the last few years, June Crain has appeared as one of those who handled the
metallic debris that has been dubbed memory metal, and she claimed inside
knowledge of the events surrounding the Roswell crash. She also claimed to have
information about the alien bodies that had been recovered and their transport
to Wright Field. Unfortunately, much of this information about her is
April 18, 1990, June Crain, or as she signed her name then, June Kaba, wrote to
me after I appeared on Unsolved Mysteries. The call center there
provided her with my address and she wrote, “I will send you info on the flying
saucer men at WPAFB [Wright-Patterson AFB] referred to in ‘Unsolved Mysteries’
on TV.”
added, “I first want you to send me a letter assuring me you will keep my identity
a secret. When I tell you the reason for the secrecy, I think you will
understand why no one will tell you about the ‘little green men’ at WPAFB.”
wrote back to her that I would not reveal any information about her. While I
didn’t reveal her name, she did, eventually contact other UFO researchers without
invoking the caveat that she remain anonymous. One of them did release her name
but I suspect it was because she allowed it. No matter now, she passed away in
wrote back and told me the story of hearing about the alien creatures that were
taken to Wright-Pat. She wrote:
at WPAFB-WADC [Wright Air Development Center] at Dayton, Ohio, Wright Field would
meet for coffee in one of the lab offices before we went to work and chat. We
were all people cleared for Top Secret plus and we would feel free and at ease
talking among ourselves. I worked in Parachute lab (later Rocketry).
particular morning things were really on a buzz. When I got there at 7:45 AM. the
scoop was that two little greenish men from a wrecked flying saucer had
been flown into the base during the night and were in a freezer locker in one
of the hangers (sic) and that Aero Med lab had charge of them for examination.
The person who was doing the talking seemed to know what he was talking about.
to go to work and everyone still excited over the happening.
at 9:30 a memo was hand carried and each of us had to read it and sign it. This
was the jist (sic) of the memo:
irresponsible person has started a false rumor about 2 green men from Flying
Saucer. This is nothing but a rumor and has no truth. Anyone repeating this rumor
will be liable for dismissal and will be liable for $20,000 fine or 20 years in
memo was over the signature of Laboratory chief.
to say all talk stopped and I never heard anything about it again.
have kept this to myself for nearly 40 years but I have always wondered what
the real story was.
said nothing else about this, or the flying saucer crash, but did provide some
information about others who have seen UFOs. She mentioned that she had seen
them on two occasions. She supplied the basics of those sightings, but frankly,
I wasn’t interested in more saucers in the sky. I was interested in the little green
men being housed at Wright-Pat.
were some problems with her story. First was the lack of a date for the “little
green men” tale. She seemed to have assumed it was Roswell. Or maybe that was
my assumption in the beginning because I knew of no other crash stories that
resulted in the recovery of bodies that were reliable.
of the red flags was her claim that she had a top-secret clearance and that
before beginning work, others with such high clearances sat around chatting.
The implication was that the shared some of those secrets because they all had
the clearances. But it just doesn’t work that way and those of us who have held
top secret clearances know it. Along with having the proper clearance, you also
need to have a need to know. If something classified as top secret is shared
with someone without their need to know, then this is a violation of the
in an interview conducted by Jim Clarkson, she would tell him more about her high-level
clearances. She said, “And I had top secret clearance and later then finally
gave me ‘Q’ clearance which is what at that time was the highest clearance that
you could have, because I was in very sensitive, doing very sensitive work.”
she didn’t know what a “Q” clearance was then, or what it is now. It is not a higher
level of a top-secret clearance but what is known as DOE security clearance
that is equivalent to a DoD top secret clearance. The “Q” relates to atomic or
nuclear related materials. Many of those at the Roswell Army Air Field had “Q”
clearances because they worked, or had the potential to work, with atomic
weapons. But a low-level secretary who worked at Wright-Patterson in an office
that had nothing to do with atomic energy wouldn’t be granted a “Q” clearance.
It sounds impressive, but in this case it is untrue.
in his research, could only verify that Crain held a secret clearance. Every
officer, with very few exceptions, has a secret clearance. Nearly every
top-level NCO will have, at least a secret clearance, and depending on the job,
many lower ranking soldiers have secret clearances as well. On the other hand,
top secret clearances are a different matter, and there is no evidence that
June Crain had such a clearance.
run into another problem here and that is attempting to learn exactly when that
soldier, who she later said was a master sergeant, had appeared in her office.
