(formerly the History Channel where they once actually examined some history)
just finished its run of documentaries titled The Curse of Oak Island. This is the Nova Scotia location where it
is alleged that pirates… or Knights Templar ... or Roger Bacon ... or some unknown
person or persons buried something of great value centuries ago.
those who don’t know, sometime in the late 18th century, three
teenage boys exploring Oak Island found a place where it seemed something might
be buried. They dug down, found a layer of wooden planks, tore them out and dug
some more finding additional layers of planks every ten feet or so. They never
managed to dig deep enough to find out what was hidden there. They only had
hand tools and physical strength to do it. Over the next 200 or so years,
dozens have attempted to get to the bottom of what was termed the money pit. Somewhere
around the 90 foot level, the pit began to fill with water, stopping the
attempts to dig deeper. It was cleverly booby-trapped and has defied modern
technology to recover the treasure.
rising and falling level of the water in the pit seemed to be related to the
tides and that led to the discovery of a tunnel system that fed the sea water
into the money pit blocking attempts to dig lower. Under the beach sand in a
cove, a layer of coconut fiber was found which seem to have been used to keep
the sand from packing and to keep the booby trap viable. A similar tunnel was
found on the other side of the island as well, meaning it was a complicated
system of traps.
companies and consortiums have attempted to excavate the money pit over the
years, some of them reaching down some 200 feet. Cameras have been lowered and
video has been made. A few links of gold chain have been recovered, and even at
today’s prices, it didn’t amount to much.
people have died during these operations and the legend has it that seven must
die before the money pit will yield its treasure.
the 1980s a corporation was formed to finally get to the treasure. They had
some ten million dollars pledged for the operation, but the stock market
collapse ended the attempt. From that point not much had been done, at least as
far as I know.
latest attempt, reported over a series of programs for History, wasn’t much more
successful than all those other tries and certainly didn’t add much to our
knowledge of the money pit. Rick and Marty Lagina, who managed to gain control
over much of the island, were behind this latest attempt. They screwed around
showing us the same scenes over and over, they put a camera down one of the
drill holes and claimed they had found an ax, a box, and a body, though it was
difficult to make those things out. And that was similar to something that had
been done decades earlier.
then went to one of the beaches that seems to be somewhat artificial and that
has that layer of coconut fiber under the sand. When first discovered decades
earlier, it had been dated to sometime before the money pit was discovered. Now
there were new samples of the fiber that were tested using better equipment and
methods. This time it was dated to sometime in the 13th or 14th
century, which is interesting but not proof of much of anything. We already
knew that it was old.
Lagina Brothers talked to a fellow who using an original folio of Shakespeare
and a link to a constellation which was then applied to Oak Island fit into the
discovery of some apparently artificially places stones. It seemed to be a
stretch to me. Going from the work of Shakespeare to a constellation then then
onto some landmarks on the island was a few too many leaps of logic. I’m not
sure what they were trying to prove and thought of this as oat meal… meaning
that it was filler to expand the series one more episode. It was just too much
of a stretch.
one of the points of this guy’s heavenly system seemed to be hidden in a swamp
and they decided that they needed to drain the swamp, something no one else had
ever thought of, which, of course, didn’t surprise me. So away they went,
draining the swamp but having to comply with environmental regulations about
how it could be done. They never did manage to completely drain it, but they
did seem to remove quite a bit of water leaving a muddy quagmire that they
seemed only too happy to muck about in (yes, I used that term on purpose).
spent time using metal detectors and then diving into the mud. They spent a lot
of time pulling vegetation out of the mud, found some flat stones, and then a
copper coin. They were able to learn that it was an old Spanish coin which,
when all is said and done, this was their big discovery. One Spanish coin that
was neither gold nor silver but copper which is something, I suppose.
the end, they found nothing that wasn’t already known. They didn’t add to our
knowledge of what might be hidden on Oak Island, though I am becoming convinced
that there is nothing there to be found. Maybe there was once, but whoever
buried probably retrieved it.
what the heck, it’s the money of History and the Lagina brothers and if they
want to spend their money on this quest, then more power to them. I wish them
well, I hope to learn what they find if anything, and wonder if they’ll be back
for a new season. If not, it’ll be just one more on-going mystery that isn’t
all that important.
An interesting mystery that I first read about in an 'unsolved mysteries' type of book as a child. Years ago during the quieter hours on switchboard I read a more detailed, critical examination of the history, the story that started it all and the excavation attempts since then.
I heard that after all of the digging and the mess of equipment left in the area, that there is now doubt as to the actual location of the original pit itself.
Already announced via Facebook that the show will be getting a 2nd season. 2.95 million viewers for the season finale, not bad huh??
By the way I enjoy your blog but the way you minimized everything in your review of the show with such little excitement, sorta remind me of what can also be said about most UFO shows and specials these days too. Same old repeated material with nothing much new found.
Just saying.....
I enjoy the show and will look forward to the new season.
Nothing on these shows should be considered as real. I do not believe that the coin was in that swamp any longer than a few minutes.
PictonGuy -
I had the same thought about that, but also thought that if they were going to plant something, it would have been gold or silver. A copper coin just isn't that exciting... and a single coin doesn't really do much. It could have been dropped about any time and it could have been something planted by someone else long ago but has nothing to do with a buried treasure.
When is new episode airing??
