many of you know, my book Roswell in the
21st Century is out in a few weeks.
While reviewing the case
files, documentation, witness interviews, the hundreds of video and audio
tapes, and books and magazine articles, I had my eyes open for something new in
the way of documentation. While I didn’t find any that mentioned Roswell
specifically, I did find a few that referred to UFO crashes. Although some of
those such as the Twining Letter and the Air Intelligence Report are covered in
the book, I have made another discovery which is not to say I am alone on this
but that others have referenced it as well.
![]() |
Captain Ed Ruppelt |
was looking for some information about Ed Ruppelt and came across a briefing he
had given to the Air Defense Command on January 24, 1953, or more accurately, a
rough draft of that briefing. Originally classified as “secret” it was, of
course downgraded over the years and when the Project Blue Book files were
declassified, this report found on Roll 87, after an entry in what was called
Box 4 and just after the transcript of Major General Samford’s July 1952 press
conference, was Ruppelt’s briefing. What caught my eye were a couple of paragraphs
in that rough draft. It said:
can be stated now that as far as the current situation is concerned, there are
no indications that the reported objects are a direct threat to the United
States nor is there any proof that
[all underlining in the original] the reported objects are any foreign body
over the United States or, as far as we know, the rest of the world. This
always brings up the question of space travel. We have gone into this with
many people and it is the opinion of most scientists or people that should know
it is not impossible for some other planet to be inhabited and for this planet
to send beings down to earth. However, there is no, and I want to emphasize
and report the word “No”, evidence of this in any report the Air Force has
received. I would like to go back over
that once more for the sake of the record. We have no evidence in any of our
reports that the earth is being visited by any people or beings from outer
space [italics indicated a section that had been crossed out in the
have arrived at the conclusion that these reported objects are no direct threat
to the United States for several different reasons. One, we have never picked up
any “hardware”. By that we mean any pieces, parts, whole articles, or anything
that would indicate an unknown material or object. We have received many pieces
of material to be analyzed but in every case there was no doubt as to what this
material was.
we talk about what all this might mean, I will point out that these paragraphs
have been published elsewhere, but they have been edited. While the editing
doesn’t actually alter the information, it does seem to provide a slightly
biased assessment which is to say, that it underscores the lack of recovered
debris. I have seen it reported as:
there is no, and I want to emphasize and report the word “No”, evidence
of this in any report the Air Force has received… WE HAVE NEVER PICKED UP ANY HARDWARE
[emphasis added by one of those reporting]. By that we mean any pieces, parts,
whole articles, or anything that would indicate an unknown material or object.
major point here is some of the information has been deleted, but as it turns
out, it does not alter the statement. It consolidates the information but I
think the whole context is something that we should note.
could make several points here. First, Ruppelt is undoubtedly arguing based on
what is in the Project Blue Book files, and in that context we know that his
statements are accurate. There is but a single mention of the Roswell case in
those files which appears in a four paragraph newspaper clipping about another
UFO case. That mention is only that those at Roswell had received a “blistering
rebuke” for their announcement that a flying saucer had crashed. The point is,
now that we all have access to the complete Blue Book files, we know Ruppelt’s
statements are true, if he used only the information in the Blue Book files.
I could suggest that Ruppelt’s briefing was originally classified as “secret”
and we all believe that if there had been an alien spacecraft crash at Roswell,
it would have been classified as “top secret.” Therefore, nothing could be
mentioned about it without, I believe, defeating the purpose of the briefing by
limiting the number of people who could attend. Many of those in the audience
would not have been authorized at the briefing at a higher level of
it could be argued that even though Ruppelt was the chief of Blue Book, he
didn’t have a need to know about Roswell. His job was to investigate sightings
and collect data about them and not worry about the reverse engineering of
anything that had been found… and yes, I know this is lame.
