Thursday, August 22, 2024

Strange Creature Videoed in West Virginia

I often come across reports that I find interesting, many of them from UFO researchers I respect, but do not have the time to investigate as thoroughly as I would like. Such is the following.

Stan Gordon reported on his website, “Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone” that he had received an email from a family in West Virginia, telling of a strange encounter a few weeks earlier, on July 31. According to that, the witness, a minor, reported, in great detail, that he had seen two short, odd looking, “snowy white” humanoid beings. The child said that other children were there as well and all watched the “snowy white” beings running around in the distance.

Ron Lanham of the “Wild & Weird West Virginia” research group investigated the incident. Lanham provided a little more detail about the humanoids. The witnesses said that they looked like skeleton babies. There is a video of the creatures available on Stan Gordon’s website and additional information about the research conducted by Lanham. He interviewed the witnesses. And he provides precise details on the investigation of that video.

You can find this on Gordon’s website. The title there is “Was a Small Mysterious Humanoid Creature Photographed in West Virginia.” The precise address is:

As I say, I have not investigated the case and am relying on both Gordon and Lanham. But there is video and Lanham provides an analysis of it. Any thoughts on what was videoed would be appreciated. 

1 comment:

Louis Nicholson said...

Thanks for posting this. I have to check Gordon's website out and watch the video. On a separate note, (and I apologize for asking this), are you planning on interviewing Lue Elizondo on your Rumble channel or reviewing his just-released book? I'm kinda on the fence about him and his claims and would like your take on him.