Monday, July 29, 2024

Kevin Day, David Marler and Flying Solo


I recently had an interesting discussion with Kevin Day, he of the Nimitz UAP sighting. And yes, I used the term UAP here because that is how the Navy and the government have been labeling these sightings. Although it seems the Navy has attempted to explain the sightings as some sort of technological glitch in the new systems, Day said that there were visual sightings that underscored the anomalous nature of those encounters. These visual sightings were made at the same locations and at the same time as the sensor and radar returns.

He mentioned Sailor’s Anthology, his collections of stories about the Nimitz events as a way of putting the information on the record.  He filed them in the Library of Congress. He had fictionalized it somewhat, changing the names to protect those who were still on active duty. Now that is all part of the public record and Day provided a link to his book, Sailor’s Anthology which you can read here:

 Sailors Anthology Book I by Kevin Day - Issuu 

Interestingly, he began the discussion with some comments about the USS Vincennes, which was responsible for shooting down an Iranian passenger jet many years ago. Day said that he was in the CIC on the Vincennes at the time. He was understandable horrified by that event.

He then described what had happened with the Nimitz, emphasizing that no only the sensors and radars on his ship showed the objects, but others on other ships reported the same thing. He said that the next day, two men, in civilian clothes boarded the ship and removed all the data that had been collected. For those interested, you can listen to that interview here:

And for those who have a more visual outlook on life, you can watch the interview here:

Let me add a note of caution. In the last segment, Day seemed to delve into the political arena. I try to avoid political discussions because they can turn nasty in a heartbeat and political discussion is not part of this blog. However, his statements aren’t an endorsement of a specific candidate, but commentary on what his research using a computer-based analysis revealed. In that context, it isn’t so much a political commentary but an unbiased look at what the data showed.

However, any political commentary will not be posted to the comments section here. In the world today, it is nice to get away from the politics.

The updated face of the Roswell UFO Museum.

Last week, given the circumstances, and because it is an easier show to do, I flew solo, meaning there was no guest. I talked about a variety of topics including the recent Roswell Festival, some of the older cases that deserve our attention, the current state of Ufology, the attempted theft of the material recovered at the Debris Field and finally, a few thoughts on where we should go now. You can listen to that discussion here:

And for those who can stand not only listening to me but watching me at the same time, you can watch the discussion here:

Before the Roswell Festival, I had a chance to interview David Marler about his activities and the creation of the National UFO Historical Records Center. This massive project is an attempt to digitize the history of UFO research so that those with an interest in the topic will be able to search those records from their homes. This should radically alter UFO research, and create an archive for that UFO research.

David Marler

The latest acquisition was the records from APRO, one of the prime UFO organizations from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and into the 1980s. The story of that acquisition and some of the fascinating cases were discussed. You can listen to that interview here:

And, as always, there is a video version which you can watch here:

As I often say, if there is a topic you’d like me to explore, or an interview you’d like to see, let me know in the comments.

I should also mention that I have written several books that cover some of these topics in detail. Of course, Roswell in the 21st Century provides a good basic history of the case, while Understanding Roswell tells the story from a different perspective. Levelland analyzes those sightings, 1973 details the sightings of that year that led to the abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker and Encounter in the Desert explores the Lonnie Zamora sighting in Socorro, New Mexico. You can find those books and more on Amazon. And be sure to check out the Eric Helm books have nothing to do with UFOs but are books that I have written in the action/adventure arena.


George Kanakaris said...

Interesting conversation, but his explanation of 'intention' was still difficult to follow.

William G. Pullin said...

Thank you Kevin.