Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Electromagnetic Beam Weapon

Taking the opportunity to again mention my latest book, The Government UFO Files, (for those who want to know about such things) I can use it to add something more to the discussion of EM effects and an Earth-based technology that is of interest to us. Please note, so that I’m not forced to explain this time and again, I am not offering this as a solution to those UFO reports that mention EM effects and stalled car engines, only that this is a somewhat interesting side discussion.

During World War II, as the allies attempted to learn something about the Foo Fighters, they sent a fellow, Dr. David Griggs to Europe. He was there to assist with radar and to investigate the Foo Fighters. When the war ended in Europe, he went to the Pacific Theater, to continue the investigation. He was part of the Compton Scientific Intelligence Committee, and he wanted, specifically to track down Japanese military technology with an eye to finding more about their electromagnetic beam experiments. There had been some discussion that these beam weapons could interrupt the smooth functioning of engines, as had been reported in some of the European Foo Fighter cases and, of course, was what Len Stringfield would report about his own sighting near Iwo Jima at the very end of the war in the Pacific.

Griggs did find some information about this electromagnetic “ray” technology. The ray was something primitive, but “[They could] stop the engines at short range… and one massive device could kill a rabbit…” The document is somewhat difficult to decipher, but it might have suggested that the ray killed the rabbit at a distance of about three feet. Apparently the device was discovered and captured, complete with its thirty-four foot dish. According to Michael Swords, the dish and its equipment were shipped to the US, but there is no record of it arriving and there seems to be no follow up into what happened to it.

So, apparently, the Japanese had invented a weapon that could stop the operation of an engine, and I would imagine that it was some sort of electromagnetic field that suppressed the flow of electrons. I would suspect that once the engine stalled under this scenario, it would not restart without some sort of action by the operator, meaning the driver or pilot. But the range was extremely limited so as a weapon it was a novelty but not effective.

For those interested in learning more about Griggs and his investigation into the Foo Fighters I would suggest:

UFOs and Government: A Histoical Enquiry by Michael Swords, Robert Powell,, Anomalist Books, pp. 5 – 10


Strange Company by Keith Chester, Anomalist Books, pp. 194 – 198 (as well as many other references to him throughout the book.)


Robtzu said...

I am reading your book now, shipped in on Monday. Do you think the lack of info on the "beam weapon" is due to the general post war demobilization chaos or something else?
It doesn't seem like it was further developed, we would have seen it by now.

Larry said...

Actually, we may have seen it developed. The US Navy has deployed moderately powered microwave systems on its ships with antennae that can be pointed at surface targets such as small speedboats etc. to discourage them from coming too near the ship. This is a non-lethal system that can create heat and pain or discomfort in those who are targeted.

I haven't read the Griggs material that Kevin refers to, but I would be surprised if the Japanese "death ray" was anything other than a high powered (for the day) radar or microwave beam, directed by a parabolic antenna. It is well known that such systems will heat objects placed in the beam by direct excitation of the atoms. This is how a microwave oven operates. A rabbit placed in such a beam (close enough to the antenna) would be cooked to death, and an internal combustion engine would probably have its wiring melted, thus stopping it for sure.

The difference between this and what is described in the UFO literature is that neither the rabbit nor the engine would be able to work again after the beam was removed,

Anthony Mugan said...

This whole question cries out for experimental data. There is enough theory to suggest some plausible lines of enquiry for experimenters to try to replicate these effects.
The self starting reports at first sight sound implausible but, despite being only a small proportion of vehicle interference cases, I wouldn't be comfortable in writing them off at this stage.

The mechanisms suggested ( e.g. By McCampbell or in these discussions) are certainly speculative but if we can figure out what conditions would be required to allow it to happen then that may tell us something important ( e.g does it require a pulsed field?)

There seem a little to many such cases that don't appear obviously psychological or motivated by other factors to entirely dismiss it at this stage.

albert said...

Particle-beam systems and EM systems are different animals.

Super-powerful lasers are lethal weapons, but differ only in frequency compared to microwave systems.

Particle beam weapons use electrons or protons, accelerated to very high speeds. Disregarding wave effects or induced EM, they induce heating of the target by its absorption of the tremendous kinetic energy of the particles.

That said, I don't discount the possibility of other systems, as yet unknown to scientists, due to their lack of understanding of fundamental physics*.

I gotta go...

* a less argumentative interpretation might be 'they don't know everything yet'

Unknown said...

"A Different Perspective" has been included in Friday's Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

Larry said... wrote: “Particle-beam systems and EM systems are different animals…..Particle beam weapons use electrons or protons, accelerated to very high speeds.”

This is a true but totally irrelevant statement. By definition, all automobile stopping incidents by UFOs occur near the surface of the Earth, where the atmospheric density is greatest. The stopping distance of Protons in dense air is, at most, a few meters. For Electrons, it is even shorter. This is why particle beam weapons, when they are envisioned at all, are designed for exoatmospheric deployment. For Electron or Proton beams to have an effect on automobile engines (or anything else) the source would have to be within a meter or so of the target.

albert said...

Not totally irrelevant. Particle beam weapons using uncharged particles are being developed.

Anonymous said...

Hope this works... Don't you just love it when the IT changes...
Thanks to DR for earlier refs.

Skin effect looks to me to be the most likely basis for the initial stalling effects, assuming an AC or pulsed field. This gives the detail of how a back emf effect increases resistance in wiring. Restarting is another question of course.

Can anyone think of a naturally occurring AC EM field?

albert said...

You can read about Schumann resonances in wiki (

They are very low frequencies. 7.83 Hz is considered the fundamental frequency, with harmonics above it.

Caution: There's a lot of mumbo-jumbo associated with this subject. Surfer beware! :)

I gotta go...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Albert, but it would need to be a relative high frequency AC field to noticeably increase the resistance in the wiring

Graham said...

Actually the British may have beaten the Japanese to it: