note: My pal, John Greenewald, had attempted to post this to the comment
section of the last column, but it is too long to be accepted there. Rather
than breaking it into several pieces, I decided to just add it as a new post. It
clarifies some of the issues that have been raised about the AATIP and the
like. You can find additional information about a wide variety of topics at www.theblackvault.com.)
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John Greenewald - Photo copyright by Kevin Randle |
I published the below to my larger article at: http://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/to-the-stars-academy-of-arts-science-tom-delonge-and-the-secret-dod-ufo-research-program/
It references some stuff "above" etc., because this is
only a portion of the article. I pasted it here though in hopes it addressed my
thoughts on this very topic...
There is a lot wrong with
this statement, and although it could be partially true, nothing is
"official" yet -- and at the root -- only muddies the water, it does
not help to clean it up.
Here is why: First and foremost, many are
talking about how this is a "new" revelation discovered by Mr. Paul
Dean from Australia. He writes (in part):
In March, 2018, I was contacted by
someone who claimed to be in a senior defence program leadership role. He
stated that the UFO program on everyone’s lips was not officially called the
“Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” (AATIP). This was,
apparently, a loose, almost ad hoc term for one part of a somewhat larger
defence program. The true name of the overall program, or at least the official
starting title, was the “Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application
Program” (AAWSAP), or something extremely similar.
Of course, all this is based on what a
DoD contact told me. The term “Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application
Program”, or its “AAWSAP” abbreviation, hasn’t been mentioned by anyone else.
Not the New York Times, not Luis Elizondo, and not even the
DIA’s public relations staffers who must, by now, have been flooded with
As I eluded, Glassel has found two
examples of the AAWSAP project title. This had been shared privately with me,
by two people, and I thought that there was simply no references available to
absolutely confirm them for sure. I searched, but with no luck. Well, the
“Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program” indeed did, or does,
exist. Glassel, on a hunch, with keen-eyed Curt Collins in tow, discovered that
Dr. Eric Davis, who has been closely associated with the AATIP and TTSA story,
had published a number of scientific papers for the DIA, and two of those
publications were already released and available online. The titles
are, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates and Negative Energy” and “Warp
Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions”. Both are listed
as “Defence Intelligence Reference Documents” and both were published in late
What I gather is that the AATIP desk was a
major part of the overall AAWSAP effort. Also, the term AATIP was developed
over time, and may have been tacked on to, or into, AAWSAP. AATIP was a looser
title for internal usage, and it continued in other channels while the overall
AAWSAP appears to have ended.
It should first be pointed out that all this was
given to Mr. Dean by an "anonymous" source, at least
"anonymous" to the public. Anonymous sources may not be a bad
thing, but they don't help, especially with this topic. Mr. Dean claims
that whoever the source is, they have a clean security record. That could very
well be true, but as indicated in Mr. Dean's article, when read in full, he said
this contact even got the name wrong wherein words were traversed and/or
changed based on multiple documents that surfaced "confirming" this
new name. Why would he get them wrong if he was a clean
That leads me to my second problem with this new
story. The documents referenced above, used to "confirm" this new
program, have been available online since at least December 18, 2017. There is
nothing "new" about them:
- Source 1
- Source 2
- Source 3
- Source 4
I saw these documents back in late December and
early January, but dismissed them as they are largely sourced/credited to Corey
Goode, a very controversial figure to begin with. If they are genuine (and they
may be) these documents do not appear that they were released under any
official channels. They may be real, I am not saying they are fake, but
until they are officially released under FOIA, or acknowledged as genuine by a
figure in the government, they should not be considered gospel, especially
considering the source. According to another blog, it is said that Dr. Eric
Davis confirmed these documents were real -- but this (at the point of writing
this) is third hand information.
It also should be noted, as I wrote the answer
to the question above this one which has been on The Black Vault now for
months, records like this are already publicly available which were written by
Dr. Eric Davis. It would not surprise me if these documents are, in fact,
genuine, but even if they are, they don't teach us anything new. We already
could deduce the Defense Intelligence Research Documents (DIRDs) as referenced by
Dr. Davis on Coast to Coast AM, were probably going to be along the same lines
as what I found while answering the question above and those documents ARE
IRREFUTABLY genuine. In the end, just because a document is written about
Warp Drives and advanced propulsion, doesn't mean the government took it
seriously, built the devices or continued the research within the walls of the
black budget intelligence community.
So, I go back to my point that this is only
muddying the waters. Because as of April 30, 2018, this new material is
summarized like this: We have a name that came from an anonymous source,
that coincided with a name on a "leaked" document three months prior,
but is being reported in the last days of April 2018 as a "new"
discovery and it has long been kept in "secret" by Mr. Dean but is
now released to the public as to it being some big reveal. We can prove
this is all not true with the source links above, and the name (whether it is,
or is not a genuine program name) was available on the internet for months
prior to even when the "anonymous source" came forward.
Lastly, this "new name" is confirmed
by these "leaked" documents, as sourced to Corey Goode. He is a
highly controversial (and largely dismissed by many) figure alleging a
connection between himself and a "Secret Space Program". We can
now comfortably QUESTION these documents based on these facts, not write about
them as the nail in the coffin proof as some are stating in their
This deserves repeating: this is only muddying
the waters of an already muddied ocean. When we have real documents (not
leaked) that prove it, we should publish them. Until that time,
articles/allegations/claims etc. like this have not progressed this story one
I will not accept that the videos were released by the DOD until I see some solid release documents from the review office (DOPSR review process) or an official release authority (release process). A new source - from Paul Dean - just saying so is not good enough for me. I have told this to Paul. I will pursue my work as stated in my article.
I am not seeking information produced by AATIP/AAWSA. I am seeking information if the targeting pod videos - as stated by Mr. Elizondo - went through the DOPSR review process before it went through the release process.
It was important for me to have the AAWSA search phrase added to my request - as the Davis' reports were done under the AAWSA program, and a LinkedIn profile I found connected AAWSA to Bigelow. If I was wrong, it would just have been redundant information to my FOIA request, as it already contained other information on which videos I was referring to. I have learned that Isaac Koi has sent these two AAWSA reports to Dr. Davis and got confirmation that it is his reports. So I am glad that I added it to my FOIA request.
I should also add that none of the research I have done so far would have been necessary if both TTSA and NYT would share the release documents they say they have.
Roger Glassel
Kevin, what do think about the Elroy Center story?
I was reading about the Battelle topic and found it interesting, there's no mention of it on you last Roswell book.
This may help with those muddy waters:
Up until now, the Pentagon has not confirmed the AATIP as anything but an aircraft defense program. Roger Glassel received Pentagon confirmation regarding the AATIP and AAWSA name - and its status as a UFO study. http://www.blueblurrylines.com/2018/05/pentagon-confirmation-aatip-advanced.html
Anyone involved in all this should really start submitting FOIAs to the AFRL's Space Vehicles and Directed Energy Weapons directorates using the recently revealed names and I'd suggest also referencing the Phillips Lab, which was those directorates previous names, if/when you do.
I bet you'll likely get something. It may not be a huge revelation or a smoking gun but something's likely out there that went on at Kirtland recently.
But, how much of it was really focused as an UFO study per say? Perhaps that aspect is really just part of the cover for directed energy weapons research/testing? Lenticular drones with attached energy weapons...
I find it impossible to believe that a weather balloon was what crashed at Roswell for the simple reason that a weather balloon and the radar reflector could not have left a debris field 3/4 of a mile long and a football field+- wide.
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