I like the show but whsn are they going down the original shaft already !!! Jeeez
I felt like I had wasted 5 hours of my life watching this crap but my sense of adventure kept me interested. I knew these Rubes were stringing us along when after an entire episode where they had begun draining the swamp they made no attempt to drain the Mercy Point portion of the swamp and instead brought back the "Master Diver" to swim through the murk.......
I actually thought the most interesting part of the series was the "constellation thing" as you call it. It's not a constellation, it's a symbol from the Kabbalah which is something that the Knights Templar were into. I was not a huge fan of how much filler there was in each episode, but I am excited to see what happens in season two as I believe they are on the right track to try to drain the obviously man-made swamp.
I'm surprised that they haven't tried to block the tunnels filling the money pit then pumping it out
They need dig deeper!
All of this seemed pretty contrived to me. They could have at least changed their clothes to make it look like the metal detectors and the diver were on different days. Maybe it was just a case of refilming, but a costume change would've been nice. The evidence was also a pretty weak. (1) A man made (though they didn't say how they knew) harbor with coconut fiber dating to 1250-1400. We know that there were settlers and explorers in Nova Scotia at the time. Could it have been made to dry dock boats in the winter? (2) A swamp that they believe to be man made because of flat stones, oak trunks, and metal...and it's only feet from the ocean. Couldn't a wet year have flooded a previous settlement site and the water receded past a natural dam? (3) They kept showing illustrations and reenactments of the logs from the original Money Pit digs. The actual records just say that there were "markers", not log platforms. (4) They also show very detailed diagrams of the "booby traps" that flood the pits. So somebody's got some serious x-ray vision? How do they know that it's not underwater caves? I'll watch in November, but every episode seemed to get fishier. To be honest, I can't believe there is a second season.
Oh, and ghost hunters, seriously?
i do not understand trying to drain the whole lagoon they were showing only the depth of a rod, use cement that sets under water and around the area where they think the chamber is construct a dam or wall around the chamber ,then simply pump the the water from a very small area and drill through the ceiling of the chamber as the meerkats say simples ,but on the level of the masons and the rosicrusians there will probably be three more morals apart from mercy to find the treasure which may take someone pure and rightous to find it will probably be the greatest find in human history but it may not be gold..johnny
the tree of life and the triangular swamp depending which you look at it represents a femail energy or a male energy the male should be up the female should be down but determining which is north and south is some thing i can not say from watching the programe, yes the chap using shakespear litrature was right as all of it has secret teachings held within, search for your selves you do not have to believe my word ..johnny
will be interesting to see if a serious attempt is made, you have to understand the old metal into gold theory it is a spiritual understanding of turning the human body into a spiritual body which shakespear and bacon were masters,same as da vinci
if there is nothing there and as some say on this blog there is nothing there why would anybody go to the labourious task of yrs of work and remember all by hand to dig tunnels hide secrets, build supposed buried chambers under lagoons
etc etc, is any body going to say who ever did it, did it just for FUN !!!
the amoumt of effort involved would easily match the search effort , i truly wish rick and marty sucess but as i said about the chamber in the lagoon thereare easy ways to solve problems but you have to think along different lines to solve some problems ..johnny
if marty or rick would like to contact me i may be able to give only clues but sometimes you just need one piece to finish the puzzle ????
for all you bloggers who have only watched the programe there are many facts that have not been revealed ,have faith ...the truth is out there !!
Treasure hunting is fun to fantasize about, the actual "grunt work" isn't. That is unless the hunt is rewarded with something of great merit, no matter how small. Sadly, as much as I watch all the episodes I feel there is stalling and even a bit of chicanery in order to deliver enough episodes. Do the brothers know there is little chance of success in the ground but gold on the TV screen? I get that feeling every time I watch. I get around it by realizing that they've spent a lot of their own money prior to reaping any TV millions which, if one buys the dialog, is also having to go right back into the project. Viewers, such as me, have proven patient if critical. The big question now is if the second season fails to deliver something spectacular will the long history of Oak Island's mystery finally be abandoned not just on TV, but for good? The writings on the wall that as soon as season two episode two there has to be something of import and relevance revealed. It leaves me thinking the next episode, the new season's second, will drop a new, read major revelation. If it doesn't the numbers (i.e. viewers) will, likely, drop precipitously. This could be the one episode that charts the future. We shall see.
Funny..Commander is on TV and sells books,successfully.
Jefft,on the other hand,doesn't realize reality,and the facts speak for themselves.
I think someone wants to wear your skin Commander,jealous as he sounds
Ryan Taylor, yep this guy jefft stalked me last year very heavy on Facebook and had to resort to FB to get him to stop. He really has some weird man-love thing going on for me and not just in a respectful buddy fan kinda way. Somehow he latched on to me in the treasure forums on FB and then even went o my books and leaves bogus 1 star ratings. He wanted to be on our treasureforce team and when he was rejected, he went ballistic and now this is his thing. He is now upset he sees me on History. This guys even has a wife and kid, he keeps them in the dark about his stalking, but I have to find his ex military friends and reach out and get him to stop stalking me. Really weird in a "postal someday PTSD" kinda way. Not the right kind of fan or flattery. So, when we rejected him - he just went nuts like a middle school trial with a crush.
Jeez,what a guy.You are always welcome to Nova Scotia to search for any treasures.
Just ignore people like that, he probably wants to sniff your underwear...after a week long expedition...
