other night, August 1, I appeared on the Rob McConnell’s X-Zone radio show and
in the course of the conversation, I mentioned that it was strange that Billy
Meier’s Pleiadian pals had not mentioned the large planet out in the Kuiper
Belt that was being postulated by our current astronomical community. I figured
that if they were flying around the Solar System they would have a good idea of
what was out there, outside the range of our capabilities. But in the world of
the UFO, as I often say, nothing is ever quite as simple as that.
Stevens, who was among the first Americans to get mixed up with Meier,
published a book, A Preliminary
Investigation Report: The Report of Ongoing Contact, which, of course, is
about Billy Meier. The copyright date is a little strange because it lists
1982, 1981, 1980, 1979 and 1978. It means that the book was updated
periodically and the only way to know what was in the 1978 version is to review
that copy. I mention this simply because Meier has made so many predictions
over time that we need some way to verify the earliest date of a specific
prediction so that we can gauge the accuracy of that prediction. However, in
this particular case, the multiplicity (I just love that word) of copyright
dates does not hinder my observations. However, it seems that the information
had been given to Stevens on March 9, 1979, but that the contact with Meier had
been on October 19, 1978. Given that, we can deduce that the copyright date
after 1978 applies.
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Pluto, with the large, heart shaped feature that no one predicted. NASA photo. |
page 89 of the book (though I’m not sure what edition and copyright date apply
here) Stevens wrote about the number of moons around Jupiter as given to Meier.
For this discussion, that is irrelevant. In the same paragraph, he wrote, “They
also observed that there are still 2 more planets in our solar system still to
be discovered, both beyond Pluto.”
page 521, Stevens wrote, “Then he [Meier] stated that there are also two more
planets orbiting our sun – both beyond Pluto, and both smaller than Pluto… He
said that it was not the time for us to discover these bodies technically yet,
but that they would be identified and studied in the future.”
we have some specific predictions here, with a date handed to us by Stevens, so
we can see if Meier made some startling predictions about the discovery of
transneptune objects (TNO). What does this say about Meier’s predictions? How
could he know these things back in 1979 (using the later of the 1970s copyright
first, the speculation about a planet, or planets, beyond Neptune has been
going since the middle of the 19th century. Calculations concerning
the orbit of Neptune suggested to some that there was another object out there
influencing the orbit of Neptune with its gravity. This sparked a search for it
which lead to the discovery of Pluto in 1930.
we learn is that in 1909, Thomas Jefferson Jackson, who was a respected
astronomer who also seemed to annoy his colleagues, said that there was
certainly one object beyond Neptune, most likely two and possibly three. That
would, of course, be Pluto, and the two that Meier talked about. Jackson, then,
with his prediction, beat Meier by about 70 years.
1911, Venkatesh P. Ketakar, an Indian astronomer, suggested that there were two
transneptune objects. He named them Brahma and Vishnu. Although his prediction about
one of those planets which seems to have been Pluto was close to right, he
didn’t explain how he had made his calculations. For our purpose, it is only
import that we know that he was talking about this some 68 years before Meier
entered the arena.
1972, Joseph Brady at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggested a
Jupiter sized planet out beyond Neptune, and given his prediction that it was
59 AU (astronomical unit that is about 93 million miles long), that puts it out
beyond Pluto as well.
we see in these few examples, is that others, long before Meier told Stevens
about what he had been told by the Pleiadians, talked of planets beyond Pluto,
and even gave the number as two. So, there isn’t anything new and different in
the information supplied to Stevens by Meier or to Meier by the Pleiadians.
for fun, let’s look at the accuracy of the prediction, and we’ll ignore the
distinction between planets and dwarf planets because it does not come into
play here. Meier said that there were two planets beyond Pluto. This, of
course, is inaccurate. Beyond Pluto, at the latest count are nine (though it is
difficult to be sure how many have been accepted as dwarf planets and
how many are still undergoing research). Of those, seven have names but the IAU
recognizes only three beyond Pluto as dwarf planets. Given this, it seems that
Meier’s prediction was in error because no matter how you slice it, there are,
at least three.
Makemake with its satellite, far out in the Kuiper Belt. |
note that Stevens wrote, according to Meier, that both these objects were
smaller than Pluto. One of them Makemake, is about the size of Pluto and since the
difference is only about 60 kilometers, with a margin of error that means Pluto
could be smaller than Makemake. All the others are smaller than Pluto.
where we can really run off the rails, with Pluto reduced to a dwarf planet,
there are now eight known planets in the Solar System. Astronomers are now
suggesting that there are again nine planets and possibly ten, based on their
calculations. One of those planets is about the size of Earth and the other ten
times as large. If this is true and can be proven by astronomers, it completely
wipes out the Meier prediction. They are both larger than Pluto, and are out in
the Kuiper Belt far beyond Pluto with those other, dwarf planets.
matter how you look at it, Meier’s prediction about the far reaches of the
Solar System and the planets beyond Pluto have been shown to be false. You can
reduce the argument to semantics, but that won’t alter the facts. Meier said
there were two planets beyond Pluto, but that speculation had been in play for
70 years before his prediction. We now have three that are recognized and
another six that have been found. He said they were smaller than Pluto and you
can argue that he was correct, but only by a few kilometers and we can do that only
by ignoring the possibility of those two large planets being talked about in
the world today. There was nothing that he claimed that was accurate or
particularly insightful about this, given the state of astronomy in the late
1970s… in other words, he could have picked up on the discussions about the
transneptune objects from terrestrial scientists and from some very old
astronomy papers. This information did not require contact with alien beings,
only a knowledge of the search for planets in the Solar System in the early 20th
century. His predictions about this fail.
Didn't Jonathan Swift predict, in Gulliver's Travels, the two moons of Mars long before they were actually discovered in 1877? Swift even wrote a bit about their motion, which was close to being correct. However, he may have used Kepler's laws of planetary motion which were known at the time. Still, the prediction was a pretty good guess.
Your comments match what Stuart Robbins of the Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast found when he looked into Meiers claims about the Asteroid Apophis and claims that were allegedly made about Jupiter and Saturn prior to the Pioneer/Voyager flybys, namely that it would appear that either Meier or his champions are indulging in retrodiction, that is to say making a claim after the fact that is presented as being made before the fact or is simply so broadly stated that it can be linked to a specific event after the fact.
For anyone who is interested here are links to the show notes for episode 49 (Which covers the Asteroid Apophis claims:
And to episode 90 which covers the Jupiter/Saturn claims:
The Meier new planet 'predictions' remind me of Bob Lazars Un-Un-Unobtainium (Element 115) story. Both should have known the truth will out eventually. That's a problem for hucksters. Folks get tired of unprovable claims, so they're tempted to make claims that can be disproven.
Have the Meierians given up on you, or are they deluging you with 'explanations'?
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albert -
Not so much as the ever changing explanation as it is the personal attacks. I have yet to figure out how calling me names advances their agenda. Nor do I know how much information we have to present about failed predictions and faked photographs before they begin to wonder about some of these things.
Personal attacks are the last resort of the the hucksters, the debunkers, and the propagandists.
Those 'in the know' will never concede, but some of the rank and file may have doubts. The Meierians are a trivial and relatively harmless group, but it's natural to wonder whether their leaders -actually believe- the gospel they preach. If not, then they're con artists, if so, then they have mental health issues.
To paraphrase a Prophet who walked the Earth centuries ago, 'Watch what they do, not what they say'.
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And what about the value of PI, from which Billy Meier says it is false ?
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