if you are attempting to protect a secret, you don’t want to suggest something
that might lead to that secret. True, one of the best ways to stop questions is
to tell people that something doesn’t exist or hasn’t happened, but here
Ruppelt was talking about a subject, UFO crashes, that might have been best
left unsaid. He did, apparently scratch out part of the statement, but that
could have been for no other reason than to eliminate redundancy.
this statement was stand alone, meaning that it was the only example of such a
comment in the vast majority of documents that I have searched, and others have
searched, we might be able to ignore it. But it is not, and we see the top of
the Air Force intelligence community all saying basically the same thing. Lieutenant
General Nathan Twining, mentioned the lack of crashed recovered debris and
while I believe the letter was written by Colonel Howard McCoy, Twining signed
it, meaning he had read it and approved its content.
the top intelligence officer at AMC, that is Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
not only wrote the letter for Twining, he said the same thing a number of times,
that is, no recovered crash debris. Again, it seems unlikely that McCoy
wouldn’t have known about the crash even if he wasn’t directly involved in the
research, and he surely wouldn’t have been mentioning the subject if there was
a secret to protect.
we have here is another officer, Ruppelt, involved with the UFO research and
investigation who is saying that there is no crash recovered debris and there
is no material submitted for analysis that was not identified as something
terrestrial. Ruppelt’s words are direct and definitive. It is not the sort of
words used when someone is attempting to inhibit inquiry when he knows the
situation is different. It suggests that Ruppelt is telling the truth as he
knows it and while it might be said that he was outside of the loop on crash
recovered debris, I believe it is also fair to point out that who he was, where
he was and when he was there would have put him in contact with the people who
should have known the truth. Under those circumstances he would have heard
something and that he says otherwise in such strong language suggests there was
nothing for him to have heard…
General Exon was not directly involved, but he heard things from his friends.
He knew things based on what they had told him, probably out of school as they
say. My point here is that Ruppelt would have been in the same boat but
apparently heard nothing so that he was confident in making the statements he
did. In other words, this does not bode well for any crashed saucer tale.
Isn't it possible that Exon believed a story he heard from trusted fellow officers, but in the end all of them simply (and incorrectly) concluded the stories of crashed saucers (Roswell in particular) were true, when in fact it (they) never was?
Solid people can fall prey to these stories especially when they float through an organization of connected men who trust one another.
And if Ruppelt was close enough to the men who would have known and also directly involved, he sure didn't seem to have any inclination that a saucer was recovered - not even a hint. One would think he might have had some inclination it was true even if not authorized to know for certain.
And here we have him making very honest commentary stating very clearly no such thing ever happened as far as he knew from his assignment with Blue Book.
So if Roswell wasn't a crashed saucer, what was it?
BB asked...
"So if Roswell wasn't a crashed saucer, what was it?"
That's what I would like to know as well Brian.
Kevin, this frankly is not conclusive. I think Ruppelt was merely stating the purpose and goals of the USAF's Blue Book team, which basically was that there is not evidence to UFOs, or that UFOs were not a threat to National Security. We now that UFOs that were considered to be a threat to national security were handled by a channel different than Blue Book, as stated by general Carroll Bolender. So it is completely UNsurprising to see Ruppelt saying that UFOs were not a threat to national security and related ideas. He was Blue Book. What do you frankly expect him to say? Ruppelt might have been an honest person, but he was probably a puppet.
We now that UFOs were considered to be Top Secret thanks to a realeased FBI document and thanks to Smith's canadian memo, therefore the "Top Secret" versus "Just Secret" argument is still fully valid, and it is 100% consistend with what Carroll Bolender said about blue book, and cannot be wiped out with the subjective idea that it is "lame". It is not.
Brian Bell asked:
"So if Roswell wasn't a crashed saucer, what was it?"
It was a super secret prototype based on nazi saucer/stealth/flying-wing technology, of course with deformed and burned japenese children inside, which also suffered from Progeria and also were subjected to genetic mutations and nuclear radiation doses as a part of an horrible experiment to test what was the effect of high altitude of atomic energy on mutated humans. Unfortunately, this prototype crashed with a Mogul balloon filled with test dummies. What else could it be Brian, for god's sake???
