those of you who tuned into Midnight in
the Desert to listen to me discuss the latest MJ-12 document release, well,
I was bumped early in the evening because Heather Wade had “overbooked the
show.” At least I wasn’t dragged off by security for refusing to give up my
place at the microphone… which couldn’t have happened since I was at home and
she controlled the telephone system anyway.

I did listen to the beginning of the program because like so many others, I
wondered what Stan Friedman would say about the authenticity. Like many of us,
he was interested in the source of the documents. They had seemed to excite him
in earlier statements, but he now was somewhat more neutral though a careful
reading of them should have given away the false nature of them... The mere
mention that the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) was involved should have been
a huge red flag. The IPU has been identified and it has nothing to do with
aliens or UFOs or anything of the nature. For more about the IPU see:
found one point hilarious and which nearly everyone has failed to mention. The
first page says, “READ-AND-DESTROY. I have to wonder how the document survived
with that instruction on the first page, which also argues against authenticity.
I will note here that a top secret document’s destruction must be documented
saying that it has been properly destroyed. Whoever “stole” this one would have
had to violate that rule because he would have had to sign the destruction
wouldn’t name names, and in one respect I understand that but that also tends
to undermine the validity of the documents. She did say that the person who
“stole” them originally had died so that he or she can’t be questioned about how
he or she gained possession of them.
hadn’t received the originals either. They had come to her in a .pdf file,
which, as I have noted in the past, does not allow for much in the way of a
forensic analysis of the paper, ink or anything else that might be gained by
examination of the originals. We are left with a study of the format, the font,
if the documents conformed to others created at the highest-levels of the
government and if the documents fit into our current understanding of the
situations being discussed in them.
of analysis of these latest documents on the show, we were treated to another
waltz down MJ-12 memory lane from the alleged moment the original documents
first arrived at Jaime Shandera’s house in 1984 to the point we have reached
now. There was nothing new here, other than listening to Stan talk about all
his visits to archives, and he enjoys to do so (and hey, that is fun going
through all this material, looking for that single and often elusive nugget)
and things he had learned about the men who were named to the original MJ-12
committee, all of which was irrelevant to understanding these new documents.
those who haven’t looked at them yet, though they can now be accessed through a
variety of websites including that for Midnight
in the Desert. You can still find them here if you are still interested:
have outlined some of the many mistakes in these documents already and find it
difficult to believe that something created at this level would be so riddled
with errors. I am sorely tempted to enumerate the errors in the Roswell section
but will refrain from doing that. Anyone interested can take a look at Roswell in the 21st Century
(or almost any of the other Roswell books) and compare the information there
with that in this document. The errors will be apparent and we have to think
that anyone who was far enough inside of the loop to be writing this document
would be cognizant of the facts of the case.
going to move onto the Aztec case which was covered in depth here. Stan had
made a big deal out of the research in Scott Ramsey’s book while he was on Midnight in the Desert and how careful
and meticulous it has been. But this document is at a wide variance with what
Ramsey published. This sets up a conundrum… if the document is accurate, then
Ramsey is wrong but if Ramsey is right, then the document is fake and I haven’t
even mentioned the possibility that both are wrong and Aztec is a hoax.
to the document, on March 25, 1948, the craft was watched on three radars
“belonging to the recovery network of the White Sands Test Range and located in
classified areas of southwest New Mexico.” In 1948, it was the White Sands
Proving Ground, and if the radars were in southwest New Mexico, that would have
prevented tracking of the object to low altitudes in northern New Mexico because
the mountainous terrain would have been in the way. In fact, once you get very
far north of White Sands, their radars aren’t much good for an object below
10,000 feet. Radar is line of sight.
according to the document, the crash site was secured by 10:45 p.m. that night,
which meant that no civilians would have been gathered at the site on the
morning of March 25 to watch the military arrive because the object had yet to
crash according to these new documents. And, if the civilians were on hand to
see the military to arrive, it would have had to be on the morning of March 26,
but then the site was already secured and the civilians would have been
prevented from getting near.
are treated to a reference to the base at Flat Rock, Nevada, which, of course,
was the scene of much of the action in The
Andromeda Strain. We learn that the Blue Berets (whoever they are… no, they
don’t exist) came in disguised as National Guard, but I’m not sure how you pull
that off since the uniforms worn by the National Guard are the same wore by
those on active duty with the Army. I suppose they removed their Blue Berets
and wore regulation headgear.
Stephen Bassett |
there really doesn’t seem much reason to drag this out. The documents are
faked. I spoke with Stephen Bassett yesterday afternoon, and almost the first
thing he said to me was that he too thought the documents faked. We discussed
some of the bloopers in text, the problems with the classification markings,
and all the other errors. Bassett said that he didn’t think these were
disinformation, but more likely just someone outside the government who had too
much time on his hands. I’ll add someone who didn’t actually know much but who had
gotten his hands of William Steinman’s book UFO
Crash at Aztec.
we need to do now is place these documents in the same file folder with the
Roswell Slides, the alien autopsy and little grey men who like strawberry ice
cream and Tibetan music. Footnotes in the great journal of UFO information, or
maybe, even better, have them all deleted from anything to do with UFO research
because they have only distracted us. They have added nothing to our knowledge.