As many of you know, I
have been suggesting that the report due to Congress Friday will be less than
startling. I believe, based on the past, and on some of the things being said, that
the report will focus on about 140 cases in which there were limited, obstructed
views of the UFOs/UAPs and there will be a suggestion that drones, which are
unmanned so that the effects of excessive accelerations won’t have a human crew
to crush, are responsible for many of those sightings.
We have also heard that
the equipment being used and the tactics employed during these events are
considered top secret. The fear inside the military and the Department of
Defense is that the revelation of these classified tactics and equipment will
negatively affect national security. Or, in other words, these national
security concerns will conceal the real nature of the UFOs/UAPs and we’ll be
left with the same sort of nonsense that has been going on for decades.
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Jacques Vallee |
I had asked about this
because of information I had received while writing UFOs and the Deep State.
I had heard that there was a classified section to Project Blue Book and those
files had never been released to the public. It could be said that national
security was the reason but that is just an excuse to hide information that the
DoD and the government, and by extension, the Deep State doesn’t want
published. This hints at a less than comprehensive report.
The other thing that
sometimes is overlooked is that before there was an official investigation,
General Twining of the Air Materiel Command, had ordered an unofficial
investigation beginning in December 1946. This was the result of the incomplete study of
the Foo Fighters of the Second World War, and a failure to find an explanation
for the Ghost Rockets that had been reported in Scandinavia and later in
northern Europe in 1946. Colonel Howard McCoy had been one of the intelligence
officers involved in both these investigations. He was privately gathering
information about UFOs through military channels.
Twining’s order came six
or seven months before Kenneth Arnold made his sighting in June 1947. At that
point, that unofficial investigation morphed into an official one. Orders were
issued and Project Sign began in January 1948… but, the public was told the
name was Project Saucer. In other words, evidence of the cover up began with
the creation of Project Sign. Information flowing from that investigation to
the public was not as complete as it could have been.
After an internal fight
in the DoD about the reality of UFOs, and a hint that the Chief of Staff of the
Air Force was less than enthusiastic about the existence of alien spacecraft,
it was announced that Project Sign had been concluded and an official report
was issued. There were no national security issues, and no evidence that alien
spacecraft were flying around.
However, it was merely
a name change. Project Grudge was born with the same people in the same offices
at the same base. Following the script written before, in 1952, it was
announced that Project Grudge had been concluded. The huge report claimed there
were no national security issues and there was no evidence that alien
spacecraft were flying around.
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Ed Ruppelt |
But it was another name
change and Project Blue Book was born into this rather chaotic system. Ed
Ruppelt, at the time a first lieutenant, was given the task of reorganizing the
investigation. For several months, he upgraded the system and the
investigations, gathering as much information as he could.
In January, 1953, the
CIA sponsored a panel to review the evidence. The chairman, Dr. H. P.
Robertson, did not believe that there were alien spacecraft visiting Earth. He
chose the panel members based, not on their unbiased opinions, but on their
holding the same beliefs about the flying saucers as he did. It wasn’t a panel
to review the data but one designed to destroy interest in the topic and
convince the civilian world that there were no UFOs visiting Earth. It was
hoped that this blatant appeal to authority would end interest and speculation about
UFOs. The Deep State was still not interested in sharing its information with
the public.
Although the panel’s
report was classified, and the recommendations were that UFOs be “debunked,” Project
Blue Book remained in operation until 1969. It was ended as a result of the
University of Colorado study paid for by the Air Force. Dr. Edward Condon
concluded that there were no national security issues, there was nothing to be
learned from further study, and the Air Force had done a good job just as he
had been hired to do. You might say that this was Robertson 2.0.
There were, of course other
issues. The official figures for Blue Book were that the Air Force had
investigation 12,618 sightings and of those, 701 remained unidentified. This is
not true.
There are more than
13,000 sightings in the files. Many are in a section labeled “Additional
Reported Sightings (not cases).” These are everything from newspaper clippings
to intelligence reports on some of the sightings but were not, apparently,
submitted through an official channel and were not investigated further. They
were merely filed and then, routinely, ignored.
Although there are only
701 sightings labeled as “unidentified,” there are many more which are not
identified. I took a look at a representative sample of cases labeled as
“insufficient data for a scientific analysis,” and found there are something
like 4000 labeled that way. It means there is no solution for the sighting but
it is outside the dreaded “unidentified” category. It is labeled but not
And I haven’t even
mentioned those cases that do have solutions that make no sense, given the
facts. The Levelland, Texas, sightings of November 1957 are a good example.
Witnesses at least thirteen separate locations reported the UFO close to the
ground and that the operation of their motor vehicles was impaired. The Air
Force explanation is “ball lightning.” This overlooks the fact that ball
lightning is extremely rare, it lasts for seconds and is rarely over 18 inches
in diameter. Witness testimony refutes ball lightning as a solution, but the
Air Force has the case labeled and that was the whole point.
I will note here that Condon
carried on that tradition. About a third of the cases investigated by the
Condon Committee had no solution to them. One was labeled as a phenomenon so
rare it had never been seen before or since.” Not much of a solution but then,
they didn’t leave it as unidentified.
And that brings around
to Friday’s projected release of the UFO/UAP study. If history is any guide,
then we will see the same sort of misdirection, misinterpretation, and
misinformation. Senator Marco Rubio has suggested just that. He said that he believes
the report “will provide more questions than answers,” and that it “will hold
back a lot, partly because the technology we use to capture and analyze the
images are top secret.” He did suggest that “If they classified something spicy
in it, ain’t no way that doesn’t leak.”
The problem here is
that an unnamed source leaking highly classified material about UFOs/UAPs might
not be believed. It will look just like so much other false information coming
from the government. Without a source and without some sort of extra evidence,
the leak will be ignored.
In other words, I think
this is going to be Condon 2.0. An attempt to avoid answering the questions by
hiding the information under the mantle of national security and answers that
provide no information. It won’t move us toward Disclosure or revelation about
what is happening and what is being seen and photographed, but then that’s what
the Deep State wants. Keep it buried to keep them in power.
Good Afternoon, Kevin.
BN=Bob Notes from my “book”
BN(1)- ARS genesis Part One - 1952 Blue Book "Staff Study", Ed Ruppelt
...When we encounter identifiable aerial objects, for example, new types of foreign aircraft missiles, we attempt to obtain their configuration; performance and characteristics by measuring and recording devices, if possible, especially if we cannot get close enough to inspect/accurately in detail. Reliable data is essential. Only as a last and temporary resort do we use the report of an untrained non-technical person's visual observation of a complicated aerial object, especially if the information is volunteered…Any plan to determine if any UAO's are of foreign origin will require full use of measuring and recording instruments…5. Because it is almost impossible to obtain technical intelligence from voluntary verbal reports of non-technical observers, ATIC proposes that the receipt and analysis of such reports by the USAF be discontinued in the future...The plan which ATIC presents to you might best be described in the single phrase, "going on instruments…7. It should, therefore, be possible to detect the presence of such an object by the use of electronic, infra-red and nocular(sic) instruments, and to record its flight path and/or appearance by use of a camera, especially if the camera is used in conjunction with a telescope, defraction(sic) grating and radar scope, or carried aloft by aircraft.
BN(2) The Emerging Shield, Kenneth Schaffel, on behalf of the USAF Historical Committee
Page 113
Fairchild accordingly directed the Air Staff to review the Air Force position within the framework of a seventy-group program…Fairchild directed General Anderson, Director of Plans and operations, to spearhead the review…to present their ideas at a JCS meeting held on March 2, 1950…The meeting with the JCS focused on establishing goals for a minimum air defense by 1952…At Ramey (AFB), planners familiarized commanders with the thinking behind the plan…Referred to as the Blue Book Plan…
Are we expected to believe that this plan, known as the Blue Book plan, planned for in 1952, had nothing to do with project: Blue Book at Wright Field? This is why telling us “the truth” is so dicey. It has been as over-all ADC plan all along. This is what led me to research Weapon System-117L.
There's a paradox in all this.
Stating that there is no national security threat implies that not only do you know what's behind the phenomena, but that it's harmless. If it's harmless...why the secrecy? And how do the powers that be know that there's no national security threat tucked into the hundreds of unknowns?
And why is the most widely derided explanation the ETH? There's rarely any mention of any other possible explanations. I find the emphasis on debunking the notion of visiting aliens quite interesting.
I doubt also roswell will be unmasked. Althogh I was there in Boulder for 2 summers during the 'condom' commission, I was too young to know anything about the subject or purpose of it's creation. It finally became clear to me when I read the McCarthy dissertation and learned of my father's participation in James McDonald's briefing and appeal for funding to NASA. He ruminated later if meeting my father,from RAND, in the elevator was accidental, which I am sure it was not, just as sure as I am that my father and Sheridan Cavitt's both retireing in Sequim was coincidence. That, I learned from Tom Cary on the phone. That there happens to be a Battelle installation there also I would venture to guess is too coincidental as well. The coincidences kept mounting when my older sister claimed my father bragged about being in the elevator with Liddy and Hunt at Watergate. Then in his later years he finally divulged to me. "When I heard about the crash at Roswell, I borrowed a plane at March field and flew myself there". I asked him what he did there and he replied, "I refueled my plane and flew to Wright field". So Kevin, 'Whats My Line?' or yours for that matter!
Have the results of the informal study created by Twinning been declassified and/or released? If so, what were the recommemdations/conclusions? A researcher named James Carrion wrote a book on the Ghost Rockets where he argued they were a psychological exercise designed to confuse the Soviets.
Thanks for the information you shared on Blue Book. That is interesting.
Report is out Kevin. Do you think it's Condon 2.0?
This is quite interesting. I didn't know the US was planning a spy satellite program pre-U2, and to go back to 1946 to boot.
It is quite likely that some of the UFO "crash" recoveries from South America were actually Corona capsule recovery missions. So, perhaps you are on to something.
Good Morning, Adam S.
As for the year 1946, it IS true that the RAND study, on the feasibility of man-made satellites, was begun at this time, and completed in 1947. I have wondered how much the "Ghost Rocket" problem had to do with this endeavor. CORONA (1960) was, of course, only one of several programs under the Advanced Reconnaissance System (ARS). The U-2 began in early 1954.
One interesting item I found was that, during the many ARS satellite programs, at Lockheed, there were times when the workers were ordered out of the facilities, temporarily. This was because other workers were brought in to install very secret "sub-system" parts being installed on the satellites.
That being said, I don't want to project that I am mad or completely distrusting of the current Navy endeavor. I agree with Mr. Greenwood, that it is at least hopeful that they are paying attention now.
We shall stay tuned, and see.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for responding. In my opinion, it is not very likely the so called ghost rockets had much to do with the RAND study. A good deal of the rocket's trajectories were traced to the captured Penelmunde base. This doesn't exclude the idea that these were planted stories by western intelligence to fool the Soviets. One would think if these launches were part of the RAND study they would have been launched from a western nation.
I have heard the same accounts you mention from Lockheed, and I also have heard this occurring back at MCdonnell-Douglas. Pretty amazing "need to know" right there haha.
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