Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Whistleblowers, Crash Retrievals and Me


I have to tell you that I find all this hysteria and awe over the revelations of the alleged whistleblower and some of his compatriots in all this talk of UFO crash retrievals to be somewhat funny. I have watched videos of alleged reporters listening to the uncorroborated tales of spaceship crashes and the retrieval of the alien flight crew and exclaim they have chills up and down their spines because of what they are hearing. It is as if none of this has been said before.

So, what is the difference here?

These latest tales are supposedly wrapped in the cloak of whistleblower testimony to members of Congress. Of course, that’s not new either. There have been meetings between witnesses to the strange events and Congress in the past. Jesse Marcel, Jr., who actually handled bits of the debris recovered by his father on that ranch northwest of Roswell in 1947 was invited to the hill. Get that? It was not some guy who had heard stories, but the actual witness himself, telling these Congressional representatives what he had seen himself.

Don Schmitt and I talked with Jesse Marcel, Jr. on several cases. We heard him describe the material that he had handled. We heard about the strange symbols he had seen on some of it. And we heard about the strength of some of that debris.

We talked with Bill Brazel, the son of the man who reported the crash to the authorities in Roswell. He told us of material that mimicked fiber optics long before fiber optics existed. He talked of material that was as light as balsa and that he couldn’t even get a sliver with a pocket knife that he was to cut barbed wire. And he told us of a foil that, when wadded into a ball, it would return to its original shape.

Bill Brazel, who handled some of the
metallic debris.

Get it? We were talking with the people who handled the material and we were naming names. And, we have it all on audio, and in some cases, videotape. And we have affidavits signed by those witnesses attesting to the validity of what they said.

As for the tales of alien flight crew recovered, one of the new crop of journalists, or story tellers, said that in his reporting he had left out some of that information because it was too sensational. Thirty years ago, Don Schmitt and I not only reported on the retrieval of the alien flight crews, we named names. We had testimony from officers who had served with the 509th Bomb Group in Roswell talk of alien bodies.

Of course, Jesse Marcel, Sr., the air intelligence officer of the 509th, was the first to talk of the retrieval. He started the ball rolling. I talked with the base Provost Marshal, Edwin Easley, who retired as a colonel, who told me that he had been sworn to secrecy about what had happened. But who also told me when I asked if we were following the right path, meaning we thought it was extraterrestrial, he said, “Well, it’s not the wrong path.”

Major Jesse Marcel, Sr.

Both Don Schmitt and I talked to Brigadier Arthur Exon, one time the base commander at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. He confirmed for us that it was the crash of an alien craft and that bodies were recovered. Although he had not seen the bodies himself, those he knew and trusted at Wright Patterson said there had been bodies. Here was an Air Force brigadier general confirming the Roswell crash… And did I mention that he had flown over the two crash sites, which, of course was first hand testimony.

Brigadier General Arthur Exon

And for those who believe that a weather balloon and rawin radar reflector was the cause all the hoopla in Roswell, Colonel Thomas DuBose (later brigadier general) told us that the material in the pictures was not the material recovered at Roswell. He was there, in Fort Worth, when the pictures were taken, and was even on one of them.

Colonel Thomas DuBose with BG Raney
with the weather balloon.

Let’s not forget the story told by the late Senator Barry Goldwater, a brigadier general in the Reserve. He had asked his pal, General Curtis LeMay about the so-called Blue Room at Wright-Patterson AFB. This was an area that was claimed to house alien artifacts, and maybe even alien bodies. LeMay’s response wasn’t to laugh at Goldwater, but to deny him permission to enter and that if he ever asked again, he, Goldwater would be court martialed. I don’t how LeMay would have done that because the publicity would reveal the secret. Goldwater confirmed the story on several occasions.

Of course, I can go on. I spoke to a brigadier general, in the Pentagon. Yes, he was in the Pentagon and so were Don Schmitt and me. Of course, we weren’t very deep inside the building and the discussion didn’t last very long, but he did tell us that he couldn’t get at the Roswell files but did confirm they exist. How is this information any different that the uncorroborated tales told by the new whistleblowers?

As an Air Force intelligence officer, and later as an Army intelligence officer, those who knew me, knew of my interest in UFOs. They would tell me things that they heard. One of the wildest stories, one that I just didn’t report on because, like what we have today, I can’t validate it. I know of no reason the man would invent the tale and he told me merely because he believed I wouldn’t ridicule his story.

Although he wouldn’t give me a location or an exact date, he said that he had been on TDY because he held an undergraduate degree in biology, and while there were other officers who had the same training, they simply didn’t have the same level of security clearances and sometimes that is the limiting factor. There were other officers with better training but they couldn’t get the necessary clearances in the necessary time frame.

He had been flown to the famous undisclosed location, had gone through a rigorous decontamination process to ensure that he wouldn’t be carrying any, and he used the term, human genetic material, into the clean room. He was suited up, and while guards stood outside, he entered that sterile environment. He had thirty minutes to examine the specimen. Again, that was his word.

