Monday, January 06, 2025

A Good Match for the Zamora Symbol has been Found

Almost from the moment that strange craft was reported by Police Officer Lonnie Zamora in 1964, Air Force officers, UFO researchers, journalists and those with an interest in UFOs have been searching for an Earth based symbol to match that which Zamora saw. The search was complicated by military a military officer and an FBI agent who interviewed Zamora within a couple of hours. They suggested that he keep the symbol to himself, not to hide the evidence, but to have something to use if others reported the craft and symbol. That was further complicated when they, or someone at Project Blue Book, invented a symbol to satisfy the news media.

For those interested in reviewing this aspect of the case, you can find my postings about that here:

Over the years, there have been suggestions about that symbol, but they weren’t very close matches. Now, however, there is one that is frightening close to what Zamora reported. It is upside down. It is attached to a document dated 1928 which is part of a larger document. You can find that document here:

If the link doesn’t work, and I’ve had trouble with this sort of thing in the past, this is a look at several patents held by Nikola Tesla. The relevant one is Patent No. 1655144. Use that number in your search engine. This is a pdf. You need to scroll down to the patents from 1928 and you’ll see it in the upper left corner of the illustration.

While it is not an exact match, but, as I say, it is frightening close to the symbol that Zamora drew. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, why not just show it. The links above show the symbols released in 1964 and provide the documentation for it. I believe these provide a good history of that symbol.

That doesn’t answer the question however. Just in case links are broken or the patent number doesn’t work, here is that symbol:

Is the symbol here, the inspiration for the Zamora/Socorro symbol?

I should point out that Charles Blithfield discovered this and passed it along to me. Credit for the discovery goes to him.

And no, I don’t know if this taints the Zamora case, though it seems to be an incredible coincidence if an alien spacecraft held a symbol that is so close to the one Telsa used. Over the years, there has been quite a bit of controversy about this. I have to wonder, if the object Zamora reported was some sort of experimental craft, if there is any link to the various machines flying around White Sands had any link to Tesla.

Anyway, Blithfield has certainly complicated the case. I am reminded that Hector Quintanilla, the chief of Blue Book in 1964 had labeled the Zamora case as “unidentified,” he thought that the solution was somewhere in Zamora’s mind. He thought there might have been something that Zamora saw but hadn’t quite figured out what it was. Maybe this is the hint that Zamora needed for access that memory.

I do want to note that I don’t believe Zamora made up the sighting and I believe he was truly confused by it. He saw something he couldn’t identify and reported what he had seen.

As I say, thanks to Charles Blithfield for the information. 

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