week, because it was the 75th anniversary of the Roswell crash, and
because everyone that I would have wanted for a guest was either celebrating
the 4th of July, recovering
from that celebration, or had travelled to Roswell, I flew solo. My plan was to
cover some of the high points… and low points in my investigations into the
Roswell crash.
first, I had a rant or two. I mentioned that I was not a fan of Amazon’s new
rating system for books. You could give one star but didn’t have to give a
reason. While I appreciate four- and five-star ratings, when we fall to the
other end, I’d like to know why the rating was so low… And many times, when
there is a review, it has nothing to do with the quality of the writing or
information, but with the condition of the book. I have no control over that. One
of those who actually provided a review mentioned that the pages were falling
out. Not my fault. You need to take that up with publishers and book binders. I
just wonder how often the reader is offended by something I don’t control.
did mention that the negative reviews, as opposed to just the negative ratings,
sometimes provide feed back that does help. One of those suggested that one of
my books just seemed to be an excuse to denigrate other researchers. While that
wasn’t the intent, I could understand the comment and could, next time, be
cognizant of that and tone down the rhetoric.
second rant came about because I had just seen an unqualified comment on
another website in which the host said that Project Mogul was the cause of the
debris and that it was top secret which was why there had been such an effort
to recover it. I just wish these people would do a little research and learn
that what was going on in New Mexico was not highly classified. It wasn’t
classified at all and that negates this excuse. For those interested in the
on-going arguments, just type Project Mogul into the search engine on the left
and you can sort through all my postings on it.
there, I moved onto the meat of the program, explaining how I had become
involved in the original Roswell investigation. It was an outgrowth of a
purposed debate about UFOs between science fiction writers and investigators
from the Center for UFO Studies. It looked as if it was going to be one-sided,
so I jumped to the pro side. It’s all explained in the show, which, of course,
you can listen to hear:
watch here, if you want to see me talk about UFOs and Roswell for an hour:
the second segment, I did talk about our first trip Roswell and how it didn’t
look all that good until we met with Bill Brazel. Here was a guy who had
handled the debris and who had gotten part of the story from his father, Mack.
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Bill Brazel in 1989. Photo by Kevin Randle |
also talked about my conversations with Edwin Easley, the Roswell Provost
Marshal in 1947. I believe I have mentioned this on several occasions, but for
this program, I wanted to hit the high points.
the third segment, because it was necessary, I addressed some of the problems
with the Roswell story. These were embodied by Frank Kaufmann, Glenn Dennis and
the Plains of San Agustin. Although Don and I had accepted the tales told by
Frank Kaufmann, and how they were backed by Walter Haut, we were the ones that
finally exposed his stories. True, others had denounced him earlier, but they
based it, not on evidence, but in their belief there was no alien component to
the Roswell story. Mark Rodeghier, Mark Chesney and Don Schmitt had gathered
the initial evidence, and I provided some documentation that ultimately proved
the case.
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Glenn Dennis. Not the most credible source. |
the final segment, I mentioned one of the things on which we all agree and that
is that something fell in Roswell. Once again, because it is part of the story,
I touched on the Project Mogul nonsense.
also mentioned, because there is a note of irony in it, that the Air Force,
during their investigation confirmed many of the things that we had said about
the alternative explanations. In other words, we agreed that it wasn’t an
errant missile or rocket from White Sands, it wasn’t an experimental aircraft,
it wasn’t some kind of accident involving atomic weapons or that it was an
early experiment in space flight that had gone horribly wrong. Of course, we
disagreed with their final conclusion about Project Mogul.
time, I’ll be talking with Blair MacKenzie Blake about the Allende Letters and
our separate investigations into them, including getting copies of the Varo
edition of Morris K. Jessup’s book that might have sparked this whole
I am still less inclined to believe Roswell "crash" was aliens since it sounds like a chowder headed thing to do given the advanced technology needed to travel interstellarly.
Regarding dust impact to interstellar travel, perhaps Dr. van Allen was not aware at the time, but there are a number of possible ways to clean out dust particles, micrometeorites and atoms from the path of a near light speed vehicle. Lasers are one. An huge electrostatic field. A huge electromagnetic field. Or, some other advanced tech. Of course, power sources are a question, but we can presume a thousand year older than us civilization may have some aces up their sleeves. Still, they are unlikely to crash. I think it safe to say any advanced civilization is going to have a lot of reliability/redundancy and risk management and will not goof around with crashing.
Moonman -
I'm pretty sure that Dr. van Allen was well aware of the ways to clear the debris from the path of a spacecraft traveling at relativistic speeds...
And I would suggest that nothing is perfect and that undetected flaws can cause catastrophic failures. We simply do not know the capabilities of an alien civilization. At this point, all we can say for certain is that something fell at Roswell (well, near Corona if you wish to get technical) and that no terrestrial explanation has been offered that covers the facts of the case.
I do not find any articles Dr. van Allen wrote about interstellar travel. Maybe he had some undocumented/unpublished thoughts about it. It was likely way out of his domain. PhDs are not experts in everything, despite how most seem to want to use their credentials as automatic gravitas.
I suspect he had extensive knowledge of radiation so was a pretty good authority on it. Still I worry about his work.
"On the same day Van Allen held his press conference in May 1958, he agreed to cooperate with the U.S. military on a top-secret project. The plan: to send atomic bombs into space in an attempt to blow up the Van Allen Belts, or to at least disrupt them with a massive blast of nuclear energy."
Dr. van Allen, leading the way to EMP strikes!
What is it about scientists/PhDs that they seem to have a God complex?
I have not heard anywhere that something "for certain" fell at Roswell. Do you have hard proof? Just anecdotes, eh? At least if there was some metal to test, you might get somewhere. Not perfect proof, since it could be faked too.
But assuming something really did fall at Roswell, it is very much unlikely to have been some alien race thousands of years ahead of us. You don't travel interstellarly in a vehicle tied together with baling wire and duct tape and foil. You would have super level redundancy and backup and likely authorized lethal use of force retrieval methods for their tech.
If you don't accept Nick Redfern's imaginative scenarios of diabolical US testing, or "Hot Tub" human time travel idiots from the distant future then the only other alternative is other "alien" terrestrial tech suggested by our climate champion, Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
In his “The Silurian hypothesis: would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record?” ( ), he proposes the idea that there may have been civilizations prior to humans on Earth and speculates how to detect them. Not required to be human, eh?.... Given the age of Earth, it does not seem such a stretch to believe, at least compared to interstellar travel problems. Another PhD outside his field.
Interstellar travel
Moonman -
I spent two, two and a half hours with van Allen talking about UFOs and interstellar flight.
And there is no doubt that something fell at Roswell. That point of view has been in existence for decades including the pictures taken in General Ramey's office as evidence. The dispute has always been about what fell...
And no, I don't accept Nick's theory, though find it interesting.
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