Personally,I think you and Treasure Force is pretty awesome,so I can understand jefft being so upset at being turned down.Than again,way he acts,he'd probably try to eat people in a cave on any expeditions.
This show is beyond bogus.
This show is good entertainment. I hope they find something worth value. Which in all reality they probably won't.. Why would you put that valuable of treasure underground on some random island? But whatever use all your money there and see where it gets you.
OK folks sorry there is nothing at the bottom of the pit but sweat, blood, tears, and regrettably six who died trying.
First off all the coins found around the pit and swamp, they are very easy to explain as in seamen and ships. Check a chart of the North Atlantic and if you run west out of Europe on a northern tack you will land in the Nova Scotia area of witch there are many safe harbors to anchor and go ashore to fill your water casks and gather food and to do other ship board chores, and the coins were dropped from the purses of seamen doing these chores. There were no "ship chandlers" there at that time. As for the Templar coin Rick and Marty found and are so certain means the Templars were burying the treasure there, well "BULL" the Templar stroke coinage and everyone used it, so anyone could have dropped it there.
Part two, Question. If you were to hide a treasure would you hide it so well with so many traps that even you who buried it could not retrieve it? Ans. NO.
Lets just assume the Templars did have a treasure and landed at Oak Island with it. Now they were not stupid and were quite use to people trying to rip them off, so they went about setting up a hiding place for there treasure that anyone looked at, and would be completely certain was the place the treasure is buried and then you bury it in plain site just off the island and if you do it correctly the fools will look forever for it, being as all the clues are there they will believe. All can be explained if the fools would for one moment just look at the whole thing with a new set of eyes, they would see they are being used. The last Templar died of a heart attack from laughing so hard, and in doing so took the location with him. Now I well tell you were the treasure really is and it's in plain site. All this has been going on for over two hundred years and in that time a lot of $$MONEY$$ was spent in the area for supplies and contractors, and these local business people are more likely then not very amused and hope the fools never figure it out and keep spending the bucks on the project.
As for Pirates, No two small a crew and it would take them very a very long time to complete. The Templars on the other hand more then likely then not may well have numbered in the hundreds.
Old saying #1: Three can keep a secret if two are dead. #2: Bury it in plain site. #3: leave a well detailed map where you hid your treasure so no one can find it.
In Northern California a few years ago a number of cans were found just sticking out of the ground and they were full of gold coins, eight cans, and they have no idea who hid them.
I was very excited when this show was first promoted . I'm up to date with the episodes , but imo , the show is becoming stale . History Ch. Needs to get back to its roots .
I'm an avid WW2 buff , & I actually miss the great documentaries they use to air . .
Good go watch the military channel. History didn't start in the 40s with ww2
Rory , it didn't ?? Well if we would have lost WW2 , history sure as hell would have begun !!
That's not the issue at hand here though . I just voiced my opinion on how "History" is killing this show .
"History" is my favorite ch. & it seems to be losing it's edge . That , I do not want .
Gentlemen I think the word you are looking for to describe this show is "SCRIPTED" Anyway I still think there is nothing on Oak Island but a very beautiful vacation spot.
@ Jory .. Excuse the typo ..
The Laginas have money to go off on a grand adventure so, perhaps, they really do want to get to the bottom of the mystery of Oak Island. That said, the "adventure" has been co-opted by television - and not in a good way. What I mean is so many seemingly "dead ends" are methodically explored to stretch out the search purely to "pad" episodes into multiple seasons and millions of TV dollars. This is akin to watching paint drying without the pristine nicely painted rooms. Think about it, at each episodes end the viewer has been taken on a ride with absolutely nothing concrete to show for it. One can't help but feel a bit of a "sucker". True, the mystery has sucked many in with much greater lose than simply watching a show, but come on, we need something definitive to latch on to. If there;s nothing then we need to see some proof just as much as if there is something compelling. This endless circling around with more "what if's" continually added is getting tedious. The bottom line is if anything is buried it needs to simply be excavated by brute force. Too much time, energy, and money has been poured into nothing so it's crunch time. Will the show suddenly turn into a real no-holds barred mission to get to the truth or will it just plod along with more questions and nothing to show? Anybody else losing interest? Apparently the faithful are holding on as viewership is solid with some small gains. That seems to spell more of the same sadly. I'm for History Channel putting some needed cred into the whole affair and insisting for some real answers instead of added questions/mystery each episode. History Channel shouldn't just be entertainment, it should be some hard facts brought to light for the credibility it's name once stood for. This is still called The History Channel is it not?
Mr. John Werner how correct you are Sir. It's akin to looking in the bottom of the chicken noodle soup pot for the noodles, your brother was there ahead of you. As you say why waste time with all this digging and traveling all over the world, simply excavate on the proper scale and be done in a month instead of a season or two, "History Channel & Ratings" covers it. As for the brothers losing money? How much is the History Channel paying them????
