years, decades really, there has been this idea that Project Moon Dust began
with the creation of the 4602nd Air Intelligence Squadron (AISS) in
early 1953. Ed Ruppelt, one time chief of Project Blue Book, had complained to
his superiors after the massive UFO sighting wave of the summer 1952, that he
needed help in the investigations. He was surprised when it was suggested, and
later put into an Air Force regulation, that the investigation of UFO sightings
would be accomplished by the 4602nd.
you go back and read what Ruppelt wrote, and if you look at the unit history of
the 4602nd along with an examination of the Project Blue Book
administrative files, you’ll see what was going on. The 4602nd was
created at the time of the Korean War and during the Cold War in which
military, governmental and strategic planners were worried about an aerial
assault on the continental United States. This means, naturally, they worried
about a Soviet bombing campaign which would see bombers shot out of the sky and
Soviet airmen trying to escape and evade inside the US borders.
thought was they needed trained teams who could search for these downed
crewmen, who had lots of skills that normal service members didn’t need such as
riding horses, Russian language skills, the ability to question civilians who
might have seen something in the
Wright-Patterson AFB, home of Project Blue Book. Photo courtesy USAF. |
sky, and other similar skills. The 4602nd
was designed with this in mind and to gain experience in interrogating civilian
witnesses, they would be investigating UFO sightings. This put them in contact
with untrained, sometimes uneducated, and often nervous civilians who had seen
something strange. They would become experienced investigators.
written dictated this and it was, in fact, implemented. Going through the Blue
Book files, there are sighting reports that were written by members of the 4602nd
about their investigations of UFO sightings. There is correspondence from the
commanders of the 4602nd to ATIC and other offices about UFOs. There
is no dispute that this happened, and it interesting if only because it wasn’t
until much later that this connection was made.
that does not give us the date of the beginning of Moon Dust. Others, and me
among them, have suggested it and run with that idea that the 4602nd
was the beginning of Moon Dust. It seemed to be a logical conclusion, but it
wasn’t actually supported by the documentation.
idea was reinforced when New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman, working with Cliff
Stone of Roswell, requested information about Project Moon Dust from the Air
Force. Lieutenant Colonel John E. Madison, of the Congressional Inquiry
Division, Office of Legislative Liaison wrote, “There is no agency, nor has
there ever been, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, which would deal with UFOs or have
any information about the incident in Roswell. In addition, there is no Project
Moon Dust or Operation Blue Fly.”
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, first by Robert Todd, later by
Stone, and also by me, proved the statement to be untrue. I found, in the
Project Blue Book files four cases that had been marked as “Moon Dust.”
Clearly, the project existed.
that documentation was presented to the Air Force, they changed their response.
Colonel George M. Mattingley, Jr., wrote that they wanted to amend their
response, suggesting that Moon Dust did exist. Mattingley wrote:
1953, during the Korean War, the Air Defense Command organized intelligence
teams to deploy, recover, or exploit at the scene of downed enemy personnel,
equipment, and aircraft. The unit with responsibility for maintaining these
teams was located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. As the occasion never arose to use
these air defense teams, the mission was assigned to Headquarters, United States
Air Force in 1957 and expanded to include the following peace-time functions:
a) Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs); b) Project MOON DUST; to recover objects
and debris from space vehicles that had survived re-entry from space to earth;
c) Operation BLUE FLY, to expeditiously retrieve downed Soviet Bloc equipment.
seems to suggest that the beginning of Moon Dust was in 1953, but what it
actually tells us, which we already knew, was that it was the beginning of the
4602nd, which is not the same as Moon Dust. I have been unable to
find a single reference to Moon Dust in the 4602nd unit history
which was classified as secret when it was written. That means there would be
no prohibition to mentioning Moon Dust in the context of the unit history
because it was classified.
in fact, gives us the information about the creation of the 4602nd
and what its mission was in 1953. It wasn’t created in response to the UFO
sightings of 1952, but as an outgrowth of the conflict in Korea and the
escalating cold war. The UFO mission was secondary, thought of as a way to
train their personnel.
there is additional information. As I was researching another aspect of the UFO
field, I found another document that provides a clue about the beginning of
Moon Dust. A document from Headquarters, US Air Force, Message #54322 and dated
December 23, 1957, discussed a new project, obviously developed after the
launch of the Soviet satellite in October, 1957, that had a mission “to collect
and analyze raw intelligence reports from the field on fallen space debris and
objects of unknown origin.”
is the earliest reference that I have found to Moon Dust. We also know that it
had a UFO component based on other documents that define several terms
including UFO and that there are reports in the Blue Book file that refer to
Moon Dust.
also that Mattingley mentions that the mission was given to Headquarters, USAF
in 1957, which corresponds with the launch of Sputnik, and the message issued
by that Headquarters in 1957. The creation of the 4602nd, then, was
not the beginning of Moon Dust.
upshot of all this is that Moon Dust did not begin in 1953, but late in 1957.
It was in operation until 1985, and contrary to Mattingley’s claim, it was
deployed and was not shut down. When the name was compromised in 1985, the code
name was changed. In a letter to Robert Todd, dated July 1, 1987, he was told
the “nickname Project Moon Dust no longer exists.” The new name was not
releasable because even the code name was classified.
the years that followed, we have not been able to learn the new name, and we
don’t know if it is still in operation today. All I can say for certain is that
we know, based on other information, that the Pentagon did engage in UFO
research not all that long ago and though they say that project ended, we don’t
know if that is true. After all, they told us that Project Sign, the first
official UFO project had ended, but the name was merely changed to Grudge. We
were told that Grudge had ended, but the name was changed to Blue Book. We were
told that Blue Book had ended, but we know that Project Moon Dust survived the
end of Blue Book and was still in operation in 1987 when the name was changed.
we really see here, and what we can document, is a long history of Air Force
investigation of UFOs, Air Force saying one thing and doing another, and that
UFO investigation continued beyond the end of Blue Book, and that other studies
of UFOs have been conducted into the 21st century. What this tells
us that there are many aspects of the UFO problem that have not been revealed
to us and that there are still secrets being kept.