Sunday, February 06, 2022

Coast-to-Coast AM -- UFOs and Cameras

For this week, I thought that I would just mention a few interesting sightings, including three in which there seemed to be some kind of EM Effect. I was actually looking for cases in which cell phone cameras failed but ended up with these that involved a trend for that sort of thing if not something that reflected it perfectly.

On November 24 of last year, just after midnight, a woman was driving along the Savannah Highway near Hollywood, South Carolina. She said, “I was driving home and saw a very bright light in the distance… I pulled my car over to try to figure out what it was and realized it was moving in my direction.”

She said there were two, massive objects with lights so bright that she could see little in the way of details. They were low in the sky and had a rounded shape and she thought they were much lower than airplanes would be flying. As they flew over, she heard nothing other than a quiet hum. They moved smoothly, according to her and disappeared heading toward the Atlantic Ocean. She told the investigators that she felt no physical or psychological effects from the experience.

She did take pictures of the objects and they were published in the latest MUFON Journal.

South Carolina MUFON Field Investigator William Brumleve, closed the case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

William Puckett
On October 10 of 2020, the witness reported to William Puckett’s UFOSNW website, that he saw glowing globe he described as big as the moon. Something black flew out of the globe and as it did, he said that his phone cracked.

I was interested in this because of the damage done to his phone, apparently by passing of the object. Although he said he sees these things frequently, which suggests some sort of terrestrial explanation, the damage to cell phones is becoming an aspect to some of these sightings. Puckett posted it without comment and you can see it here:

Keeping with this theme of camera failures, on May 29, 2020, the witness, in Newton-Abbot-Devon, England, reported that he was outside, looking for the ISS when a strange object caught his eye. He zoomed in with his Nikon P900 camera. He said that there was a silver, metallic saucer that had large, black-tinted windows that were shaped like semi-circles. He said that he saw six such windows as the UFO rotated slowly and was enveloped in a cloud.

At that point, he snapped a picture and wondered if the cloud was some sort of way for the UFO to conceal itself when it drifted over his house. He said that he tried to take another picture, but the camera malfunctioned. He set it down on the garden table, and watched as the UFO slowly floated off, into the distance where he lost sight of it. You can see the pictures here:

Finally, is a case from Selma, Texas, on April 21, 2020. Although this doesn’t deal with the cell phone camera failing, it does fit into the trend. The witness and his daughter were looking up, into the sky when a huge, triangular craft appeared. It was moving at a steady pace and it looked as if there were little wings on it, but it was making no noise. When it disappeared, the witness, who had been using his cell phone to play music through the car radio, unplugged it. The phone was then filled with static and was muffled, trouble might have been caused by the close approach of the UFO.

The common thread tonight was the interference from UFOs, causing the failure of some of the electronic components cell phones and cameras. I’m looking for more cases in which the cell phone cameras fail because they could provide a clue about energy fields associated with some UFO close encounters. 

1 comment:


    Chase Kloetzke relates equipment was "frozen" in this case:
    "We then spotted a “set” of lights that appeared to be coming closer. We all grabbed our cameras and soon found that all 4, different makes and models were not working. I started for my equipment so that I could record readings and also found everything was frozen. Nothing worked! "