I am very intrigued and I love the passion of the Lagina's and their team. I do think something is down there, the biggest clue being when you dig into ground, you don't typically get swamped with sea water. You might start hitting fresh water, but this ground, underneath, was definitely being protected. Is it special religious relics like the Arc of The Covenant and the Holy Grail, I have no idea. It is very possible. My best guess is the Knights of the Templar purposely crashed their boats in between the islands (Oak Island used to be separated in the middle), let their boats sink to an extent but planned on how the treasure would sink. After which, they made a man made swamp onto of the wreckage all the while booby trapping it, building tunnels and leaving themselves or ancestors a clue and even way to get back to the treasure. All the treasure hunters attempts throughout the years has ruined too many landmarks and any value of accessing it, I think it's a lost cause unless the military gets involved and makes it a 100+ man operation with all of their technology. I don't want the government involved at all but I just don't think this group, with money running out and limited resources and so many locations to consider will find things in time, especially with the area so damaged.
Brittany, I said before if you want people to look in the wrong place for the treasure then do all you can to make them believe they are in the correct spot. Now would you bury your treasure where it could be found by anyone or would you make damn sure they looked where you wanted them to look. And would you put it where you may not be able to recover it.
As the show continues I become more skeptical. I will continue to watch as I am entertained. For now...
I was really into the show as Id known about the oak island mystery for some time. However the constant filler, dragging out episode after episode is bringing me to the point of no return. I'm sure the Lagina's needed some help w/ funding hence partnered up w/ history channel but they even look like their regretting it, especially older brother Rick. Their search would have been better served as a two hour documentary.
Yes , I said it weeks ago that the show was beginning to get stale . It's way past that point now imo .
Besides , the ending being obvious even before the first episode aired .
If there are tunnels from the pit to the sea, why isn't the water the same level?
How deep does the island go, has anyone done a submerged perspective of the island instead of drilling.i remember as a kid digging for treasure but when you're at the beach and dig a hole what's going to happen.You're going to strike water.
Man made swamp, elaborate tunnel system that floods a man made shaft. I have always thought it might have been a ship drydock.
On Google Earth the swamp appears to be drained, exposing white lines. Checking the timeline function on Google Earth, the image is from a couple years ago. This makes me wonder when the episodes were filmed. If the episodes were filmed years ago and something was found, you would think some information would have been leaked by now.
The Templar's Main purpose was to protect a Mother and her Twin babies.
They also had the Ark of the Covenant, Solomon's Treasure and a tomb.
The Oak Island purpose was to divert ones attention from a main location, which is in Germany.
Contact me if you want to know more.
While the concept of buried treasure on Oak Island is fascinating, I can't get past some of these "experts" that they bring in...particularly that J. Hutton Pulitzer character. Is it just me or does that guy just scream "FRAUD" to anybody else? What's with the Indiana Jones outfit? I just can't take anything that dude says seriously...hell, I'll wager that's not even his real name lol.
I read other places where the guy is actually a fraud and guess what...J. Hutton Pulitzer isn;t his true name. You're absolutely correct in the fact they've trotted out a known scam-artist out as an expert has shrouded the whole, supposed, "real" hunt for treasure with a kind of P. T. Barnum atmosphere of attempted entertainment damn the real science. Dan and his son are probably closest to anything real, but they're just not really what the 2 brothers are about now days. It's called show biz I'm inclined to say.
See my Avatar? It's the Twins the Templar's protected.
But guess what else it is?
Look close / side ways.
It's a painting by Nicholas Poussin.
He told the story of the Templar's in His paintings.
I found them.
The Bloodline of Jesus is the "Quesenberry" Bloodline from Questenberg, Germany.
Look close at the Avatar.
This video tells where the Ark of the Covenant is.
Please watch.
It's like a side mission from assassin's creed!!
Have they used satellite imaging like the one used to discover more tombs in Eygpt?
I LOVE this show!!! Totally obsessed! Thank you for producing it.
if there is a body at the bottom of ten x, wouldn't that be the 7th who has died?
R Elliott
Roger, you have a pertinent observation if that is, in fact, a body. Dan has said all along he thought it was and those recent higher tech scan guys, the father and son duo, seemed to indicate it may likely be, though their tech seems a bit "out there" what with finding stuff like ivory, gold, and such. All in all the season three third episode played out with little, if any, useful gain to answering the treasure saga I'm sorry to say, save for being an excellent infomercial for Atlantic Caterpillar.
Use Google Earth and find Questenberg, Germany. Rotate the map, until you see the penitent man kneeling and look again at the main roads of Questenberg, from a far a little.
It looks like a penitent man kneeling before a Cross. Now imagine if Jesus was crucified there.. where the spear struck His side... is where you'll find an entrance into caves, that hide the lost Ark of the Covenant. You'll know when it's found because of a global quake. It's what happens when the water is displaced inside. The water is displaced because within it there is a secret passage that leads to a area where the Ark is hidden, along with some other things. Within the hills there are glaziers and the water being displaced changes them..which in turn will cause a domino effect felt around the world.
~you'll see.
This is a more elaborate Geraldo Rivera/Al Capone's Safe failure. Too bad. That Pulitzer guy is a massive tool as well. His gadget holsters make me want to open hand slap his face.
So silly that anyone would think man made artifacts would somehow have some supernatural effect on the world.
Funny, I was sitting here thinking, it's like History repeating itself. I'm telling you about a Ark and you chuckle.
~imagine what they were saying during the days of Noah when the door of the "Ark" shut?
~good luck
Just watched season three episode 8. Like the standard episodes attempts at finding things, in this case Fred Nolan's old man-made wall, were met with no results. But, what I like about this particular episode is that they're widening the search for possibly something not as obvious. A mystery of over almost 2 centuries with much of the effort being in the same places kind of demands this at a point. That point is clearly been surpassed making it high time to be as creative as reasonable. Before the episode ends this mindset finds something unique, likely man-made, a couple of hundred feet out in the water. It seems it has to be another man-made marker. Of course this being TV it makes $$$ sense to stretch it out to the next episode which is a little bit of a let down. Admittedly when they dive on it even if it is clearly a pointer which was left by someone, it probably just adds to the mystery instead of solving it outright. Still, this adds to the known strange markers already cataloged and reinforces that these things, like cryptographic code, do say something. One thing struck me. In past episodes were introduced to a historic figure, a freed slave, who became an interesting figure. In some of these episodes it says he became wealthy and bought more land at higher than market value. It mentions he used gold as payment regularly. This screams that someone in the past, likely this man, found something of value making him invest further in the island. This time it mentions he paid a sum in silver coins. So we have a farmer on Oak Island who likely started at ground zero financially and became wealthy in way not commensurate with what he actually grew and sold. I think this is a striking fact, along with the strange way he gave the land upon his death not to his wife, but an associate...a confidant and hired hand. Why??? We need some more light shed on this wealthy farmer because he obviously knew something that might have been too much for his wife to handle. It's highly likely he found some treasure and when he was convinced he found all he was going to he sort of probably put the money somewhere for his wife as possibly the only person who knew where and gave the land to someone for, possibly, the purpose of protecting his wife for the remainder of her life. This is all just conjecture based on stuff told in previous episodes as I've not extensively studied this mystery. Still, why no real investigation of this man who seems to be the only resident of Oak Island who actually prospered instead of burning through the various fortunes others did? Did he actually find treasure, and if so was it only a portion of several?
As for all the pseudo history shows, one that comes to mind is Hunting Hitler, is this the only one that might find something historically important? I do believe folks like Bob Baer and his Hunting Hitler is purely a money grab with no real science, or proven facts, to base a show on. I'm hopeful because of Lagina's sincerity, and proven Oak Island mysterious facts, this show is still very much a real look, even if presented as TV entertainment, into a viable historical treasure search. Hopefully something of some real value will finally show up, and soon.
Sorry, John -
I disagree. They have dragged this out to ridiculous lengths and they haven't found or proven a thing. Last night they found logs, they search the ocean with sonar and were quite excited about the triangles they found but didn't dive down to see what they were. Just another hour killing time and I'm getting tired of it. This is the way to kill a mystery and destroy viewer interest. Let's see some positive results... not another picture that might be a body at the bottom of 10x, not another seeming disaster that has been misrepresented to hold our interest until it is revealed that the disaster wasn't go much a disaster as a minor snag. I say again, they have dragged this out to the point where I'm about to lose interest.
Wow, I had such high hopes for this show. I looked forward each week to see what the Lagina brothers had hopefully found. Fortunately, I have awaken from my stupor. The treasure, if there was any, has been removed many years ago. Now this show just makes me angry. I'm tired of watching the Lagina brothers calling it a day at lunch time, adding a new ridiculous theory to what isn't buried on the island, and wasting my time on Tuesday nights. But in the end, it is totally my fault. It's a TV show and unfortunately that's all it is. Time to bring in Geraldo to open an empty treasure chest.
Uneventful THIS WEEK? This show has been UNEVENTFUL FOR TWO SEASONS !!! Talk about low budget shows. They hired a few actors and some heavy duty road equipment and built an entire show around digging, drilling and filling back in without ever finding anything that the average person in Europe couldn't find in their own backyard with a metal detector.
We know, for a FACT, that the Vikings DID visit New Foundland and Nova Scotia and the Vikings traded with peoples all over the known world. So it would not be unusual for Vikings to have in their possession Roman coins, Persian coins, Buddhist bronze figurines, etc. So even if any of those items were found at Oak Island, that does not necessarily mean that Romans, Persians or anyone else other than Vikings, visited Oak Island !!!!
As to Solomon's Temple Treasures and the Arc of the Covenant being there? I highly doubt it. The Ark of the Covenant was more than likely lost in the 6th century BC when the Babylonians burned Jerusalem and sacked the Temple. Trajan's Arch and Column in Rome both clearly depict the Romans carrying off all of the Temple treasures that were in the Second Temple built by Herod after sacking Jerusalem in 70 AD, so the Temple treasures would not have been in Jerusalem in the 1100's for the Templars to find.
The Ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible, was made of ACACIA WOOD, overlaid with gold. as were most of the other Temple items like menoras or candlesticks. Exodus, chapter 37. If someone WAS foolish enough to bury them in a swamp, then they would have rotted away centuries ago !!!!! The entire series is laughable !!!!!
Uneventful THIS WEEK? This show has been UNEVENTFUL FOR TWO SEASONS !!! Talk about low budget shows. They hired a few actors and some heavy duty road equipment and built an entire show around digging, drilling and filling back in without ever finding anything that the average person in Europe couldn't find in their own backyard with a metal detector.
We know, for a FACT, that the Vikings DID visit New Foundland and Nova Scotia and the Vikings traded with peoples all over the known world. So it would not be unusual for Vikings to have in their possession Roman coins, Persian coins, Buddhist bronze figurines, etc. So even if any of those items were found at Oak Island, that does not necessarily mean that Romans, Persians or anyone else other than Vikings, visited Oak Island !!!!
As to Solomon's Temple Treasures and the Arc of the Covenant being there? I highly doubt it. The Ark of the Covenant was more than likely lost in the 6th century BC when the Babylonians burned Jerusalem and sacked the Temple. Trajan's Arch and Column in Rome both clearly depict the Romans carrying off all of the Temple treasures that were in the Second Temple built by Herod after sacking Jerusalem in 70 AD, so the Temple treasures would not have been in Jerusalem in the 1100's for the Templars to find.
The Ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible, was made of ACACIA WOOD, overlaid with gold. as were most of the other Temple items like menoras or candlesticks. Exodus, chapter 37. If someone WAS foolish enough to bury them in a swamp, then they would have rotted away centuries ago !!!!! The entire series is laughable !!!!!
Besides all that, we all "know" that the Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia as it was taken there toward the end of the reign of Solomon for safe keeping with his son , Menelik, the son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba !!!!
This could help!: 13th president of united states...left by dimitri chips
was direct lineage of William St. Clair...he was our president...tip of the iceberg
Arthur St. Clair (1734-1818)
Born and educated in Edinburgh, Scotland during the tumultuous days of the final Jacobite Rising and the Tartan Suppression, St. Clair was the only president of the United States born and bred on foreign soil. Though most of his family and friends abandoned their devastated homeland in the years following the Battle of Culloden—after which nearly a third of the land was depopulated through emigration to America—he stayed behind to learn the ways of the hated Hanoverian English in the Royal Navy. His plan was to learn of the enemy's military might in order to fight another day. During the global conflict of the Seven Years War—generally known as the French and Indian War—he was stationed in the American theater. Afterward, he decided to settle in Pennsylvania where many of his kin had established themselves. His civic-mindedness quickly became apparent: he helped to organize both the New Jersey and the Pennsylvania militias, led the Continental Army's Canadian expedition, and was elected Congress. His long years of training in the enemy camp was finally paying off. He was elected President in 1787—and he served from February 2 of that year until January 21 of the next. Following his term of duty in the highest office in the land, he became the first Governor of the Northwest Territory and the founder of Cincinnati. Though he briefly supported the idea of creating a constitutional monarchy under the Stuart's Bonnie Prince Charlie, he was a strident Anti-Federalist—believing that the proposed federal constitution would eventually allow for the intrusion of government into virtually every sphere and aspect of life. He even predicted that under the vastly expanded centralized power of the state the taxing powers of bureaucrats and other unelected officials would eventually confiscate as much as a quarter of the income of the citizens—a notion that seemed laughable at the time but that has proven to be ominously modest in light of our current governmental leviathan. St. Clair lived to see the hated English tyrants who destroyed his homeland defeated. But he despaired that his adopted home might actually create similar tyrannies and impose them upon themselves.
Definitive example of templars and knights of christ
Arthur St. Clair (1734-1818) given by dimitri chips READ ON....
Born and educated in Edinburgh, Scotland during the tumultuous days of the final Jacobite Rising and the Tartan Suppression, St. Clair was the only president of the United States born and bred on foreign soil. Though most of his family and friends abandoned their devastated homeland in the years following the Battle of Culloden—after which nearly a third of the land was depopulated through emigration to America—he stayed behind to learn the ways of the hated Hanoverian English in the Royal Navy. His plan was to learn of the enemy's military might in order to fight another day. During the global conflict of the Seven Years War—generally known as the French and Indian War—he was stationed in the American theater. Afterward, he decided to settle in Pennsylvania where many of his kin had established themselves. His civic-mindedness quickly became apparent: he helped to organize both the New Jersey and the Pennsylvania militias, led the Continental Army's Canadian expedition, and was elected Congress. His long years of training in the enemy camp was finally paying off. He was elected President in 1787—and he served from February 2 of that year until January 21 of the next. Following his term of duty in the highest office in the land, he became the first Governor of the Northwest Territory and the founder of Cincinnati. Though he briefly supported the idea of creating a constitutional monarchy under the Stuart's Bonnie Prince Charlie, he was a strident Anti-Federalist—believing that the proposed federal constitution would eventually allow for the intrusion of government into virtually every sphere and aspect of life. He even predicted that under the vastly expanded centralized power of the state the taxing powers of bureaucrats and other unelected officials would eventually confiscate as much as a quarter of the income of the citizens—a notion that seemed laughable at the time but that has proven to be ominously modest in light of our current governmental leviathan. St. Clair lived to see the hated English tyrants who destroyed his homeland defeated. But he despaired that his adopted home might actually create similar tyrannies and impose them upon themselves.
The Ark of the Covenant.
King Solomon's Treasure.
A Tomb.
All in the Cave in Questenberg, Germany.
Search and you'll find it.
Let me put it another way.
For the past 7+ years, I have studied the Paintings of Nicholas Poussin. In them, there is hidden information. What I've told you concerning the Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon's Treasure and a Tomb...is in these paintings. You know what watermarks are don't you and all the principles/ways they are applied, right? It's the "same" as to how Nicholas Poussin hid the information in His paintings. He took the principles of "watermarks" and used that to hide much.
His information starts at the Crucifixion of Jesus and leads to Questenberg, Germany and then leads into something else.
The point is... I can't tell you if He found the "info" and then applied it to His paintings or if He was given/told to do it by another man or if He was a Angel and God sent Him to do it... my opinion would be.. "don't know, that one".
