Almost from the moment
that strange craft was reported by Police Officer Lonnie Zamora in 1964, Air
Force officers, UFO researchers, journalists and those with an interest in UFOs
have been searching for an Earth based symbol to match that which Zamora saw.
The search was complicated by military a military officer and an FBI agent who
interviewed Zamora within a couple of hours. They suggested that he keep the
symbol to himself, not to hide the evidence, but to have something to use if
others reported the craft and symbol. That was further complicated when they,
or someone at Project Blue Book, invented a symbol to satisfy the news media.
For those interested in
reviewing this aspect of the case, you can find my postings about that here:
Over the years, there
have been suggestions about that symbol, but they weren’t very close matches.
Now, however, there is one that is frightening close to what Zamora reported.
It is upside down. It is attached to a document dated 1928 which is part of a
larger document. You can find that document here:
If the link doesn’t
work, and I’ve had trouble with this sort of thing in the past, this is a look
at several patents held by Nikola Tesla. The relevant one is Patent No. 1655144.
Use that number in your search engine. This is a pdf. You need to scroll down
to the patents from 1928 and you’ll see it in the upper left corner of the
While it is not an
exact match, but, as I say, it is frightening close to the symbol that Zamora
drew. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, why not just show it. The links above show
the symbols released in 1964 and provide the documentation for it. I believe these
provide a good history of that symbol.
That doesn’t answer the
question however. Just in case links are broken or the patent number doesn’t
work, here is that symbol:
Is the symbol here, the inspiration for the Zamora/Socorro symbol? |
I should point out that
Charles Blithfield discovered this and passed it along to me. Credit for the
discovery goes to him.
And no, I don’t know if
this taints the Zamora case, though it seems to be an incredible coincidence if
an alien spacecraft held a symbol that is so close to the one Telsa used. Over
the years, there has been quite a bit of controversy about this. I have to
wonder, if the object Zamora reported was some sort of experimental craft, if
there is any link to the various machines flying around White Sands had any
link to Tesla.
Anyway, Blithfield has
certainly complicated the case. I am reminded that Hector Quintanilla, the chief
of Blue Book in 1964 had labeled the Zamora case as “unidentified,” he thought
that the solution was somewhere in Zamora’s mind. He thought there might have
been something that Zamora saw but hadn’t quite figured out what it was. Maybe
this is the hint that Zamora needed for access that memory.
I do want to note that
I don’t believe Zamora made up the sighting and I believe he was truly confused
by it. He saw something he couldn’t identify and reported what he had seen.
As I say, thanks to Charles Blithfield for the information.
I'm unable to find a patent actually on a government website with that number which corresponds to the image in question. I did find a patent with the number you give, and it really is Tesla's, and it really does have to do with a flying machine... but it is of a much more conventional appearance and type, relatively-speaking:
Are you sure you have a good source for this finding?
One can search the patent office for this patent.
US1655144A ( is a Grain-treating machine with no Zamora-like logo. It is not designed to be airborne.
US1655114A ( is an Apparatus for aerial transportation. But it looks in no way like a flying saucer and has no Zamora-like logo. No antigravity, more of a helicopter. More like a 1920's airship would look like. Rube Goldberg comes to mind.
Kevin: Thank you for this post about Lonnie Zamora’s notable symbol on the craft he observed. Unfortunately, the relationship between Zamora's craft symbol and Tesla's patent symbol is without proof of any direct connection aside from speculative conjecture. I believe that Charles Blithfield and yourself need something more than what is written in your blogpost in order to correlate the two and constitute a 'good match'. Thank you both very much though for bringing this to our attention.
The "Tesla Symbol" is different from the Zamora "Umbrella Symbol" in that:
1. The symbols are rotated 180 degrees from one another.
2. The Tesla Symbol has 3 dots beneath the concave arch of the "umbrella". Zamora's symbol lacks the 3 dots.
We also have to ignore the Zamora symbol controversy over which was the correct symbol: the umbrella one or the inverted V with 3 horizontal lines through/beneath/above it. There are good arguments for both IMHO. (And no, I don't want to rehash this here. We've debated it before and I don't see it being resolved unless something new and definitive appears.)
There are also more than one versions of the Zamora umbrella symbol. They are not identical.
If this was a secret government craft from White Sands, there are other details that don't exactly match. Did the guvmint routinely use child-size test pilots? Would the guvmint test and land a highly secret craft so close to a populated area? Why did the craft speed off to the west into the middle of nowhere instead of flying south back to White Sands? What was the "blue flame" that came out of the object as it took off with a roar, burned the ground and vegetation, yet left no excavation crater that a conventional propulsion system like rockets or jet engines would necessarily create?
And if orientation doesn't matter, then we should also consider Dr. Leon Davidson's argument that the umbrella symbol is just a scrambled or dyslexic rendering of "CIA" turned on its side. And there are also no missing dots to account for in that case, which in one way would make it more like the Zamora symbol. (Davidson was anti-ETH and instead believed the guvmint/CIA used UFOs as a means of hiding secret projects.)
I suspect this is most likely a coincidence. (Interesting though). Look at enough symbols and eventually you'll find 2 that resemble one another. I once came across a real estate company logo that resembled the Zamora symbol. (Think peaked house being "protected" by an arch over it.)
Brian Bell similarly in a previous blog pointed out that the alt-Zamora symbol (inverted V with 3 lines through it) was the same as an old alchemy symbol for amalgam.
Did you not even bother to check if the patent is real? That drawing looks nothing like a 1920’s style draft drawing, and is clearly a Lazar saucer. The real patent is for a helicopter-ish device.
David -
I am impressed with the symbol because it is one of the closest that has been found and as I say, that is somewhat worrisome. I posted the article because I thought it would be of interest to others.
John -
Tony Bragalia has made something of a connection, though it is through our buddy, Charles Moore. According to Tony, Moore was testing Tesla's interest in lightning rods and whether those with a pointed end or with a rounded end attracted more lightning bolts. This is a rather tenuous connection, but it does, sort of, make a connection.
Scott -
Nope. What mattered to me was that I had a picture of the symbol and it looked like, with David's comments about that, the one Zamora drew. Besides, I posted a link to the entire presentation so that you and others could see it. Did you look at that?
All -
Tony provided additional information about it to me, which, I'll try to get to in the next few days. He points out there is another symbol, which I believe has been circulated which also is similar.
But, as I say, the important point was the presentation that was linked in the story. You all can check that out, and no, I haven't verified much about the organization that produced the presentation, because, here was a representation of Zamora's symbol (yes, David, I know it isn't an exact match), but I thought that interesting. And, David, given the Blue Book documentation, I believe we know what symbol is the correct one because we have the scrap of paper on which Zamora drew the symbol as the craft lifted off... And yes, I would like to see if someone (Charles Moore) conducting experiments at White Sands or around Socorro, that would have had to do with lightning strikes... That raises some interesting questions.
Kevin, yes I looked at the entire “presentation.” It doesn’t matter because the actual patent isn’t what’s in the presentation! The drawing with the symbol is a modern fake! Look at the link I provided for the real patent!
Here is a scholarly article that has multiple views of the patent drawings and does show the sympbol:
HOWEVER, a search of the U.S. Patent Office under that number does indeed show two 1928 patents for a distinctly non-Tesla grain machine.
It's a scam. The only relevant Tesla patent for 1928 is US-1655113-A, a "Device for Aerial Transportation" that looks more like some Orville and Wilbur would have designed. This intense research project took me about 4 minutes.
Scott -
This whole patent thing is a red herring... I mean, that is the wrong rabbit hole to go down. The point is that the symbol resembles the one that Zamora drew. It seems that the illustration in the presentation (which BTW, the organization doesn't seem to be quite as credible as it could be) can be found in other documents referenced in other comments. The real question is when that illustration was created... and I have yet to find a good date for that. So, let's dispense with the discussion of the patent and try to find the original source of the illustration. If it precedes the Zamora sighting, then there is something interesting, then we have something. I have yet to find a source from the 20th century, which doesn't mean it doesn't exist, only I haven't spent enough time looking for it.
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