Thursday, June 07, 2018

Important Administration Notes

Rich Reynolds over at UFO Conjectures alerted me yesterday to a Blogger problem. Seems that all the comments posted to our blogs are not sent to us via email as they are supposed to be. Some are dumped into an area that tells us they are waiting for us to monitor them. I’m not sure why this is happening because there is no reason for it. Comments by those who visit here regularly are there and who comments are often sent to me via email are, but not all of them. It seems to be hit or miss.

Rich said that he found some 1500 comments. I only found a few hundred but they go back a number of months. The point, I suppose, is if you made a comment and didn’t see it posted, it might have ended up waiting for me to review it in that file.

An updated photo. The military picture
is now, what, 14 years old?
Looking deeper, I found that some comments have ended up in the spam folder… something more than 300. True, most of those comments, in that folder would have been deleted because they are mere advertisements for some other website or some product and many probably aren’t legitimate. Anyway, I need to go through those as well.

I will note that I don’t always post everything. If you have a complaint about me, well, if it is nasty or unjustified, it won’t see the light of day here. If it is a logical extension of the discussion that suggests I have errored in some fashion, then sure, I’ll post it, and sometimes respond.

In the past there have been several interesting comments that have also included nasty and irrelevant remarks about the president and some that included pleasant endorsements of the president that were also irrelevant. I have no desire to get into those discussions which are often ugly, filled with contempt and have nothing to do with the topics I discuss here. Put in a political comment, from any point of the spectrum, and it will disappear faster than a UFO being chased by a fighter or a snowball in July.

The point here, of course, is to let you know that something has changed with blogger (I found a note on blogger telling me they had made some changes) and if your comments weren’t posted, the problem is probably there. Sorry for the inconvenience, but as they say, “It’s not my fault.”


  1. .you might have already seen it, but Joe Nickell over at the Skeptical Inquirer website has launched what can only be described as a hatchet job on the navy F/A-18 pilot who saw the "tic-tac" shaped UFO......

  2. Hi Lorrie, I think the assessment of Joe and his in-the-know “The Major” of the info behind the Fravor account is,...hogwash. Several times he (or the sources he cites) has taken pieces of Fravor’s story out of the original context. Fravor’s flight experience was a whopping 3500 hour, if I recall. I think a pilot with this much experience knows what he saw that day. A drone does not move the way Fravor described in the interviews. Whereas we still don’t have 100% proof of this encounter, I likewise do not believe Joe and the Major have done a “hatchet job” on the event.

  3. djemptyx: .....the "hatchet" job wasn't so much on the event as it was on the pilot(s), in particular, Fravor. If you read the article, Nickell implies their might be something "wrong" on a mental level with Fravor. If Fravor retired as an F/A-18 pilot, I think that's good evidence nothing was wrong with him; but, without *any* supporting evidence whatsoever, why would Nickell make such an assertion?

  4. I applaud your handling of political missives. We see enough of this vitriol everyday. In an ideal world, people who have interest in the most esoteric of phenomenon would leave such things in a more appropriate venue. Bravo Zulu on your outlook.

  5. Hello again, Lorrie. I wonder if you have listened to the latest interview Fravor took part in. Listen to this linked section below as well as towards the end of the talk, when he dispels certain rumors and attempts at enhancing the data behind the incident by certain parties that got involved.

    Just a sidenote. I've worked in QA for several years, managing the effectiveness of tier 2 support groups for a major provider of various gov data services (not on fed level) and in this work I have listened to a good many people relay their various issues which have an effect on their performance on the job (via telephone- as well as face-to-face interviews). I like to think I am a good listener and judge of character. Who knows...but they've kept me around all these years. My point in mentioning this is that I currently choose to believe Mr. Fravor because of the things I hear in his voice and demeanor every time he is interviewed. He seems quite sincere in his delivery. There are certain aspects of the 'way' he tells this story and the backstory(-ies) that lead me to believe there is a strong element of truth to what we hear from HIM. It seems other involved parties, incl. TTS may have tried to enhance certain details while transcribing the initial story, but during the interview I linked he tells Corbell that he told TTS under no uncertain terms that 'if we're going to disclose this then we are going to do it right'... Anyway, listen to the interview and tell me what you think.

  6. djemptyx:..I will check out that interview: I was in the navy in the aviation branch and came into contact with a fair number of navy pilots, all of them seemed to me to be level headed I tend to trust what Fravor saw....