If that´s the definitive word on crashed saucers, the question arises why the former scientific Adivisor of Project Blue Book was encouringing Len Stringfield to persue his research on Crash Retrieval . Having witnessed the "Behind the flying saucer affair" and working with project BB in the past, Hynek should have warned Strengfield to continue his work, at least at that point Stringfield was receiving death threats. He should have known, that there is nothing behind this stories.
Instead of that, he was telling Stringfield that he is on the right track.
Don -
Didn't say that it was definitive... but when coupled with other statements made around the same time and by the people who would have known, it becomes much stronger.
There is another side to all this, meaning Ruppelt, which I noticed during the research and I intend on doing a longer post about it. Now I'll simply say that Ruppelt wasn't the non-biased guy we thought he was... that speech and a couple of other things suggest that he was actually pretty much anti-saucer.
Zak -
Because he wasn't encouraging that research until after his contract had been cancelled or allowed to expire... besides, Hynek was a civilian who complained that the really good cases went somewhere else, a place to which Hynek had no access.
Brian -
The point isn't what Exon believed but that he didn't have access to the real stuff and was not part of the intelligence function at Wright Field. What we learned from him was basically second hand except for his claim to have flown over two sites.
I was wondering about the context of the presentation. Was the 'briefing' a verbal presentation? Were these briefings also transcribed and disseminated? Who would have been in the audience?
Information I found on the ADC wasn't detailed enough.
It makes sense to me that all ADC briefings were classified, regardless of content. Is that so?
I would regard Ruppelts presentation as directed to a specific audience.
. .. . .. --- ....
> Hynek was a civilian who complained that the really good cases went somewhere else
Hi Kevin,
Been following your blog for a long time, and this subject for much longer. I've often heard this same thing about Hynek but can't seem to find a source. Was this a conversation he had with a fellow researcher, or did he mention it in one of his works? Heck, I may have read it in one of his books but that was a long time ago. Thanks for your time.
Tim McCauley: I believe the source for Hynek's statement is either in his "The Hynek UFO Report" or his "The UFO Experience". Both are excellent reading and the former details Hynek's conversion from a skeptic to a believer...
This Ruppelt statement was written post Robertson Panel, right? At that point the official positions on UFOs changed from oven investigation to case closed no UFO. So Ruppelt as disciplined Air Force officer got with the program. Going into Roberson he held the positions that he was 60% pro-extraterrestrial if I recall what he said in his book. So this should be no surprise really.
Here is an excerpt of "the UFO Experience" ,in which Hynek spoke about his work on project BB.:
Some consider people who saw something are lying or making something up and project bluebook is 100% honest. I doubt that though. Bc project blue book was done by the military and not an independent organization. So it's definitely in the range of possibilities that roswell was not part of the declassified blue book files. If project blue book was done by an independent source I'd trust them if they said there happened nothing at roswell. But since it was done by a governmental organization it can't be 100% trusted.
But I can understand that you as ex-military member rather trust the military than Ufologists. But I think we all have our own and free opinions and believes and that's good.
Peter Z -
Your comments make little sense. We all know that those investigating UFOs for Blue Book slapped answers on the cases so that they wouldn't be labeled as unidentified. We know that they lost case files, conducted their investigations over the telephone and often had to be dragged into the research. We know that the files contain contradictory information, and I have written about all that on many occasions.
Being retired military has nothing to do with the evaluation of this aspect of UFO research. I have seen the military investigation bungled, know that the Condon Committee was a put up job with the conclusions written before a single case was reviewed, and have seen UFO researchers make up evidence to support their favorite cases, so it is not a matter of trusting military over Ufologists. It is a matter of looking at the evidence to reach a conclusion. It is not about a personal bias but a search for the truth. While everyone is free to believe whatever he or she wants, often evidence gets in the way and is ignored.
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