But what I do know is.. I followed the info precisely and learned many things. Some I have shared here with all of you.
If you want the "Ark of the Covenant" , "King Solomon's Treasures" and to learn further of a "Tomb", then go to Questenberg, Germany and find the cave in one of the 3 hills, that surround it.
Much was done to Jesus at Crucifixion, that was never written in the Bible, but it was told in Nicholas Poussin's paintings. One day when the items are found, there will be a group of men who will start saying Jesus is in that "Tomb". I want you to know, that will be a LIE <please never forget that.
The person inside the "tomb" is one of the children who the women bore. She gave birth to a set of TWINS (see my avatar icon). She was present at Crucifixion and was forced by a roman soldier to be with Jesus. Then 9 men took her, the "Ark of the Covenant" to Questenberg Germany, where she gave Birth to the "Twins" a boy and girl.
The Quesenberry Bloodline is the true Bloodline of Jesus. It was protected by the Castle at Questenberg, Germany. The girl was killed by a animal and the "boy" continued the Bloodline. My avatar is actually a painting, that contains the Twins hidden in it. On YouTube if you search for hushwhisper and go to that channel, you will find a video about the "bloodline and the paintings".
It's all in Questenberg, not a hole on a Island.
Here is part 1 of the "Bloodline".
and here is part 2
Please understand. As I discovered the information, I made the videos at the same time. Meaning, these videos are not easy to understand and it's best to view only on full screen with the best settings possible, that will help you. And most important, remember everything as a whole before judging please.
Not sure what else I can add.
Except only a "Penitent man will find the caves entrance" (this saying also was something I found hidden).
Yes, I would love to know more. Especially as I've never heard of twins before. Thanks
Yes, I would love to know more. Especially as I've never heard of twins before. Thanks
What would you like to know?
Do you know their names? Who started rumor it was in France? Is the family aware of their bloodlines? What of blueblooded reptillians ( royalty) thanks
"names" - no.
"rumor" - ? , I never mentioned France.
"aware" - yes, I've told them on they're facebook page (Quesenberry Nation).
"reptilians" - ? , Nothing I've learned mentioned this.
Well yes, this show is torturously slow moving but I think even with History Channel financing they have to spend money carefully. According to the internet Rick is a retired postal worker with a net worth of 500k and Marty is an engineer with a net worth of 2 million. Not exactly deep pockets by rich guy standards these days. I admire that. They obviously have taken an idea and put together a deal that whether they find anything or not is life changing for them and we get to tag along. According to Wiki, FDR spent two summers digging here as a young man. This reminds me of the man who carved Mount Rushmore or something and embodies the American spirit. Lets root for these brothers and be pleased if they succeed.
I read through your entire article, and unfortunately, all you've done is reiterate all of the myths about Oak Island. Here's an excerpt from Richard Joltes' very thorough examination of the myths of Oak Island.
"Daniel McInnis (or McGinnis) was actually born in North Carolina in 1758, fought as a Loyalist during the American War of Revolution, then removed to Nova Scotia following the British defeat. No boy in 1795, he would have been roughly 37 years of age and, according to land grant records and deeds, owned land on Oak Island and in Chester well before that date."
"So, in one short paragraph, using actual historical records, Joltes shows that there was nothing mysterious or supernatural about McInness seeing lights on Oak Island, people lived there, and had since the French settlers who were driven out by the British
Ditto the notion of people avoiding the island owing to the legend that people who rowed out there never came back. It's so obvious I'm surprised no one noticed it before.
McInness and his friends came back from the island, actually went back and forth between the island ad the mainland many times.
For every legend that has been fabricated about Oak Island, there is more than ample real world, documented evidence to expose it for the fraud it is.
BEST SHOW ON TV...Excitement, History, Challenge, A Great Story, Mystery, etc. If you don't like the show, don't watch it!
Ori B -
Didn't say I didn't like it. Don't like the unnecessary diversions and there was really no reason to head off to Europe, drain the swamp and chase "treasure" by following the technology that could supposedly find minerals and jewels. Appreciated that they got to the bottom of Bore Hole 10X and solved that mystery... but the real problem is that they aren't really talking about history but legend. A little research would have gotten them farther than they have.
But, you have to admit, they have gone off on tangents that produced nothing but an hour of television but didn't advance our knowledge one bit and all they had to show for all this is a Spanish coin that you can buy on eBay for fifteen or twenty dollars (no not the one they found, but others...)
I agree w/David,,that swamp looks like a ,''Dock,'' for a ship to come thru and unload its cargo,,,m
How would someone from 1400 dig that deep and pour concrete and all they are saying digging flood tunnels and stuff i find this hard to believe why not get a big excuvator and dig and find these so called flood tunnels close them down pump out water and get to these so called vaults
Watched the beginning of the new season tonight, 11/28/16. I dislike how after every commercial the announcer goes over the past episodes. There really is nothing but about 15 to 20 min. Of new info. They found something shiny at the end of last season. Something made from gold would not sparkle like that after being in the dirt. Yes, gold doesn't tarnish, but it can get dull particularly when buried. They also found an 18 foot plank. I believe some of the show is fake. I watch because I have read about Oak Island for many, many years. Pretty certain they aren't going to find buried treasure, but maybe some old artifacts.
