Monday, December 16, 2024

Drones, Donald Trump and the CIA


So, I’m driving my car, pushing the buttons to find something interesting on the radio and I blunder into President-elect Trump’s press conference. I’m about to hit the button but I caught the question being asked. “Can you comment on the drones…”

Trump seems to hesitate and then said, “The Government knows what is happening… Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it’s a garage they can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went. For some reason, they don’t want to comment. And I think they’d be better off saying what it is. Our military knows and our President knows and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense. I can’t imagine it is the enemy because if it was the enemy they’d blast it out. Even it was late they’d blast it. Something strange is going on. For some reason they don’t want to tell the people and they should because the people… I mean they happen to be over Bedminster. I don’t think I’ll spend the weekend in Bedminster. I have decided to cancel my trip.”

The President-elect, as if I had to mention that.

He’s interrupted by additional questions and makes a very telling comment. A reporter asked, “Have you received an intelligence briefing on the drones?”

He says, “I don’t want to comment on that.”

They then descent into questions about vaccines, which is not relevant to our discussion.

I did see, or hear, that an ex-member of the CIA was suggesting that the drones were some sort of classified exercise. The CIA has spent decades taking credit for all sorts of UFO sightings, suggesting during the 1950s and 60s that high flying spy planes were the UFOs. Now the CIA, or rather someone who was a member of the CIA, is making the same claim about the drones.

And the CEO of a company that makes drones suggested that they are “sniffing” for gas leaks or areas of radiation. That is why they’re flying at night, which implies that these searches are classified. But I wonder if that was true, then why are they all lit up. If it’s a secret search, turn off the damn lights. And that really doesn’t explain the daylight sightings.

I’m inclined to believe what Trump said during the press conference. He said the military knows, which explains why none have been shot down. He then didn’t answer the question about having been briefed, which is, of course, a type of answer. Given what he has done since the election during this transition period, it is very likely that he has been briefed. That briefing suggested there is nothing dangerous involved.

I also wonder if some of the drone sightings haven’t been inspired by the hysteria that is being exhibited. During a wave of UFO sightings in the 1973, there were several cases in which witnesses were making up their encounters, increasing the hysteria. There was a case where three men, dressed in aluminum foil and standing near a road were waving at the cars. They were eventually arrested.

The point is, that it is now difficult to separate the real sightings from the faked sightings or the incidents in which some drone owners are taking advantage of the public concern. There is a solid body of evidence that drones are flying into areas that are restricted, violating FAA regulations, and adding to the hysteria that has gripped the nation.

To this point, and I stress that, to this point, there has been no incident in which one of these drones caused an accident. That isn’t to say that might never happen, only, to this point, it is the hysteria and the fear of the unknown that is driving these events.

If the Government has the answer, and it doesn’t involve our adversaries as we have been told repeatedly, and it’s not the Martians, or aliens from another solar system, then there is no real reason for the secrecy. If they can end the hysteria now, then it is time to do so.


Paul Young said...

To paraphrase..." They're US drones flying around US bases....stooopid!"

Does anyone honestly believe that drones from foreign adversaries would be allowed to fly around sensitive NATO bases in UK and Germany or US AFB's on USA soil...
It simply wouldn't be tolerated, especially at this time of heightened tension.

Slightly off track, an outsider looking in...I find it bonkers that in the USA, you can overwhelmingly vote for someone to replace a failed president and then wait for a couple of months to let him take charge. (a lot of damage can be done in that time, as we are seeing.)
In the UK, when we dump a PM, the new one is sworn in within 24 hours. (sadly, over here, we tend to change one idiot for another)

Paul Young said...

As for the theory that they could be alien UFO's, that's laughable too. (and that's coming from me!... probably the last standing ETH'er to frequent Kevin's blog amongst you bunch of naysayers)

Other than, maybe, Stephenville and the Phoenix Lights...UFO's tend to avoid low pass fly-overs. For almost 100 years, low-profile and non-attention seeking has been the name of their game, yet these things seem to be doing everything possible to be seen and filmed...complete with headlights and port and starboard navigation lights.
They're obviously US drones...the only mystery (to me) is why this current US government won't just say it!

Bob Koford said...

It was either 1949 or 1950 when a "drone" was seen around the Hanford Atomic site. It was witnessed by several people, one of them being the head of security. What was that thing? I doubt we had that tech back then. Since it was never identified, it was, of course, a UFO.