I was looking for
additional information about a sighting reported by George Noory on Coast to
Coast, when I stumbled into several reports of chevron-shaped UFOs. You can
read that report here:
asked for more information, American Airlines referred the reporters to the
FBI. There has been no explanation for the sighting at this time. Later reports
suggest both FAA and FBI investigation and the possibility of something from
White Sands.
means, obviously, that the sighting is being taken seriously by the press and
various government agencies. This almost reminds me of the beginning of the modern
era in which such reports were taken seriously rather than ridiculed. And in
the last couple of days, former air traffic controllers have reported similar
In the course of my
search, I came across multiple reports of chevron-shaped objects. These are
objects that looked like the rank worn by soldiers and Marines and differ from
triangular UFOs because the base is open. David Marler provided commentary
about triangular UFOs in his book, Triangular UFOs: Estimate of the
Situation. You can listen to that conversation here:
The Lubbock Lights. |
This all lead to the
chevron-shaped UFOs. One of the earliest of those reports came from Albuquerque
on August 25, 1951. This report was made 90 minutes before the first of the
Lubbock Lights sighting. The witnesses described a flying wing like aircraft,
with a series of lights along the edge of the wing. Later, several college
professors would report objects passing overhead in Lubbock, which became the
first of those sightings. Carl Hart, Jr. took five photographs of those lights
a few nights later, which showed a chevron-shaped, or flying wing like craft.
Only four of the photographs have survived. Hart told me in 1995 that he didn’t
know what he had photographed. You can read more about the Lubbock Lights here:
In reports from MUFON
and Peter Davenport’s National UFO Reporting Center, I found the following. On
January 10, 2021, the witness in Philadelphia, said that while star-gazing, saw
a massive V-shaped craft that traveled from north to southwest. The witness
said that it was very large and was silent. The V or chevron, was dark with dim
running lights along the edges. The witness said the most interesting part was
that it seemed that light was bending around the body of the craft and that the
‘stars behind it were visible though were stretched or distorted as it flew.
On January 5, at about
ten p.m., the witness in Richmond, Missouri, heard a noise that might have been
a snow plow but I kept getting louder. Stepping outside, the witness saw an
aircraft that resembled the B-2 Bombers from Whiteman Air Force base. The
witness said that the object so low, that it was vibrating the house. It was
flying extremely low. The only lights were two solid red at the wingtips. The
shape seemed to be a triangle, but the B-2 is more chevron shaped. It was cloudy
so that the witness said that “It didn’t silhouette very well.”
In a case from Los
Angeles, a witness, only identified as Miguel said that he saw a boomerang
flying over the area. He said it was about 300 feet in size and had a dark
surface with white lights. He said it emitted nothing and made no noise but did
maintain a constant speed and elevation. It had “fuzzy edges,” and he said
there was a mist or shroud around it.
One of the best
sightings of a chevron-shaped object was reported at the same time as the
Phoenix Lights. The
object, that could be described as a flying wing with lights in a “V” formation,
was first seen in Nevada rather than Arizona. Just before seven (Pacific
Standard Time) a man living in Henderson, just outside of Las Vegas, said that
he saw a “V”-shaped object that he thought was about the size of a Boeing 747
and that sounded like the rushing of wind. There were six lights on the leading
edge. He watched as it flew to the southeast, eventually disappearing over the
reported the lights as they flew from northern Arizona to the southern corner,
a distance of about two hundred miles in about thirty minutes, or at about 400
miles per hour. The speed is not outside that of conventional aircraft.
Valentine, a laser printer technician, said he was sitting in his yard when he
saw the lights. He ran inside to alert his father, an aeronautical engineer,
and both saw the lights, an estimated 500 feet above them. They could also see
a mass behind the lights. Neither could see a definable shape, just the
formation of lights with a wavy, gray mass behind them. Neither of them could
explain what they had seen.
Davenport, and his National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) received dozens of
calls from witnesses in Arizona that night.