Or rather the problem is what UFO crash she was talking about. Remember she
said, “…that two little greenish men from a wrecked flying saucer had
been flown into the base during the night…” That statement eliminates Roswell.
do I know? Because the documentation available shows that she was first
employed at Wright-Patterson on July 3, 1942, and according to the reporting of
others she had stayed on the job until May 2, 1952. However, she didn’t work
there continually for those ten years. After just under a year on the job, on
June 30, 1943, she quit to have a baby. This is the first major gap in her employment.
May 13, 1948, she was again hired at Wright Field, but left on July 21, 1948,
after about eight weeks, because of ill-health. And her final employment there was
from March 8, 1951 until May 2, 1952, or just a little over a year.
total employment at Wright-Patterson AFB was just under three years, spread out
over that ten-year period. And, since she wasn’t employed there in July 1947,
when, if we have the information right, the alien bodies were brought in, the
master sergeant couldn’t have told her that they had just flown them in because
she didn’t work there at the time. This is one of the reasons that Don Schmitt
and I dropped her as a witness.
is not a reported UFO crash at the times that she worked at Wright Field or Wright-Patterson
AFB. The closest is the alleged Aztec crash in March 1948, but even that is six
or eight weeks too early for her.
discussing the bodies arriving at Wright-Pat, Crain displays a total lack of
understanding about the military protocols on aircraft. In an effort to make the
master sergeant sound more important, she said, “… but the person that brought
them in, he was a master sergeant, and you understand that when a military
airplane takes off, there’s always an enlisted man in charge. You know that,
don’t you?”
compounds the error, saying, “So, when an airplane takes off, until the moment
that the plane takes off the ground the military personnel, the officer, is in
charge of the airplane. But the moment it is off the ground, the enlisted man
has charge of the airplane until she lands.”
is, of course, complete nonsense. In Army aviation, as in other military branches,
the officer in charge is the aircraft commander. He or she might not be the
senior officer on board, but in all things aboard the aircraft during its
operation, the aircraft commander is in charge, not some enlisted soldier. As but
a single example of this, I was a warrant officer in Vietnam. I was appointed
an aircraft commander and often times, the co-pilot was a higher-ranking
officer, probably a first lieutenant or a captain. The aircraft commander was
appointed based on his experience in Vietnam and number of hours of flight time
and not based on his rank.
comments about who was in charge of the aircraft are inaccurate, which is not
to say that the load master or the flight engineer, depending on the specific
task, might be in charge of getting certain tasks completed while on the ground.
However, at no time were either of them in charge. That is the role of the
aircraft commander who is always an officer.
my communications with her, there is nothing to suggest that she had seen any bits
of memory metal. She stuck with the tale of hearing about the two little bodies
brought into Wright-Patterson. According to her, another soldier showed up sometime
later and told her that he had a piece of the spaceship. She said that he told
her, “I just came back from New Mexico and I brought it back with me.”
provided a description of the metal, saying that it was super strong. It was
some of the memory metal that others had talked about. The problem here, is the
same with the bodies and that’s the timing. There is no way that he could have
gotten his hands on any of the metal when she said he had just come back from
New Mexico. She simply didn’t work at Wright-Pat at anytime to make this tale
she said that she had been a high-level secretary at Wright-Pat and that was
why she allegedly had a top-secret security clearance. Documents she supplied
to me simply do not bear this out. In a document dated March 16, 1951, during her
last employment at the air base, she is rated as a GS-3, which is among the
lowest. These were considered entry level positions then and now the GS-3 rating
is assigned to an intern or student. While she might have held the secret
clearance that Clarkson verified for her, she would not have had the top-secret
clearance she claimed.
June Crain (Cubbage) pay sheet showing her employment grade. |
is enough wrong with what she said, what the documentation proved, and the
timing of the various events, that she is eliminated as a witness. She had an
interest in UFOs, and contrary to what Clarkson said, she did have books about
UFOs. I know because I sent her some in the early 1990s.
is a chapter in our search for information and evidence that we can now ignore.
I would suggest that her tales be relegated to a footnote, but we now have so
many of those such as Gerald Anderson, Glenn Dennis and Frank Kaufmann, that we
don’t need another one cluttering up the landscape.