The being was humanoid, but clearly not human. He didn’t supply much in the way of a description. Ironically, he did say that the skin had a greenish tint. The being wasn’t exactly green and my source wasn’t sure if the color was the result of decomposition or the attempts to preserve the unique biological sample, which, given this was the military he called a UBS.

He couldn’t tell much about it and realized that he was out of his depth. True, he had the degree in biology, again, this was a unique sample. His examination was superficial. He said that the head was light-bulb shaped, the eyes were small and he wondered if they came from a world with bright sunlight. The being was five to five-five. The hands contained six fingers that were long and thin and looked almost like tiny tentacles.

At that point, I think he realized that he was telling me more than he should have. He grinned and just asked, “What do you think?”

I had heard several similar stories, meaning tales of alien bodies including one in which the man, a retired officer, told me about meeting with a living alien creature. I’m not sure if they creature had been found near Roswell or was from some other event. He also mentioned that he had been sent to Roswell in the very early 1950s to go through the records at the base to remove and destroy any that hinted of the unusual events of July 1947.

There isn’t a lot of consistency in these sorts of tales. I just stuffed them and search for some sort of confirmation, which, of course, I have not found. Just a tales told as we discussed lots of other things. Just stories dropped into conversation every now and then.

So, what do you do with all this? Well, I forgot about it until we started to hear more about whistleblowers and tales of alien crash retrievals and dead alien pilots they tell today. There is no real substance to these stories. They are just tales told by one officer to another or hinted at in other discussions. In that first case, both of us had, at the time, top-secret clearances and even though I am interested in UFOs, there was a hint that the story shouldn’t be repeated.

And that’s where we are today. A couple of guys, identified as whistleblowers, hinting at such stories, as if this is something new. They provide nothing to be checked but promise more. At least Don Schmitt, Tom Carey and I, when reporting these tales, provide names, dates, locations and often have taped backup, which can be supplied to prove that we aren’t inventing the tales.

So, if you wish to read about crash retrievals, (a term created by the late Len Stringfield decades ago), take a look at what we have learned, from some highly placed sources who we identify… and if you wonder why the Air Force, during their investigation in 1995 ignored some of the information and recordings supplied by named, high-ranking officers that we offered to them, I believe the answer is obvious. The Air Force didn’t want to call retired, high-ranking officers liars.


RedTornado2008 said...

Thank you for keeping this down to Earth so to speak. While I'm interested in what has been going on with the whistleblower and other stories, I also try to tell others nothing was witnessed by the man himself. There are a few interesting interviews with Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL) where he claims to have spoken with people who actually have seen things first hand.

BTW, Don Schmitt was on a newscast talking about finding the second crash site near Roswell. I tried to find other information on the interweb but have been unable to do so. I was wondering if you have spoken to Mr Schmitt on this and what your thoughts are on the matter.

Thanks, L Baker.

James Clarkson said...

A superb reminder that we, the people who are sincerely committed to learning the truth about the UFO Mystery, have a lengthy,detailed, rich history - most especially when it comes to people who decided to speak out before they passed on.
We got to hear Frankie Rowe's story about 3 weeks before she passed away in 2017. I spent the better part of an hour having coffee with Glenn Dennis behind closed doors. And, of course, there was my friend, June Crain.There are so many more.
It is time for the lies to end.

TheDimov said...

Yep, you guys were screaming at the hilltops, when no-one was listening, and now that the media has suddenly decided hey! UFO's (Oops! UAPs) are real, its all cool now and real, no big deal.

It amazes me how much control mainstream media has with people, for many it is almost their religion, people don't think enough for themselves.

edward said...

Six Fingers? Six fingers? Do you remember another six fingered alien?
You need to reexamine your assumptions. You will never have an understanding of Roswell
until you understand what the Alien Autopsy is all about. Then everything will fall into place. And it's more troubling than we thought. Ask bluejay if you don't believe me.

Lemurian said...

Bill Brazel said to Frank Joyce that the little Men ´re not green. That means Brazel saw the little UFO People?!

Bob Koford said...

There is one subtle difference between your info and now, as well. That is that there was a period of time when you were verbally expressing huge doubts about your own investigation. Plus, unlike Ross C., you didnt have an up and coming news network to help beat the drum. Just some thoughts, anyway. I appreciate all your past efforts.

Paul Young said...

When Lazar told of his account, everyone seemed to go into over-drive in order to discredit his story, his education, his character, etc.
David Grush, on the other hand, seems to be getting practically a free pass on his tale.

I'm not too sure what to make of it all (it's way too early for that) but my initial thoughts on the different reaction to the two is that Lazar was blurting out something of high importance and sensitivity...and Grush, isn't.

Paul Young said...

James Clarkson..."It is time for the lies to end."

A good start would have been to ignore everything Glenn Dennis said to you. I think even the most rabid ETH believers (like myself) gave up on Dennis a long time ago.

RWE said...

I just keep looking at this Whistleblower stuff and thinking,

"What is he saying that is new and different from what Bob Lazar said over 30 years ago?"

And Lazar gave a lot more detail.