discredit him by character assassination. Interestingly, his employers at Holloman Air Force Base, supported him, contradicting the claims made against him.

You can read more about Levelland here:

And read about the Stokes sighting here:

There was another, smaller wave in 1973. As but a couple of examples, a policeman near Laurel, Mississippi, said that he followed a glowing yellow, top-shaped object for several miles on October 8. When he got close to it, his engine, lights and radio failed. As the UFO moved away, the lights and radio began to work but it was several minutes before he could restart the car.

On November 3, in Lewisville, Texas, a saucer-shaped UFO hovered low over a golf course. The radio, lights and engine of a passing truck died. The truck vibrated as if driving over a bumpy road.

After 1973, the reports of electromagnetic effects have diminished. They do pop up sporadically. What caught my interest, and I’m sure that George Knapp can speak about this, was that the Navy’s encounter with the “Tic-tac” seems to have an element of electromagnetic effects to it.

Although we’re all aware of the video, it is only recently and through the efforts of Jeremy Corbell, that we learn of some similar effects. Now, in an interview conducted by Corbell, we hear Lt. Commander Chad Underwood, saying that there was interference with the weapons systems of his F/A-18 Super Hornet.

Tic Tac of Navy fame.

According to a statement made by Underwood, “Once I got the target of interest on my radar, I took a lock and that’s when all the kinda funky things started happening. The erratic nature of the tic-tac. The air speed was very telling to me. Then we started seeing what we call jam strobe lines. Strobe lines are vertical lines that show up on your radar that are indications that you are being jammed.”

He suggested that this was an act of war, meaning it was much more serious than we have been led to believe. You can read the whole story here:

I have to wonder if those earlier sightings, in France, in Texas, and around the world weren’t just the testing of alien weapons systems on terrestrial equipment. We do have reports, verified reports, of UFO activity around atomic weapons storage facilities that disabled missile launch systems. And now this.

It does seem that they are testing our capabilities.


  1. Kevin: I agree with your assessment: "It does seem that they are testing our capabilities."

    Also, I look forward to your publishing a book on electro-magnetic effects by UAPs. To that end, please recall how USAF personnel brought light-alls into Rendlesham Forest on the third night and their subsequent failure to work in that UAP-ridden environment.

  2. Kevin Randle..."It does seem that they are testing our capabilities."

    I'd go further than that, Kevin.

    In Queensbury Rules it's known as "showboating"

    The JAL 1628 (1986) incident seemed to be a similar display of showing off. Colin Wilson, in one of his books, described it almost like extraterrestrial teenagers playing a game of "chicken" with that jumbo jet.

    Likewise, the "Tic Tac" was making itself very obvious and very observable.

    The Tic Tac appearing instantaneously at the CAP point could be considered as a "shock and awe" tactic.

  3. Maybe there should be further classifications of UFO interactions in the same vein as the "Close encounter" numbering system but based on "deliberate" and "non-deliberate", etc.

    You could say that some UFO interactions were non-deliberate,,,where the UFO was seemingly in distress of some kind. (Roswell, obviously...Socorro...Shag Harbour... Cash/Landrum, maybe...even Rendlesham.)

    But some UFO interactions have been nothing less than "in your face", look at what we can do, encounters. (Tic-Tac, obviously and JAL 1628, absolutely)

  4. "I have to wonder if those earlier sightings, in France, in Texas, and around the world weren’t just the testing of alien weapons systems on terrestrial equipment. We do have reports, verified reports, of UFO activity around atomic weapons storage facilities that disabled missile launch systems. And now this.

    It does seem that they are testing our capabilities.

    If it is a alien race that has the capability to come here.....would they really need to do that? Wouldn't they know what they are seeing with combustion engines and so forth? (Not to mention what they would know monitoring our communications.)

    It would be like sending a F-16 back in time to do a flyby of a Roman military installation to see if those spears could get to them. I think we know that one.

  5. Interesting interview with one of the nations top pollsters, Rich Baris, about his encounter with a triangular UAP in Florida a few years ago. Might be a good interview for your podcast as well.

  6. Interesting interview with one of the nations top pollsters, Rich Baris, about his encounter with a triangular UAP in Florida a few years ago. Might be a good interview for your podcast as well.

  7. Interesting interview with one of the nations top pollsters, Rich Baris, about his encounter with a triangular UAP in Florida a few years ago. Might be a good interview for your podcast as well.

  8. John:

    You're still fooling around with the Rendlesham Forest thing, as a bonafide UFO event?


  9. RRR Group:

    You're still idling away in denial of Rendlesham Forest as a true UFO experience?


  10. I too am interested in the EM effects of the phenomenon. As a broadcast engineer I'm a little surprised that little in-depth research appears to have been done. If it has and I've missed it, I'd like to see it.

    We read vague reports of radio interference, but even basic details like whether the radio receiver was tuned to AM, FM, or another band/mode are seldom included.

    There are any number of wide-band software defined radios available covering 1 kHz to at least 2 GHz available for a couple of hundred dollars. The nature of the phenomenon is usually fleeting and erratic, but if such equipment is installed at UFO "hotspots" for months on end, useful data might be collected.

    Maybe Chris O'Brien has been doing this. If so I wonder what his findings are? Presumably the military have been across this for decades...

  11. Jan -

    For those interested in one aspect of the EM Effects, Mark Rodeghier published, in 1981, a book on vehicle interference that contained 441 entries. Richard Hall, as part of his UFO Evidence had a long section on EM Effects that included information about interference with radio and television transmissions. I'll have a book out next year that looks at the topic in some greater detail.

    However, cases involving EM Effects are rare, and somewhat difficult to find. Although it is known about in the UFO community, it hasn't received the interest that some of the other subsets has.
