Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Maury Island and National Geographic

The other night I was doing what I call a “video lap.” This is sitting with the remote in one hand and checking out the programming on the stations. I found, on the National Geographic channel a documentary on “Mysterious Islands,” which might or might not by the precise title. It was a bout islands that have something mysterious having happened there.

What caught my attention was a mention of Maury Island. As we all know, meaning those of us have been around the UFO field for a long time, the Maury Island sighting was described by Captain Edward Ruppelt, one-time chief of Project Blue Book, as “the dirtiest hoax in UFO history,” or something like that.

Captain Edward Ruppelt

Naturally, I stopped on that channel, fearing what I was going to see. Now, I understand that those reporting on these sightings, often don’t have the time to take a long, hard look at a case and can’t get beyond the surface. Or, they find what they want to find based on the bias of the documentary and quit their research.

Yes, they provided a look at the surface, suggested that this was an important UFO case that resulted in the recovery of metallic debris from a damaged UFO, and ultimately ended with the death of two Army Air Forces officers. Only mentioned briefly was the fact that one of the participants later said that it was a hoax. It was clear from the context that we could dismiss this claim.

Rather than go through all this again, I have written about it at length in Crash: When UFOs Fall from the Sky. I had the time to do complete research, had the chance to talk with those who had investigated the case in the past, and reviewed many documents relating to the sighting. What that means, simply, is that I did the sort of deep research that those now reporting on Maury Island, didn’t do. I did post a long article on this blog and you can read it here:


Yes, I periodically review cases such as this to learn if there is anything new to learn about it. I have found nothing today that would change my mind. I still believe it to be a hoax. To me, that seems to underline the truth. But we still must deal with new documentaries that don’t provide a complete picture. This is one of those cases that should be reduced to nothing more than a footnote. 


William G. Pullin said...

Historical hoaxes like Maury Island, Del Rio, Aztec, Aurora, and San Agustin have a life of their own, never to disappear into obscurity, unfortunately. Hope you're doing well Kevin.

John Steiger said...

Beware of revisionist history. Thank you, Kevin, for fighting back!

John Steiger said...

William G. Pullin: Although I largely agree with your comment, I cannot allow it to pass without responding that as to whether the Aztec UFO crash event of March, 1948 is a hoax or not is a matter of outstanding dispute. There are serious people on both sides of Aztec, such as Scott Ramsey & company on the pro-side, and Kevin, Monte Shriver, and yourself on the anti-side. I find myself rather completely straddling the fence, but with great respect for everyone expressing a serious opinion regarding Aztec.

William G. Pullin said...

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. I would be open to other possibilities concerning the Aztec case, and I still am, but when a story originates with two convicted fraudsters; hoax. Some evidence is needed, something tangible, anything, but alas....

car099 said...

not related, but just saw unsolved mysteries roswell episode, nice seeing you and Don, Kevin you have been a voice of reason on this crazy field, this blog will forever be a huge repository of good, solid references, details, thank you!