According to him:
group of three witnesses, located just north of Phoenix, reported seeing a
huge, wedge-shaped craft with five lights on is ventral surface pass overhead
with an eerie “gliding” type of flight. It coursed to the south and passed
between two mountain peaks to the south. The witnesses emphasized how huge the
object was, blocking up to 70 – 90 degrees of the sky.
second group of witnesses, a mother and four daughters near the intersection of
Indian School Road and 7th Avenue [in Phoenix], were shocked to
witness an object, shaped somewhat like a sergeant’s stripes, approach from
over Camelback Mountain to the north. They report that it stopped directly
above them, where it hovered for an estimated 5 minutes. They described how it
filled at least 30 – 40 degrees of sky, and how it exhibited a faint glow along
its trailing edge. The witnesses felt they could see individual features on the
ventral surface of the object, and they were certain that they were looking at
a very large, solid object.
The object began moving slowly to the south, at
which time it appeared to “fire” a white beam of light at the ground. At about
the same time, the seven lights on the object’s leading edge suddenly dimmed
and disappeared from the witnesses’ sight. The object moved off in the general
direction of Sky Harbor International Airport, a few miles to the south, where
it was witnessed by two air traffic controllers in the airport tower, and
reportedly by several pilots, both on the ground and on final approach from the
this point in the sighting, the facts are somewhat less clear to investigators.
It is known that at least one object continued generally to the south and
southeast, passing over the communities of Scottsdale, Glendale, and Gilbert.
One of the witnesses in Scottsdale, a former airline pilot with 13,700 hours of
flight time, reported seeing the object execute a distinct turn as it
approached his position on the ground. He noted that he witnessed many lights
on the object as it approached him, but that the number of lights appeared to
diminish as it got closer to overhead. Many other witnesses in those
communities reported seeing the object pass overhead as it made its way toward
the mountains to the south of Phoenix.
Other sightings occurred shortly afterward along Interstate 10 in the vicinity
of Casa Grande. One family of five, who were driving from Tucson to Phoenix,
reported that the object that passed over their station wagon was so large that
they could see one “wing tip” of the object out one side of their car, and the
other “wing tip” out the other side. They estimated they were driving toward
Phoenix at approximately 80 miles per hour, and they remained underneath the
object for between one and two minutes as it moved in the opposite direction.
They emphasized how incredibly huge the object appeared to be as it blocked out
the sky above their car.
all this demonstrates is that there were more sightings than have been reported
by most of those commenting on the lights. More important, some of the
explanations offered in the days that followed did not account for the variety
of sightings.
the sightings didn’t end; they just became more controversial and produced a
number of video tapes. These were lights that inspired the investigations as
well as the media attention because nothing excites the media like a good
visual. One of the tapes, shown repeatedly on local, national, and cable
television, was analyzed using an impressive looking array of computers and
some very sophisticated software. The conclusions drawn in those early
investigations were that the lights were not natural phenomena and did not
exhibit any of the features of manufactured lights. In other words, they were
including private researchers began to gather the stories of the lights that
had moved across Arizona, some of them believing that all the sightings were
related. There were those who claimed to have a triangular-shaped object and
others who claimed to have seen individual lights in a triangular or “V” shaped
formation. Some thought the lights were white, others red, and still others saw
various faded colors in the lights.
might also be said that this is where things become confusing. There is good
testimony that one formation of lights was identified as airplanes. Steve
Wilson of The Arizona Republic,
reported about while others were sighting lights, one man saw an object. Wilson
Saracen, 34, is a real estate consultant who lives in north Phoenix. He and his
wife, Shala, were driving west on Deer Valley Road when they saw a huge
triangular craft. They pulled off the road, got out and watched it pass
overhead. “It was very spooky – this gigantic ship blocking out the stars and
silently creeping across the sky. I don’t know of any aircraft with silent
was not alone in this. Mike Rogers, yes that Mike Rogers, told me that he had
seen the large, triangular craft as it approached the Phoenix area. It was
clear from what he said that he wasn’t talking about a formation of lights, but
of a large, single object. He said that he was on a hillside when the craft
became visible. It was not a collection of lights or objects, but a single
craft. You can listen to our discussion about this here:
In my conversation with
David Marler, he mentioned that sightings of triangular-shaped objects were
becoming more frequent. He also mentioned that he “Tried to remain pure to
actually focusing on actual triangular UFOs…” there is a gray area when looking
at the various reports. He also said that these chevron-shaped UFOs, or
boomerangs, were a category of their own.
The statistics do show
more sightings of the chevron shapes. It’s almost as if there has been an
evolution in the shape of the craft reported that might mean an update in the
technology or another species is now visiting.