Like the program, but much is just laughable. Been interested in Oak Island since I read about it in a Reader's Digest article years ago. I think some items are plants. They found something shiny at the end of last season, but if it's an old gold coin, I doubt it would shine.
Cara Haglund, I watched the recorded video of the season 3 finale several times in which a video probe was sent down a shaft near the money-pit to reveal something gold. It wasn't a coin, but it did have a repetitive structure, almost like waves. (Like perhaps the brim of a crown?) It certainly did look man-made though.
At the beginning of Season 4, when that video was re-played, they only showed a blurry, fuzzy gold image. If you can, take a look at that video from the end of Season 3, and watch it very closely. You may find it interesting. I would be interested in thoughts on this.
This show is like watching four years of Geraldo Rivera secret vault flop ....over and over ! Does killing an audience for four years count as the seventh death ?
This show is unbearable. NOTHING happens. I have to leave the room when my husband insists on watching it. It's really the worst show on TV. History channel sucks.
How much filler? The show is nothing but filler. I have yet to see anything happen on this show. I literally have to leave the room now when it's on. It's unbearably bad. I can't believe anyone would voluntarily watch this show.
1700s swamp copper coin, 18 ft ship's deck plank & big nail just tell people was insitu 300 years ago, not part of Treasure. More copper coins, lead for bullets, buttom & signature on metal plaque from back of hand-gun, all British items said that a military camp was in that in the 1700s. There may not be a big treasure in Oak Island but an interesting mystery it is. Coconut fiber at beach was dated to 1300s - 1400s, way before Columbus arrived. Closest coconut trees are 1500 miles away. Who brought fiber to Oak Island? Ship-deck wood plank dated 1600 -1700s and big nail said that a ship (Spanish?) may be buried in the swamp.Rick Lagina loves mystery of Oak Island and he is not interested in gold treasure but in solving it. Marty loves his brother and support his quest with money to explore. He is pragmatic and expect a return in gold for his investment. Just the history of love and friendship of these two brothers make watching the Curse of Oak Island worthwhile. I wish them luck.
Consistently (and conveniently) overlooked in this entire series is juxtaposing the capability of today's technologies with those that existed during the alleged timeframes upon which all the speculation is based. For example, to posit that an underground "cavern" nearly 200 feet below the surface was man-made, accessed, and then covered over to "hide great treasure" is beyond ridiculous. I don't reject the fun people are having with these irrational imaginings, only the apparent seriousness that the treasure-hunters themselves expect the rest of us to buy into. Let's also not forget that the "great expense" incurred by the Laginas, et al, is most certainly being offset by cable channel History itself. To those who think that the cameras are simply observers to guys who are draining their bank accounts -- not to mention a swamp -- wake up to what reality TV is all about: Everyone makes money. While we, the public, have no rights to audits or tax returns regarding this venture, rest assured the only thing lost by the participants and viewers is time. There's a "money pit" somewhere, but it's not on Oak Island.
In the last aired episode, while drilling up the 3rd hole, the engineer from Irvin made a remark that they did not encountered so much water as in the previous ones and that in fact they had to add water (probably to prevent the casings for caving in, plus some cooling due to the oscillating process)
Rick Lagina seemed surprised about the fact, seeing the past history of all the dig sites in close proximity, and could not find a reasonable explanation.
He is surprised, with a dam at Smith's Cove and a drained swamp. I cannot make it if these people are real but genuinely stupid or the play writer of this SF show is really, really bad at remembering the things they say to us every 10 minutes.
Every episodes is filled with contradictions, or with operations not done in proper order (put the dam, flush the water, send the divers...not the other way around. Dig the swamp, find a signal with metal detector, dig up more - no signal anymore, call it a day and not bother to scan the excavated pile too)
Luckily I watched only season 1, skipped S2 and S3 entirely except the odd episode filled to the brim with local advertisement and their own History Channel self-promotions. Add the repetitive segments from the episode itself and one has to spend 60 minutes to watch 15 min of play at best.
I watched S4 entirely in 1 day, minus the last 2 episodes not aired yet. I hope the producers will throw into the last pit some wet paper in that silly, 10 year old kid crypto code learned from old popular science magazines and 2-3 gold coins and save some face.
Oh, and I will provide also the deciphered text of the last message yet to be found: "Kilroy was here, took all the gold out - peace"
This, just in case Nada Aldarrab from the USC cannot fire up her uber computer to "decipher" what was published on internet days after episode 1 hit the air (the "La Formule" text), being just a plain written text with the exact same symbols as the 90 ft stone, which I almost solved with my pen and paper in 15 min. One of the most embarrassing moments of the show, made me wonder what kind of joke do they run on that university.
So the Laguna brothers drained the swamp?? I thought the Donald was gonna do that? Give the boys a bit of time they will find that dadburned treasure...I can just feel it.
The biggest mystery so far is why does jack wear the same green under armor short sleeve shirt EVERY episode this season. I think he does on prior seasons as well
Not a military camp although I understand how the clues seem to direct you in this way. Many secrets can be unlocked regarding Oak Island if we just revisit the history of the area and what was the norm of the time. The norm of the time, was for males to do a stint in the militia. The island has been settled over the years and so the occupiers of the lots would doubtless be losing military paraphernalia, i.e. buttons, coins, etc. My research leads to around the year 1720 to a company of merchants from England who went there to make a range of naval stores. (Author: The Oak Island Mystery Solved).
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